When we started this film, we thought, “We’re just making a movie.” What we tapped into was a movement. So many people who have seen our film said, “Finally. I was waiting for something like this to come out!” Well, we were, too; we just realized that we’d probably have to end up doing it ourselves.

We would like to thank everyone for sending their request out in consciousness. The desire for change is palpable now. We are grateful to all of you who supported us in making the film; those of you who supported us at the theaters by sending e-mails and making phone calls to the management sometimes “demanding” to see the film; to all of you who brought your friends and their friends; and those of you in the street teams who pounded the pavements talking about this film. Together we are doing something marvelous.

There are so many people who worked hard behind the scenes to bring the film, and now this book, to the world. Thanks to Gabby, Melissa, Pavel, Cate, Straw, Debbie, Jason, Shelley, John and David for their never-ending support—hours upon hours of working the phones, the Internet and whatever else it took to bring the film to the masses. Also everyone at Samuel Goldwyn, IDP and Twentieth Century Fox Home Video for believing in the film, and Richard Gaurdian for taking it worldwide.

Thank you to everyone at our publisher, HCI, and especially to Amy Hughes, our editor; Larissa Hise Henoch, who created most of the artwork; and Bret Witter, who oversaw the entire project.

Thanks to our families and friends for allowing us the space and time it took to bring our dreams into reality: Gordie and Elorathea, for personal inspiration (Betsy); Mary Lou, for all the years of love and support (Mark); and for keeping me smiling and laughing through it all: Walter, Viva, Rama and K. T. Elliott (Will).

To Ramtha & JZ Knight, without whom none of this would have been possible. To all of our scientists and interviewees—Fred Alan Wolf, Dean Radin, Lynne McTaggart, Dan Monti, David Albert, Jeffrey Satinover, Stuart Hameroff, Amit Goswami, Bill Tiller, Miceal Ledwith, Joe Dispenza, Candace Pert, Andrew Newberg, Ervin Laszlo and John Hagelin—thank you for your brilliant minds and your willingness to go where most men and woman are afraid to.

The new frontier is not a country or a planet. It is mind. These ideas are about the future of ­humanity.

Will Betsy Mark
