
Why Has the Half-Marathon Become so Popular?
Setting Goals and Priorities
Important Health Information
Practical Information: Shoes, Equipment, etc
The Galloway Run-Walk-Run Method
Choosing the Right Goal and Pace
Primary Training Components
Body, Mind & Spirit Respond to Positively to Training
Half-Marathon Training Programs


To Finish

Time Goal Program: 2:30-3:00

Time Goal Program: 1:59-2:29

Time Goal Program: 1:45-1:58

Time Goal Program: 1:30-1:44

Time Goal Program: 1:15-1:29

The Drills to Make Running Faster and Easier
Hill Training Builds Strength – and More
Speed Training Prepares You for Top Performance
How Speed Training Works
Race Day Timetable
Your Journal Will Inspire You
Running Form
Lowering Body Fat Can Help You Run Faster
Fat Burning: The Income Side of the Equation
Good Blood Sugar = Motivation
An Exerciser’s Diet
Staying Motivated
Cross Training: Exercise for the Non-running Days
Dealing with the Weather
Destroying Excuses
Troubleshooting Aches and Pains
Running after 40, 50, 60, 70

Photo & Illustration Credits

Cover Photo: imago sportfotodienst GmbH
Jacket Photo: Thinkstock/
Cover Design: Sabine Groten
Inside Photos: Polar Electro
Andy Sharp
Bakke Svenson/WTC
Brennan Galloway
Westin Galloway
Gregory Sheats
