In the darkness

He thinks he sees

A flash of light

1 AM

Ulysses G. Griffith

Of Brothers Implement

Implement seed

And vehicle business

Pulls into hometown

Of Van Meter

In his brand new Model A

Two cylinder engine

Ten speed transmission

With full elliptical leaf springs

At the rear

Mechanical brakes

A flash of light

In the darkness

Coming from the roof

Mather and Gregg’s Building

A light

Like a search beam

Where there has never

Been one before

Gets out of the vehicle

Adjusts his sack coat

Waist coat and trousers

Walks over

Where there has never

Been one before

What is that light?

A burglar?

Looks up

At the brick building


Walks closer

Nose twitches

Foul sulfur odor

A flash of light

Something strange


The light

Floats across the street


That it’s not a burglar

But what is that?


To another rooftop

Opposite side of the street

What is that?

And how?

How in the name of God?

The light dims


To open their eyes

And to turn them

From the darkness

To the light

The town awakes

To hear him

Talk about

The unusual sights

A flash of light

In the darkness

Townspeople confused

An established figure

Community of Van Meter


Has a new venture

With his brother David

Very active

Sits on the Village Council

Member of two local clubs

Maybe he saw the moon

Had he been drinking?

A flash of light

In the darkness

The next night

Local doctor

Dr. Fred Alcott

Keeps a room

For resting

Rear of his office

Prepares for bed

2:27 am

This September night


To a bright light

Shining in his face

What the devil?

A patient?

Bright flash of light

Through the window


A flash of light

In the darkness

Grabs his

Remington Model 4 rifle

Runs outside

To find the source

Air misty

Smell of fallen leaves

Behind the light

A massive form

What in the name of God?


8 feet tall

Half human

Half animal

Can see where the light

Is coming from

Where the light

Is coming from

The center

Of the creature’s forehead

A small blunt horn

Great bat-like wings

Double thick skin membranes

Body covered

In dense fur

Black brown

Can see where the light

Is coming from

The horn, the horn

Terrible rotten egg smell

His eyes sting

I must slay this beast

Raises his rifle




Five shots

No effect

My God! My God!

Stands there

The Doctor

Runs into his office

Locks the doors

And windows

To open their eyes

And to turn them

From the darkness

From the power of Satan

No one in the town


A flash of light

In the darkness

No one believes him

The Doctor’s gone batty

Too much absinthe

A monster in Van Meter?

The next night

October 1st

One AM

Clarence Dunn

Walks alone

Through the quiet

Known to his friends

As Peter

And to turn them

From the darkness

Smokes brand new

Peterson Pipe

Cousin brought him


Half moon

Between passing clouds



By shadow

Graduated high school

Nearby town

Job as cashier

Van Meter State Bank

Owned by the Goar brothers

Puffs his pipe

Working his way up

To manager

Going to stand guard there

In case of these burglars

Has his trusty

Harrington and Richardson single barrel

Twelve gauge shot gun

Packed with buckshot

Nobody’s robbing us

Once at the small brick building

Settles in for long night’s watch


Hears a noise


Garbled gasps for air

Almost speaking

Someone choking?

A flash of light

In the darkness

And to turn them

And to turn them

Then a beam

Falls upon him

Through the front window




Like a search light

Snaps off him

Darts about the room

Gets a look

At the source

A great form

Of some kind

Begins to reveal itself

A great form

Reveals itself

Huge wings

Of skin

And to turn them

From the darkness

Light darts back

On him

Peter screams


Steadies barrel of gun

Towards the thing

Fires point blank

Through the window

Glass shatters

I killed it!

I killed it!

But when he goes outside

It’s gone

No blood


Just shards of glass

And something else

A large footprint

In the mud

A footprint

3 toes

I wasn’t seeing things

3 toes

And I saw an angel come

Down from heaven

Having the key

To the bottomless pit

How art thou falleth

From heaven

How art thou falleth


We’re headed to

My partner Eric and I


Documentary filmmakers

Of the paranormal

History Channel

A & E


Our specialties

Lost cities

Atlantis and Lemuria

Pole shifts

Hollow Earth

Pre-Columbian trans oceanic contact

A film about

Top hauntings in

E-mails and texts

Eric and I

Combing through files

Which places should we go?

Which places?

Haunted by the ghosts

Of young children

Murdered by their mother

A Large and unknown creature



—Another werewolf story

—I’m werewolfed out



Kate Shelly

Crawled across damaged bridge

Near Boone

Fierce storm

To warn oncoming train

That the bridge was out

The bridge was out

Original bridge long gone

But the replacement

Built in 1901

Supposedly home

To her ghost

Phantom trains

Seen and heard

—Not another phantom choo choo

We’re missing a centerpiece Eric

We need a really good story

Suppressed technology


Free energy

Ancient Astronauts


Vimana aircraft of ancient

One hour films about hauntings

Each of the 50 states

Now it’s Iowa’s turn

A lot of stories

About cursed angels in cemeteries

Of all states

Have highest percentage

Of residents

Indifferent to ghost stories

—Why are they so jaded?

