The “Team” of heart, lungs, nerves, brain, etc.
Very often in college and professional sports, a group of very talented individuals is defeated by a solid team of players with lesser ability. In a similar way, running helps to mold your key body organs into a coordinated unit. When running within one’s capacity, the right brain uses its intuitive and creative powers to solve problems, manage resources, and help us find the pace and amount of training that we can handle. While the heart is our primary blood pump, your leg muscles, when fit, will provide significant help in pushing blood back to the heart.
The heart gets stronger—like any muscle, the heart’s strength and effectiveness is increased through regular endurance exercise.
The lungs—become more efficient in processing oxygen and inserting it into the blood.
Endorphins (natural painkillers) reduce discomfort, and give you a relaxing and positive attitude.
The long run builds endurance
By gradually extending slow long runs, you train muscle cells to expand their capacity to utilize oxygen efficiently, sustain energy production, and in general, increase capacity to go farther. The continued increase in the distance of these long runs increases the reach of blood artery capillaries to deliver oxygen and improves the return of waste products so that the muscles can work at top capacity. In short, long runs bestow a better plumbing system, improving muscle capacity. These changes will pay off when you reach the end of your Half-Marathon, and when you do speed training.
Even when running very slowly, with liberal walk breaks, you build endurance by gradually increasing the distance of a regularly scheduled long run. Start with the length of your current long one, and increase as noted in the following schedule:
Maintain current endurance with two 30minute runs, every other day (i.e., Tuesday and Thursday)
A half hour run on Tuesday and Thursday will maintain the endurance gained on the weekend. This is the minimum and results in the lowest injury rate. If you are already running more than this, without aches and pains, you can continue if you wish—but be careful
To summarize, the long runs on weekends, with two other runs during the week, will create a level of fitness and muscle strength sufficient to prepare for your goal in the Half-Marathon. At the same time, you’ll be improving the internal engineering of the muscles: enhanced oxygen absorption, increased blood flow, better energy supply and storage, and much more. Hills, speedwork and form drills improve the mechanical efficiency of the bones, muscles and tendons as they adapt, helping you to become a more efficient runner.