My sincere gratitude to my uberagent, Scott Miller, and my extraordinary editor, Ben Sevier. It’s an honor and a privilege, boys.
A big thanks to all the folks at Dutton, especially Brian Tart, Christine Ball, Kara Welsh, Amanda Walker, Rich Hasselberger, Melissa Miller, Carrie Swetonic, Aline Akelis, and Susan Schwartz. Also to the fabulous Sarah Self, my film agent.
Before there was a Thursday Night Crew, there was a Wednesday Night Crew. It involved as much drinking and talking, but significantly less sex, strife, and murder. Carnita, Molls, Bets, Reverend Waechter, and Dr. Peebles, I love you all.
Prior to writing this novel, I knew nothing about chemical weapons; Dr. Karl A. Scheidt of Northwestern University was incredibly generous with his time and energy, guiding my research and even inadvertently giving me the ending of the book. I had additional technical help from Regan Thomson, Steve Thornley, and Dr. Jeffrey Anderson. My old buddy Mike Biller rather gleefully filled me in on head wounds and hospitals.
All my love and all my gratitude to Matt, Mom, and Dad.
And as always, my deepest thanks to my wife, g.g. You know all the reasons why.