—Honey I don’t think a boat

—Will be big enough for all of your cousins

I don’t think that was meant for me

—Oops that was for Lori

—Am multi-tasking

His fiancé

Wants to get married

On a ship

That would sail

Around the

Too small

To accommodate everyone

And to transfer

From a ceremony

To a reception

As smooth and quickly

As they’d hope

—I just want a simple Jewish wedding

—And a great party with good music

—That’s all

—I don’t care about the flowers

—And her relatives I don’t know

—Just want it to be over


Secret societies

The Knights Templar

Time travel


Yeti, Skunk apes


One daughter Julie

Home from school

17 years old


High wasted skinny jeans

Blue crop top

Been pouting

Not eating much

Not doing homework

Stares out the window

Plays with her hair

Keep asking

What’s wrong Julie?

What’s wrong?

Looks down

Shakes her head

We think it’s her boyfriend Nick

Acting strange


Doesn’t know

What’s going on

Been together 9 months

Not telling us much


Men in Black


Shape Shifters


—Hey I found something

—It’s a cool story

Old newspaper clipping

From 1903

Daily News

That Winged Monster

Town of

Badly Wrought Up


And to turn them

And to turn them

A great form

Of some kind

Peter has proof

That the demon exists

Huge wings

Of skin

A great form

Reveals itself

Builds a wall

Around the footprint

With cardboard strip

And paper clip

Hold the track

Two parts plaster of Paris

One part water

Dries quickly

The footprint

A great form

Of some kind

I have proof

I have proof

Of the monster

And to turn them

From the darkness

Night of

October 2nd

Soft winds

Rain from the North


OV White


Second story room

Fisher and White Hardware and Furniture

Jolted awake

Abrupt rasping sound

Outside his window

Loud chocking


Heard the stories

In town

About the mysterious monster

The demon

He held the cast

Of its footprint

3 toes

Like a demon

A great form

Of some kind

A flash of light

In the darkness

I behold Satan

As lightning falls from heaven

To open their eyes

And to turn them

From the darkness

To the light

Grabs his Browning Auto-5

Self-loading shotgun

Louder gurgling sounds


Opens his window

Peers out

Into the darkness and rain



But his eyes adjust

Looks up

A dark figure

Great form

Of some kind


On the cross member

Of the telephone pole

Runs downstairs

Stares up

Thing has wings

A gargoyle

Takes deliberate aim

Slow exhalation

Pulls the trigger


Does not fall to the ground

Does not fall to the ground

Shines its light

On him

Like a headlight

Shot from his rifle

No effect

Only woke it up

Powerful musky

Sulfur odor


Staggers to the ground

Neighbor Sidney Gregg

Heard the shot

Runs to the door

See what commotion

Is about

Sees White

Trying to crawl away

Monster descends

From telephone pole

Using huge beak

For grip


Upon reaching ground

Stands erect

8 feet tall

Lights from its forehead

So bright

Like a search beam

Darts about

Flaps its

Featherless wings

Sound of morning mail train

In the distance

Pulling into town

Starts to run

On all four feet

Direction of old coal mine

Wings extended



Sails up


Mr. Gregg remembers

He has a gun

But it’s too late

Too late

And I saw an angel

Come down from heaven

Having the key

To the bottomless pit

How art thou fallen

From heaven


Son of morning


The librarian

Van Meter Public Library


Pulls out newspaper accounts

Mysterious happenings

In the town

Remains relatively unknown

No operating newspaper

To cover the events

A town of 1000

Rely on nearby publications

Dallas County News

Various Des Moines papers

Original source material

Article by H.H. Phillips

Des Moines Daily News

October 4, 1903

In days following

Two separate articles

Looking to debunk it

Phillips very much exaggerated

Is it a joker or a robber?

