She hesitated at the head of the basement stairs, holding tightly to the jar and its restless contents. Although there was no longer anything to fear, she rarely went down there. She supposed anyone would have an aversion to visiting a place where they nearly lost their life, but still she scolded herself for her own hesitation.
She reached out into the darkness, searching for the light switch, and almost convinced that something foul and slimy was going to grab her fumbling hand and hurl her down the splintery wooden stairs. She found the switch and flicked it on; the sense of trepidation lessened, but still lingered.
Something rough and weighty bumped her leg. A ragged, guttural grunting sound filled her ears. Caught off guard, Deegie nearly screamed until she realized the source. “Tiger!” She laughed and ran a hand down her unseen guardian’s fur. “Where have you been? You startled me!” It had been several days since Tiger Spirit had paid her a visit, but he always seemed to know when she was feeling even the slightest bit fearful or apprehensive. Tiger followed her down the stairs, huffing and grunting.
At the far end of the basement was a heavy wooden table that had probably been there since before Deegie was born. The jar containing the ghost she’d captured in her shop sat in the middle. The entity inside stirred sluggishly. Deegie set the second jar, now equally languid, next to it. She heard deep, intent sniffing sounds; Tiger was inspecting the jars.
“Everything okay, Tiger?” She stepped back, letting him investigate.
Tiger did not react as he usually did when he sensed danger: there were no warning growls, and he did not try to herd her back up the stairs. The jarred ghosts were apparently benign; he might as well have been sniffing a box of rocks. He materialized for just a few seconds, giving Deegie a glimpse of his magnificent orange and black stripes, licked her hand with a tongue that felt like wet sandpaper, then slipped back into the Spirit World.
Deegie felt a pang of loss, as she always did when Tiger left, but she knew he would return to her side whenever she needed him. She returned her attention to the two captive ghosts. They seemed resigned to their fate now. She could still see them, miniaturized and sullen, and they glared back at her with glittering, rodent-like eyes. Satisfied that her spectral prisoners were securely locked down for the night, Deegie returned to her living quarters.