Carrie & Jill thank . . .
First of all, we’d like to thank our amazing and brilliant editor, Stacy Creamer, who made the book so much better, and without whom we’d be Guffeyless. Thanks to Irene Webb for having early faith in the book and selling it; and to our incredible agent, Debbie Deuble; our trusted lawyer, Steven Beer; and our fantastic new dream team, Binky Urban and Jennifer Joel. Also special thanks to Mary Stanford and Beth Buschman-Kelly and to our early readers who provided countless insightful notes: Lisa Wolfe Ravitch, Liz Carey, Laura Doyle Hammam, Kathy Doyle, Harry Kargman, and Vasily Karasyov.
Carrie thanks . . .
A special thank-you to the early enthusiasts and cheerleaders whose palpable excitement helped assauge any writer’s block or anxiety: Julia Van Nice and Kimm Uzielli. Lesbia and the entire Huitz family: I couldn’t have written this without your help, gracias! And thank you Justin from Newstand #2 in Santa Monica for supplying me with New York Posts so that I could keep up on all that important Page Six research material.
And to the family:
Thank you Liz and Laura for worshipping me and so gracefully coming to terms with the fact that I am the favorite daughter. (J.K.) But seriously, your contributions to this book were invaluable. I couldn’t ask for better sisters. Also thank you to Alex, Zayd, Finn, and Liam for accessorizing the family so well. Dickie Ravitch: You got me down the aisle and you got me an agent. Now all I need is another trip to Jamaica (and please get your apartment in shipshape for when I move back and in). Thanks for all the help, free meals, and the pepper grinder. Also thank you to all the extended Ravitch family: Lisa, Joe, Michael, and Daniel. Merci to my sis-in-law Nadia for her Mach 10–level excitement whenever I do something, no matter how minute. And to my in-laws, Dmitri and Tatiana. Thank you, Mama (Kathleen M. Doyle): You must have done something right to have such a superstar daughter! But we both know I couldn’t ask for a better Little Woman. And to my late father, William Doyle, who I know would be busting with pride right now and convinced that this is what happens to a nice Catholic girl when she goes to Bah-nahd College.
And a special spasebo to my hubby, Vas, and my “most precious gift to the world,” James. I’ll save all the mushy stuff for a Post-it.
Jill thanks . . .
Unlike some of the characters in this book, I am so effing lucky to have the warmest, smartest, most supportive, nurturing family and friends in the galaxy. First, I want to thank my beloved Kopelclan—my mom, dad, and brother Will—for all their love, enthusiasm, and sage advice. You are the wind beneath my wings. Just kidding. Slash not. The three of you have made my sense of humor what it is and I worship you for always making me cackle for twenty-nine years. You are my most trusted advisors, teachers, and pals and I love you.
A massive merci to my wise, hilarious, and badass chère posse who are the sisters I never had: Vanessa Eastman, Jean Beinart, Dana Wallach, Lisa Pasquariello, and Lauren Duff. Plus special thank-yous and many XOXO’s to: Ruth Kopelman, Herzl Franco, Trip Cullman, Tara Lipton, Jacky Day, Teresa Heinz, Frances Stein, and to my in-laws, Marjie, Bob, Bess, and Sophie Kargman. And last but not least, a special all-caps THANK YOU SWEETIEKINS to my teammate and suit of armor: my lion cub and bestest friend, my husband, Harry, and to our precious little cub, Sadie.