The Magic of Lavender
Lavender is mentioned quite a bit in The Complicated Life of Deegie Tibbs, and with good reason. Lavender has been used for thousands of years. Either in the form of essential oil, or as the fresh or dried flowers, lavender is the Swiss Army knife of the herbal kingdom—it has a multitude of uses! It is one of the few essential oils that can be used undiluted on the skin, and it is probably the best-loved and most widely used in aromatherapy. Listed below are just a few of its many uses.
• Sunburn Relief: Mix a few drops of lavender essential oil with a tablespoon of unscented lotion and apply gently to sunburned skin to help soothe the sting and itch.
• Bug Bites: Apply a drop of undiluted lavender oil to the bite to take the pain and itch from mosquito bites.
• Skin Care: Use a Q-tip to dab some lavender oil on pimples and skin rashes. It has antibacterial properties and can help to prevent infection.
• Headaches: Massage a few drops of lavender oil into your temples to help lessen the pain of headaches. You can also wet a washcloth with cold water and a few drops of lavender oil for a cold compress to place on your forehead or the back of your neck.
• Sleep Aid: Place a generous handful of dried lavender buds in the toe of an old nylon stocking, tie it closed, and cut off the excess. Use it as a sachet to place near your pillow so you can inhale the soothing, sleep-inducing aroma. You can also put a few drops of lavender essential oil on an old handkerchief and tuck it into your pillowcase.
Herb-and-Spice-Infused Honey
In Seven Deadly Ghosts, Flower Littlewolf prepares jars of herb-infused honey for Deegie and Zach’s wedding reception. This is a fun and easy project you can do at home, and it would be a great activity for kids, or for a school project.
What You Will Need
• Honey of your choice (note: a light honey, such as clover or orange blossom, will allow more of the herb flavor to come through).
• Dried herbs and spices of your choice, such as rosemary, cinnamon, cloves, and ginger
• Clean, sterilized jars with lids
How to Prepare
Place your herbs and/or spices in the bottom of a clean, dry jar. Use one or two tablespoons of whole, dried herb/spices per cup of honey. Gently warm the jar or can of honey by placing it in a pot of barely simmering water. Be sure the water does not come to a boil, and let the honey sit for a few minutes. When it is warm to the touch, pour the honey over the jar of herbs and stir to blend. Let it cool, then put the lid on the jar, making sure it’s tight. Let the honey infuse for five to seven days. If the herbs/spices rise to the top, just turn the jar over as necessary. Strain the honey through a mesh strainer before using.
A few words about honey: Although you can use whatever honey you like in this recipe, I suggest using a raw, unfiltered honey. Raw, unfiltered honey contains minerals, amino acids, and live enzymes that help fight disease and can aid in digestion. Processed honey is super-heated and filtered, thus destroying all the health benefits it contains. Also, keep in mind that while natural honey is considered a superfood, it is also a form of sugar and has a high caloric value. Enjoy it in moderation! Important: Honey should never be given to babies under two years of age due to the risk of infant botulism.
Cat Magic
Cats are wonderful, mystical creatures, and have been featured in folklore, myths, legends, and superstitions for many thousands of years. Since Deegie and I are both so fond of cats, I’ve decided to include some cat trivia in this bonus chapter.
Cats in dreams: In the art of dream interpretation, the appearance of cats in a dream can take on many different meanings, depending on what the cat is doing. For instance, dreaming that a cat is attacking you could mean that your enemies might be trying to gain advantages over you. A dream of a lion could mean that you will soon experience a rush of drive and determination towards a specific goal. A dream of a sick cat could indicate bad news on the way, or, if you share your home with cats, a dream like this could be prophetic, and it might be time to take your feline companion(s) for a visit to the vet. Another old belief is that if you hear a cat meowing in your dream, it means that someone will try to present you with an idea that will bring you harm should you choose to pursue it. On the other hand, a lion’s roar in a dream foretells of an advancement in life, career, or romance.
Magical feline lore: An old superstition states that if a cat sneezes on a bride on her wedding day, the marriage will be a happy one, and the couple will have many children. Another says that if you kiss a black cat, you will become fat! Fortunately, kissing a white cat will supposedly make you slender again. A Buddhist superstition claims that having a white cat in the house insures you will have an abundance of silver, whereas a black cat in the house means you will have plenty of gold. Some magically inclined folks suggest that you save your cat’s whiskers when they fall out, then burn one in a candle flame while making a wish. According to Scottish tradition, if you put butter on your cat’s paws, it will prevent her from wandering off.