abandon (uh-BAN-duhn)—to leave forever

canister (KAN-ih-stur)—a container

captain (KAP-tin)—the person in charge of a ship

first mate (FURST MAYT)—a ship captain’s assistant

flare (FLAIR)—a device that produces a bright light or flame as a signal

life preserver (LIFE pri-ZURV-er)—a belt, vest, or ring that can be filled with air and used to keep a person afloat in water

mission (MISH-uhn)—a special job or task

orca (OR-kuh)—a large, black and white whale. Orcas are also called killer whales.

research (REE-surch)—study or investigation about something

SOS (ESS OH ESS)—a signal meaning someone is in need of urgent help