
As I write this, I’m sitting on the back porch of the rural Vermont homestead I share with my husband and our daughter, gazing out on the sixty-six acres of forest, fruit trees, gardens, ponds, and streams that we feel incredibly lucky to call our own. Just a few years ago, this seemed like an impossible feat. My husband and I were struggling to conceive a baby and attempting to chart a path out of our frenzied nine-to-five grind in urban Cambridge, Massachusetts. We wanted to achieve financial independence, quit the cubicle jobs that made us so unhappy, and create a simpler life of purpose in a rural setting.

This is the story of how we brought that dream to fruition before our thirty-third birthdays. My husband, Nate, and I are not exceptional people. We’re not rich or famous or geniuses or even particularly good-looking (although we have our moments). We’re just some average, middle-class kids from the Midwest who decided we wanted something more out of life than what our consumer culture sells us. We realized we couldn’t buy our way to happiness and that we had to restructure how we lived, what we spent our money on, and how we used our time in order to achieve deep fulfillment and lasting contentment.

I’ve heard people say things along the lines of “anyone can achieve financial independence” and “people are poor because they don’t work hard enough” and “my success stems entirely from my own efforts” and I disagree with all of those sentiments. While it’s true that Nate and I are average people, and we’ve never won the lottery or had investment banker salaries or been the beneficiaries of inheritances or trust funds, I’m keenly aware that we are also extraordinarily privileged.

Poverty is a pervasive issue, not only in our country but globally, and it’s myopic to presume that everyone who is poor doesn’t work hard enough or isn’t motivated enough. It’s often quite the contrary. Many people who live at or below the poverty line work much harder than I ever have or probably ever will. Working two and three jobs in an effort to simply pay rent and buy groceries and send their kids to school in shoes that fit is the punishing reality for many people. Frugality is often already a requirement for those at the lowest end of the economic spectrum and there’s simply not enough money coming in every month to save enough to create a stable financial base, let alone an emergency fund or retirement savings or investments. In order to save large amounts of money, you have to have a sufficient amount of money coming in. You can’t frugalize income you don’t earn.

Without an emergency fund, a savings account, or any type of financial cushion, people who live paycheck to paycheck are in a perilous position. One missed shift can equal a missed rent payment or a missed electricity bill. Compounding this problem is the fact that many economically disadvantaged people lack a bank account, which means they’re unable to take advantage of the lending opportunities or overdraft protections that a large financial services firm can provide.

It’s my belief that we, as a country, need a stronger social safety net for the working poor. We need comprehensive medical and dental coverage, we need welfare programs that don’t strand families who earn just barely too much money to qualify for housing and food subsidies, we need to care not only for our children and our elderly, but also for adults who struggle—for any number of reasons—to cobble together a livable wage. I’m a proponent of exploring a universal basic income, as studies have demonstrated that entrusting people with money of their own often yields tremendous dividends for society as a whole. No one wins when a family has to choose between working a job or safe childcare. No one wins when the only food options in a neighborhood are unhealthy and expensive. No one wins when people are forced to use the emergency room as their primary care physician. As a nation and as a society, I believe we have a responsibility to care for those who experience the greatest need and to create viable pathways out of generational poverty.

I share all of this with you because it’s easy when talking about one’s personal journey—which is what this book is—to extrapolate and make the assumption that if only everyone did as we did, then they too would experience success. But that’s not the case. It’s naive, presumptuous, and grossly lacking in empathy to assume as much.

In many ways, my privilege and my husband’s privilege took root in our lives long before we were even born. Both of our parents had college educations, had good careers, owned homes, and were in happy, financially stable marriages before we were even conceived. These factors all combined to mean that by the time we were born, Nate and I were already several steps ahead of many of the other babies in the hospital that day. Adding to the circumstances of our families is the fact that we were born into safe, middle-class neighborhoods in the United States and thus were the beneficiaries of excellent medical care, superb public schools, plenty of nutritious foods, vibrant public library systems, summer camps, girl/boy scout troops, church communities, horseback riding lessons, ballet classes, basketball teams, and much more.

All of these privileges wove themselves together to form the basis for happy, warm, well-educated, well-cared-for childhoods. We didn’t suffer traumas as children. We didn’t endure domestic violence. We never experienced food insecurity. We were never homeless. Our electricity and water were never turned off. We were never evicted. We weren’t exposed to parental drug use or addiction. Rather, we were encouraged, taught to read at home, taken on family trips to art museums and the symphony, shown how to cook and clean, disciplined with fair but firm methodology, taught to play nicely with our siblings, given pets to care for, and above all, loved unconditionally.

These factors are profound in charting a person’s course through life and all of these benefits of our upbringings contributed in large part to the successes we’ve enjoyed as adults. And our privilege doesn’t stop there. My husband and I are both white and heterosexual. I wish I didn’t have to include these two facts as “privileges” because I believe that people of all races, religions, genders, ethnicities, backgrounds, and sexual orientations should be treated equally. Sadly, however, that isn’t the case in our country and so I have to include these as factors integral to our successes. I wasn’t subjected to individual or institutional biases in my applications for college, for graduate school, or for jobs. I was able to succeed in both academics and my career without the strain of racism or homophobia or any number of other prejudices.

While I do think there are elements of my journey through extreme frugality that could be useful to anyone, I also realize that my frugality is elective. I don’t have to save as much money as I do. I’m not pinching pennies in order to eat. I’m not a missed paycheck away from bankruptcy. I choose to be frugal and I choose to live a lifestyle that has granted me financial independence. But it’s no more due to my own aptitude than the fact that I can read and write. Sure, I had to work hard to learn to read and write, but I also had parents and teachers helping me out at every turn. I wish I could say that if everyone followed my advice, they too could reach financial independence, but that’s simply not the case. There are too many layers of institutional privilege enabling my story for it to be replicable for everyone.

There are many people who transcend difficult childhoods to achieve at the highest levels. Who you will grow up to be isn’t imprinted at birth or predetermined by who your parents are. But it’s undeniable that the road was easier for me. I didn’t have to overcome anything in order to get where I am today. A memoir can only honestly represent a person’s lived experiences, which is why I felt it was important to share all of the ways in which privilege courses through my life.

I wrote this book to tell the story of how Nate and I did the unexpected. Of how we broke free. I also want to encourage you to ask yourself the questions that guided our journey: What would you do if you didn’t need your paycheck? What’s your passion in life? And what’s stopping you from making that a reality? I fully recognize that having the ability to even ask ourselves these questions is profoundly privileged. For many people, questions like these are wholly out of reach and divorced from their daily slog of trying to make ends meet.

What are you doing that you love? That you hate? How do you use your time and money? And how do you wish you used your time and money? Bringing your hopes into alignment with your actions is my boldest edict. Too often, we’re slotted into predetermined roles by societal expectations, family pressures, and, in my case, our own internal conception of what our lives “should” look like. When we’re able to stop the cycle of impressing others and spending money in an effort to assuage the frustrations we feel, true liberation can take hold in our lives. Identifying whether every dollar we spend is for a need or a want enables us to craft a life that’s focused on living out our priorities—not the priorities of anyone else or of society at large—but the priorities that matter most to us. In the pages that follow, I hope you find inspiration and motivation to pursue your best life.