1. Were you surprised to find out who Charlie’s bully was? Who did you think it was?
2. Are there any situations where you might have sympathy for a bully? Are there any reasons or excuses you think explain bullying behavior? How common do you think it is for a kid to be bullied by a sibling, or a friend of a sibling? Did that ever happen to you when you were a kid?
3. When trying to figure out what appeals to Victoria about Aidan, Lily speculates: “. . . perhaps she feels Aidan can take the place of Dad as a man who is devoted in whole to her best interests.” Did you think Aidan would turn out to be someone Victoria could rely on? How did you feel about Aidan as the story progressed?
4. Did you think Jeremy’s anxiety about Charlie was justified? Was it helpful or hurtful to Charlie that his father spent so much time and energy worrying about him?
5. When Lily realized that perhaps Kate felt scared by Jeremy’s behavior, what was your reaction? Would you have felt scared in the same situation? What would you have done differently, if you were Kate?
6. Were you surprised that Charlie wanted to go live with his father after bonding with Mark? Would either man be a good role model for Charlie? Do you think Charlie and Jeremy will get along when they live together?
7. Were you surprised that Charlie chose Gretel to live with him and his dad? Is it symbolic of Charlie putting his childhood aside and accepting the changes happening in his family? Could you see Charlie begin to take on the role of “parenting” his father if Jeremy has problems in the future?
8. Do you think Jeremy is truly on the road to recovery, and will pull his life together? Why or why not? What about Mark? Does he seem to be coping with his loss?
9. Lily at first just sees Mark as a distraction for Kate, but over time, Lily begins to love him. What about Mark do you think appeals to Kate and Lily? Is it just that he is emotionally open, whereas some of the Anderson family members close themselves off when they are unhappy or stressed? Do you think Mark and Kate will stay together in the long run? Why or why not?
10. In the end, Lily and Mark have each lost a loved one (Charlie has moved out, and Mark is still grieving the loss of his baby). Lily and Mark seem to have found solace in each other. Do you know anyone who has found companionship in a pet after losing a loved one?
11. Have you ever had a big dog that your family depended on for protection? If a dog injures someone, do you think it’s safe to keep the dog? How did you feel about the kids not telling the adults about the incident with Gretel and Kevin?