Chapter 14
The Kissing Problem
Now, when Aidan comes over after school, there is less talking and more kissing.
Aidan and Victoria sit side by side in the middle of the living room couch, glued together at the mouth for long stretches of time. Not much else happens. They hardly change positions or move their hands, other than Aidan reaching up to twirl a strand of Victoria’s hair in his fingers. It seems terribly boring to me.
At least they are quiet. And Aidan is too busy to cause any trouble.
I expected this development to go over well with the boys. After all, Aidan is less focused on Kevin and Charlie than ever before. He has no time, energy, or incentive to bother them. He has found something much more interesting to do! And he has Victoria’s undivided attention.
But on the contrary, Kevin isn’t happy. Although mating is a natural part of life, he seems to find their behavior disgusting. When he has to pass by the front room, he holds his hands out in front of him like he cannot stand the sight.
“Please. STOP. So gross. I shouldn’t have to watch that.”
Victoria lazily turns her head. “What?”
“Can’t you do that somewhere else?” he begs.
“We’re not allowed upstairs, dude,” Aidan offers.
“Go outside to the deck, can’t you?” Kevin sulks and walks away.
“It’s more comfortable here.” Victoria shrugs, and puts her head down on Aidan’s shoulder, her arms around him.
When Charlie witnesses the same behavior, he makes noises like he’s gagging, hand at his throat. At first, I think he is actually getting sick or choking, and hurry to his side. But then I realize he is just voicing his displeasure.
Victoria doesn’t argue with Charlie. She just laughs. “Sorry, buddy,” she calls out after him as he leaves the room.
Poor Charlie. He doesn’t have Kevin’s size or strength, so he doesn’t say anything in front of Aidan. But he is uncomfortable with this development too. He goes upstairs to his room and when I get to the top of the stairs, I see he has closed the door so I cannot go and comfort him.
He has shut me out! My goodness! This has never happened before.
I can see that the boys are right. It is wrong to assume that just because the fox is not causing trouble right now that it is okay for him to be in our house. It’s time to put a plan into action and do something to try and help Victoria see the real Aidan. But what?
After a few days of stewing, I get myself worked up. I’ve had enough.
I want to be a hero. Just like Dad and Gretel “fight bad guys,” I want to scare off a bad guy.
I cannot allow myself to forget about what I’ve seen in Aidan. The theft. The underhanded comments. The potential for more serious crimes. He might turn on Victoria one day, and break her heart.
This isn’t acceptable.
So one afternoon I wait under a chair in the living room. When Victoria goes to the kitchen to get a snack and Aidan stands up to stretch, I sneak quietly over to the couch and position myself on the rug very close to his feet.
I wait for my chance. Watching. Nose twitching in anticipation.
As soon as Victoria turns the corner, I meow! and jump. Then I turn toward Aidan and hiss! as viciously as I can, pawing and scratching the air.
“Whoa. Whoa. Whoa.” Victoria almost drops the glasses of water she’s carrying. “What the hell?”
Aidan has moved several feet away from me. His eyes open wide. “You’re asking me? Your psycho cat just flipped out.”
“Did you step on her tail?” Victoria snaps at him. She has a hot temper, like Dad. She goes from calm to furious in a quick moment.
“No. Definitely no.” Aidan glares at me, angry. “I didn’t even move. I swear. Vic. Your cat is insane.”
I hiss! again, crouching and forcing my fur to stand on end for effect.
Aidan’s eyes open wider. He is confused.
Rowr! I accuse.
He points at me. “She’s a mouthy little bitch.”
What? What did he just say? I know human curse words when I hear them!
Victoria’s head tips to the side. “Did you kick her? Did you throw her off the couch?”
“No. And NO. C’mon, why would I do that?” He is quickly getting worked up. I can hear it in his voice. “I didn’t do a goddamn thing.”
Victoria glares at him, and doesn’t offer him the water. “What kind of person hurts an innocent animal?”
Aidan’s mouth drops open in shock. “What? What are you talking about? Oh my God. I promise you. Seriously. I did not do anything. Either on purpose or by accident.”
“Sure you didn’t. Then why is she so mad?” Victoria shakes her head in disappointment. Putting the water down on the little table, she turns to me. “What’s the matter, Lily? Are you okay?”
I come out of my defensive stance and walk toward her. Victoria reaches down to pet my head, then picks me up and holds me to her chest. She murmurs reassurance into my ear.
Over her shoulder I give Aidan a look. Ha ha. He thinks he is the clever one? We’ll see about that. He scowls back at me.
I have outwitted a fox before. When that red fox chased me in the marsh, I ducked under a fence and ran for cover under the deck of our house. I’m sure I can beat Aidan in any game he wants to play.
I intend to expose him for all he’s worth. Once Victoria sees that Aidan is capable of hurting me, she’ll soon realize that it’s possible he’s doing the same to Charlie.