Weaving fictitious details

Des Moines Daily Capitol

October 6, 1903

Van Meter Hot Under the Collar

Van Meter

A town of about 900 souls

Lying 20 miles west of Des Moines

Alone enjoys distinction

Of being haunted

Queer noises are heard

Hideous apparitions are seen

Uncanny lights

Very apparent

On the face of

Every sane person

That it is a fabrication

But to the residents

Of the town

Height of foolishness

A botched robbery

Unusual lights

Not unusual to Iowans

Of 1903

Rash of unknown

Airship sightings

Strange ship-like objects

Floating through

The night sky

Waterloo Courier

Extensively covered each one

Twice the size

Of the largest star

Swaying from side

To side

Floating through

The night sky

That it is a fabrication

We ask Mindy the Librarian

If she ever knew this story


Gray hair

Eyebrow rises

Heirloom floral print dress

I do because

Of the newspapers

But most people don’t

The witnesses

Were very prominent citizens

That’s the funny thing

She winks

Floating through

The night sky

We need to find an heir

To the bank clerk

Clarence “Peter” Dunn

That it is a fabrication

He made the cast

Of the footprint

We need to find that cast

We need the footprint

I’ll see if anyone knows

There’s no one by the name

By the name of Dunn now

Walk around the town

Main Street

Doesn’t look much different

Population still at about 1000

Same brick buildings

We find where

Sidney Gregg’s store was

Dr. Alcott’s office

Mather and Gregg’s Building

Now there’s

Casey’s General Store

Heartland Co-op Fertilizer Plant

Century 21 Real Estate

ABC Chimney Sweep

That is was a fabrication

We need the footprint

Floating through

The night sky

Fat Randi’s Bar and Grill

Bacon cheeseburgers and beers

Why would these prominent citizens lie?

What did they see?

What did they see?

—I think it was

—An ultraterrestrial

A being from

Another dimension

Or plane of reality

Can materialize

And then disappear

—That’s what Sasquatch is

—Or where would they eat and shit?


Parallel universes

Multiple dimensions

Maybe it was a pelican?

—With a light from its horn?

Floating through

The night sky

Can materialize

That it is a fabrication

We need to check out the old mine

We need the footprint

Eric texting with Lori

He wants a rock DJ

She wants a live jazz swing band

Rodgers and Hart

Cole Porter

The Great American Songbook

—I want to hear the Stones man


Can’t dance to Zeppelin

No smoke machine

That’s not classy

Escort cards

Green purple carnations



Blue menu cards

Floating across

The night sky

A fabrication

We need the footprint

My cell phone beeps


My daughter Julie

Doesn’t call me much

Certainly not when

I’m in the field

Thinks what I do is weird

And embarrassing

I just say

You make films Daddy

About exotic animals

Daddy! Daddy!

Everything’s good with Nick

He’s taking me camping

For my birthday

A whole group of us going

The Adirondacks

We’re camping

Everything’s good

Everything’s good


He hears sounds

From the mine shaft

Loud screeches

Coal mine at the edge

Of town

Shut down

Few years prior

Functioning tile and brick factory

On the same grounds

The night shift

1 AM

Steady rain

Operations Manager

J.L. Platt Jr.

Hears sounds

From the mine shaft

Not human

Not any animal he knows

Painful screeches

Getting louder

It’s that demon

Peers down

Further into dark borehole

Shaft drops

Hundreds of feet

Many twists and turns

That demon’s down there

A flash of light

In the darkness

The monster

Appears at the entrance

Behind it

Another somewhat

Smaller creature

In the fog

A brilliant light



The factory workers

See them too

What are they?

What are they?

My God!

Horn-like protuberance

Emanating extraordinary light

They’re creatures

From hell

They rise


Sail away

To open their eyes

And to turn them

From the darkness

To the light

The whole town

In an uproar

They’re demons

What have we done?

We’re being punished

What have we done?

They are from hell

We’ve discovered their lair

We need to kill them

He that committed sin

And his angels

Were cast out

With him

Cast out

Men gather in the rain

Brimmed hats

Rain coats



We need every firearm

We need to kill them

They’re demons

They’re demons

I’m praying for all of us

All of the lights

In town turned on

So those left behind

Feel more secure

The lights will frighten them

Pouring rain

Men gather at the mine

Wait for them

Rid the earth of them

When they should return

Wait for them

Four hours


Break of dawn

5:46 am

In the sky

Two dark figures

Living shadow

Giant bats

Fly quietly

Get closer

Land at the mine

Everybody fires







With echoes

The terrible sulfur odor

During the gunfire



Descend into the shaft

Of the old mine


Bullets have no effect

No effect

Barricade the mine

Before nightfall

Go back to hell

Where you came from

Blow up the entrance

Seal them in

Blow up

Child of the devil

For whosoever

Shall call

Upon the name of the Lord

Shall be saved

Shall be saved


We’re at the site

Of the old mine

Mindy the Librarian

Hooked us up

With Steadman family

Current owners of the land

Secure personal tour

Of the old tile factory

And mine grounds

At gate

John Steadman

Accompanied by his son

And grandson


Gray hair

Leather skin

Very straightforward

Horses grazing

Mine filled in

Decades ago

Can barely

See the entrance

Covered in earth

And just some remaining bricks

Of the old factory

Some people claim

They hear phantom sounds

Machines rumble

Screeching sounds


The grandson Jesse

—You the guys looking

—For the giant bat?

