Welcome to the world of Deegie Tibbs!



Deegie Tibbs is an independent young witch with a lot going on – maybe too much. She has a funky little shop full of magical items, and a tendency to cast crazy spells whenever the mood strikes her (and she’d do it even more if Witch’s Cramp didn’t make her miserable every time she made magic). But when her boyfriend and her traitorous next door neighbor get together, she takes swift revenge (on a suddenly DDD-busted ex and a tiny, green, bulgy-eyed neighbor) and goes off to live in the back of her overcrowded bus, and not for the first time.

So when the strange old house on the other side of town goes on sale, she’s the first one to snatch it up. How could she pass it up? It comes complete with ghosts in the walls, a murderous history, and a basement filled with impossible things, including a jar of human fingers … and its very own demon.

Deegie’s going to need all her magical skills and inspired spell-casting, as well as help from an assortment of slightly mad friends, to satisfy the ghosts and send the demon back to Hell. Add a hint of romance, a pinch of joie de vivre, and you’ve got Deegie’s weird, wonderful world. We’re just lucky to live in it.


Meet Deegie Tibbs – smart, funny, and just a little bit dangerous.


CLICK HERE to learn more about Deegie and her creator C.L. Hernandez