A Closer Look at the Face
The two features most immediately noticed when you look at someone's face are the eyes and teeth. Let's take a moment to look at both in more detail.
Iridology is the science of diagnosing illness by studying small marks and imperfections in the eye. Some conditions that affect the appearance of the eyes are quite well known. For instance, jaundice will turn the white of the eye yellow, and anemia can be spotted by pulling down the lower lid and checking that the color is pink rather than pale gray. Red eyes can denote fatigue or too many nights on the tiles. An iridologist will be able to tell you about specific health problems. However, I'll now concentrate on the eyes in connection with the personality. The information for this section of this book was given to me by Madelene McConomy, a professional iridologist.
Streams, flowers, and jewels
The stream eye has fibers in the iris, radiating outward from the pupil in relatively orderly rows. This belongs to an introverted person who is slightly withdrawn and highly sensitive. This person is responsive to changes in the weather, changes in his body, and is also sensitive to the moods of others. He is intuitive and he may be psychic, but he is also accustomed to using logic and intelligence. It's easy to hurt this type of person, but hard to lie to him or to butter him up as he sees (or rather feels) right through to the truth. His most acute sense is that of touch.
The flower eye has an attractive kaleidoscopic effect caused by the fibers parting and rejoining to form “petals” around the iris. This person can express his emotional needs with ease. He acts on impulse and is something of a go-getter. This subject is strongly affected by the appearance of things and will feel unhappy working or living in unpleasant surroundings. His most acute sense is that of sight.
The jewel eye has patches of dense color that look like jewels upon a velvet tray. The jewel type is withdrawn and intellectual. He relies upon logic and is most comfortable when sifting ideas in his head. He appears cool and introverted because he finds it difficult to express emotion, and he may deny the intuitive side of his personality. His strongest response is to sound, so he may be disconcerted by discordant noise or soothed by quiet music, and he may pick up useful information from the radio or teaching discs.
Many people are combinations of all these types, but usually the stream, flower or jewel motif predominates. People whose eyes are predominantly of one type are often attracted to those who have one of the other two types.
Left and right eyes
Here is an interesting exercise that you can easily try for yourself.
Establish which is your dominant eye. This will be the one with the densest or most colorful iris, and that is the side of the face that corresponds to the side of the body you lie on when you are asleep.
- If the right eye is dominant, you will be masculine in outlook, preferring to live and work in a well-defined hierarchy and with the ability to organize yourself and others. You will be sociable, outgoing and interested in working among groups of people.
- If the left eye predominates, your outlook will be feminine. You will be instinctively responsive to the needs of others, and you will be cooperative and diplomatic. You will value your home and your privacy and will wish to nurture and to be nurtured within a family environment.
- Right eye dominants are attracted to left eye dominants and vice versa.
- It's also interesting to note that right eye dominants are more attached to their fathers while left eye dominants are more attached to their mothers.
- Right eyes denote characteristics inherited from the father and left ones from the mother.
- Even if the relationship between the person and his parents isn't a particularly happy one, the rule remains the same—the right eye relates to the father and the left eye relates to the mother.
Other considerations for the eye
- A ring effect located around the outer edge of iris away denotes an extroverted achiever who likes to get out and about, to meet his pals in the pub and to work and play in a group setting. This type is competitive and possibly sporty.
- A ring close to the pupil belongs to an introvert who prefers to work things out for himself. He needs time alone and he isn't especially competitive. He has a natural ability to understand the motives of others and can see things objectively.
- A particularly dense stream eye with no ring belongs to a super-sensitive, intuitive, introvert who prefers to tread an inward path through life.
- The eyes record a shock to the system resulting from, for instance, a broken bone, but they don't register operations carried out under anesthetic.
- Sparkling clear whites of the eye denote good health, but can also show a selfish personality, unconcerned about the needs of others.
- A plethora of tiny red veins belongs to a person who spends his life surrounded by many other people.
- A dark gap in the iris shaped like a keyhole means that the subject has a really bad relationship with one of his parents (right for dad, left for mum) which, if not resolved, will result in phobias or even physical illness.
Difficulties before and during birth will cause the tips of the permanent (secondary) teeth to develop badly, because secondary teeth begin to form and calcify even before birth. In the case of a particularly difficult birth, the tips of these second teeth will show signs of hypo-calcification, which means insufficient calcification, so their ultimate development will be poor. Severe childhood illness may leave a mark in the form of a horizontal dent across all the teeth at the point at which they were in their growth and development at the time of the illness. This linear dent will show up later as a staggered dent across all the teeth. This is very like the lateral dents that appear across fingernails as a result of a shock to the system after someone has an illness or a severe emotional upset.
Lifestyles and problems that damage teeth
- Heavy use of antibiotics, especially Tetracycline, can leave the teeth with a blue-gray, gray-green or yellowish-brown appearance.
- Too much fluoride can cause spotting and mottling.
- Tea, coffee and some foods stain the teeth, but the greatest source of grunge on the teeth comes from smoking, while the acid left on the teeth from smoking damages them badly.
- Pipe smokers sometimes wear down the tips of their incisors where they habitually grip their pipes. Over-consumption of citrus fruits, especially grapefruit, can cause permanent damage.
- Some people grind their teeth, especially during sleep. This nervous habit not only damages the teeth, but can also be a cause of migraine.
- Those who hold pins or tacks in their teeth as part of their job develop characteristic notches.
- Boxers and other fighters can damage their teeth.
Spacing of teeth
- Defective spacing of teeth is mainly congenital and is the result of the genetic melting pot from which most of us spring. Purebred Amazon Indians and African tribesmen have teeth and jaws that are entirely compatible. Their teeth fit together neatly, thus reducing the chance of tooth decay. The ill-matched teeth of urbanized races encourage the entrapment of foods and the start of decay.
- People who have a gap in their front teeth seem to be sociable and humorous, and they often work for, with or in front of the public in some way. Their breezy manner belies a hard-working perfectionist who can actually be irritable and difficult to live with.
- A pointy overbite seems to belong to an intelligent, but shy person who covers up a slight lack of confidence with wit and humor.
- People with inward-leaning incisors are selfish, anti-social and they don't mind hurting others when the mood is upon them.