That we are Sir

That we are

Walking around the grounds

Stop at the site

Of original shaft opening

Mr. Steadman

No-nonsense guy

Says sometimes

Gets a weird feeling

Shakes his head


That something just

Isn’t right

Son says

—Me too

—My friends and I

—Always afraid to play here

I wonder if

Something is buried down there

Like those horns


Still glowing

That it is was a fabrication

Floating through

The night sky

A great form

Of some kind

Mr. Steadman

Invites us to come back

That night

11 pm

We come back

Tons of gear


Still glowing


Audio recorders

Motion detectors

Night vision video

Geiger counter

EMF meters


—A cricket won’t fart

—Without us hearing it

We wait

And wait

—Shit this is a waste of time

—Fuckers are long gone man

Eric starts

Texting with his fiancé

Reserved a block

Of hotel rooms

Who’s invited

To Friday night rehearsal dinner

Write their own vows


Still glowing

That it was a fabrication

We need that footprint

We need that footprint

Experts at

Iowa Historical Society

Search for it

Will probably be fruitless

Plaster used

In 1903 would have been soft

And brittle

Unless properly stored

Odds are

It would have crumbled to pieces

Next day

30 miles

Outside of Van Meter

Granddaughter of

Clarence “Peter” Dunn

Maureen James

Small wooden clapboard house

Peeling paint

Odds are

It would have crumbled to pieces

A grandmother herself

Blue jeans

Puffing Parliament

Heavy chuckles


Outside a table

Chopping carrots

2 grandchildren

Jasper and Amelia

Running around

Come on

Want to help

Your old grandma

Make a carrot cake?

Wind blowing



Their mom works a lot

Meat packing plant

I’m on disability

So I take the kids

They’re dear

Aren’t they?

—Yes they are ma’am


Still glowing

Floating through

The night sky

We ask her

About her grandfather

And any casting

Of the footprint


I don’t know

Of any casting

A footprint?

A footprint of a robber?

The story is

He saved the bank

From getting robbed


Blasted his shot gun

Right through the glass


Nailed that son of a bitch!

Nailed ‘em!


Crumbled to pieces

That night

Eric and I at the motel


With Lori

My phone beeps

Text photo

From Julie

To my wife

And me

Her camping trip

A light

Over the tree line

Large-orb like


Mom, Dad

We saw a UFO!

I kid you not!

We all saw it

It was so cool!

We have pictures

And video

A light above us

Floating through

The night sky


It was bizarre

Rising above us

I giggle

Text her back

How wonderful!

Did you ever see one Daddy?



Lying in bed

—I wasn’t faithful to Lori


—I wasn’t faithful

—I met her at the gym

—She was always smiling at me


—Asian girl named Tammy

—Texted me photos

—Then we hooked up

—Only twice

—I felt too guilty


—Six months ago

—It was nothing

—But we hooked up

—I’m going to tell her

Now you’re going to tell her man?

Right before the wedding?

You crazy?

You want to fuck this all up?

—I have to

—I feel too guilty


—Did you ever stray?


—Did you fool around on Sarah?


Don’t tell her

It’s over right?


Then don’t tell her

It never happened

It never happened


I’m pawing for her buttons

Right in the bathroom


As we fall

Undo her strap

Fingers tremble

We can’t tell anyone

As we fall

Fingers tremble

This never happened


After we leave

Maureen James

Granddaughter of

Clarence “Peter” Dunn

Goes down to the cellar

Retrieves old cardboard box

Takes it outside

The wind is blowing


Opens the old box

Unwraps something

Yellowed filthy newspapers

What is it Grandma?

What is it?

The wind is blowing


Old plaster casting

What is it?

Large footprint

Three toes

The wind is blowing

Want you to help me guys

You each grab hold of it

What is it Grandma?

And squeeze

We all squeeze

Why are we doing this?

Breaks apart


She smiles


The wind is blowing

She smiles

It never happened

I look at of the Facebook postings

Photos and videos







A flash of light

In the darkness


Over the trees

Large silent object

With bright lights


300 feet

Over a pasture

We all saw it

We’re not crazy

We’re not crazy

At their wedding

We’re all dancing the Horah


His tie loose

Shirt untucked



Dancing the Horah

Put them in chairs

We lift them

Lift them


Each holding

The end of a napkin

The flash

Of lights

Her beautiful white A-line sleeveless

Satin lace gown


We fall

Undo her strap


We lift them

We lift