The conventions, myths, and taboos about color are amazing, and the reasons for this are positively Darwinian. Many animals have a strongly developed sense of smell, and bats have great hearing, but the ape family (of which we are a part) has evolved a strong sense of sight. Birds also rely largely upon sight, and if they could talk, we would probably discover that they also have strong views about color. In the animal world, color helps to identify foods that are poisonous or those that are ripe and ready for eating, but color also comes in useful for courting rituals. Some apes display brightly colored parts of the body in order to attract the opposite sex. For example, there is one kind of female monkey that has a pinkish heart-shaped area on the chest, which becomes red and prominent when she is ready to mate.
Have you ever considered why we dress baby girls in pink and baby boys in blue? The answer lies in the economics of color. In the past, pink vegetable-based dyes were cheap and easy to produce, while blue mineral-based dyes were expensive, so the exclusive blue color was saved for the more prestigious male child. Royal blue was so expensive to produce that it was reserved for those who carried blue blood in their veins. Mediaeval paintings of the Virgin Mary always show her dressed in a deep rich blue. As the wife of a Nazarene carpenter, about the last colors Mary could have worn were blue or purple, so she is shown this way as a mark of respect for her holiness. In Roman times, purple was so costly that it was reserved as a trimming for the tunics and robes of senators and other high dignitaries. Although lilac shades were possible by the early part of the 19th century, deep purple only came on stream toward the end of the 19th century, when chemical aniline dye manufacturing came into its own.
Interestingly, in many communities, in the days before the chemical and dye industries started, red or pink were the right colors for a baby boy! Pink is a mixture of red and white, and the color red is associated with the planet Mars, which has always been the planet and symbol of masculinity. Green was the color associated with Venus, so that would have been a suitable color for a girl.
A widowed Maharajah would not be allowed to wear bright shades of red, orange, green and so on. This would make sense, because the wedding saris on view in Asian shops are in very bright shades of red and green, with plenty of showy gold sequins and other decorations sewn on them. Western brides still like to wear a traditional white dress, even when the couple have been living together for years and have several children. In many eastern countries, white is the color of mourning. A British bridegroom is often hot and uncomfortable in his strange old-fashioned gray and black penguin outfit.
We have imported the yellow ribbon from the USA. Americans tied yellow ribbons around the trunks of trees in front of houses where women lived and waited for a lover or husband to come home from some war in one piece. Those who work in the New Age world love all shades of lilac, purple and mauve, as these represent the crown chakra, and by extension, psychism. In Italy, mauves, lilacs, purples are the colors of mourning.
Political colors are interesting. We all know what green politics are, but what about red ones? In Britain, the Labor party color has always been red and the Conservative Party's has been blue. The Liberal Democrats tend to favor yellow, but only came into being fairly recently. In the USA, the right wing Republican Party is always colored red on the election map, while the liberal Democratic Party is colored blue. A few years ago, elections in the Ukraine ousted an unpopular government symbolized by its blue and white flag, while a popular orange one was voted in. In Holland, orange represents the House of Orange, which is the Dutch Royal family. A distant connection of the reign of the Dutch William and Mary in Britain in the 1700s has left the Unionists with an orange flag as a legacy. The Catholics and southern Irish color is green, and their flag contains a large swathe of orange—but they call it gold.
Catholics and some other Christians use a color hierarchy for their priesthood. The priest wears black, the bishop wears purple, the cardinal wears red and the pope wears white.
The signs of the zodiac and the planets are linked to various colors, shown in the following table.
In addition, each sign of the zodiac has a typical body type, as well as ailments that are typical of each sign.
There are two Arian types, with the lucky one being tall, thin and rather large-boned, while the less lucky one is short and rounded. Both types have a broad, somewhat rounded face and thin or difficult hair. Male Arians often lose their hair. The eyes may have a peculiarly flat look with puffy lids. The feet turn out when walking, but despite this, the Arian is a good walker and a good dancer. Aries is associated with sudden inflammatory ailments, eye problems and headaches.
Parts of the body and astrological correspondences
Typical Taurean people have a top-heavy body and a flat backside. Despite the heavy appearance, the subjects move gracefully. They often have lovely eyes and skin, good thick hair and a nice smile. The vulnerable areas are lower jaw and throat, including the thyroid gland and the neck.
These people are short and slim while young, although they can put a lot of weight on in later life. They have bright eyes that look directly at whoever is speaking. Their hands and feet are small and bony with a slightly knobbly appearance. Vulnerable areas are the hands, arms, shoulders, upper respiratory tract and the nervous system. This sign also rules the mind. Many Geminis drink too much.
These people have a rounded appearance with a chubby face and a nice smile, although some are thin with well-defined features. They move slowly and they are graceful. Their eyes are warm and their hands and feet are small. They have sloping shoulders and a deep rib cage. Some women of this sign have a large bust, but not all do. Vulnerable areas are the chest, lungs and breasts, also the stomach and upper digestive system.
A typical Leo has lots of hair, which is often worn long. Leos are of medium height and they become somewhat overweight later in life. Slow-moving and dignified, the stance and walk are regal. Vulnerable areas are the spine, the heart, the arteries and the circulation.
Could be any height and probably of medium weight, but with a slightly protruding stomach. They have very pale or very dark eyes that look directly at the person who is talking to them. They can put weight on in later life. Vulnerable areas are the lower digestive system and bowels, the skin, nervous system and the mind.
These people are of medium height and weight, with a pale complexion and light eyes. The eyes are often lovely and full of fun. They have a habit of holding one shoulder higher than the other. Their movements are quick and they walk quickly. Vulnerable areas are some of the soft organs such as the pancreas, bladder and kidneys. Also rules the ability to move and walk.
These people can be any size and shape, although they are often medium height and well built. They have well-defined features with challenging eyes that cannot be missed. Vulnerable areas are the sexual organs, lower stomach, lower spine and groin. They can suffer from blood disorders.
These people are medium to tall, with long limbs, a long face and a nice smile. They have warm eyes that are never still. They may have large bones, but their movements are fast. Some have a lantern jaw. Vulnerable areas are the hips and thighs and the circulation through the legs.
These people range from small to medium in height. Their hair is neat, but rather fine textured. They have very good bone structure and nice eyes. Their movements are calm, slow and neat and they speak slowly. Vulnerable areas are the knees, skin, bones, ears and teeth.
Could be a little taller than the average and probably slim. Fair complexion, nice smile with a strong jaw-line. These people walk, talk and eat slowly. They have a large and possibly twisted nose that gives the face an imperious look. Vulnerable areas are the ankles, the circulation to the extremities, and the breathing.
The stature is short to medium and the person has a rounded, slightly protruding stomach. The complexion is pale, with a rounded face later in life. The hair can range from pale to dark brown, but it's often mousy. The eyes are arresting, being very pale or very dark and slightly protruding. The vulnerable areas are the feet, lungs and the mind. These people sometimes take to drink.
There is also a theory that we can alter the way we project ourselves and even the way we feel by selecting a particular color to wear. I've asked people whether they give any thought to the colors they wear and for the most part, their answers don't relate to color symbolism at all. People dress for the weather, for what they happen to be doing at the time, for fashion, for what suits them and whatever happens to be lying about in their bedroom. Many women choose colors that enhance their eyes, hair or skin tones. Having said this, some men and women have strong feelings about colors and will only wear a small range of them.
The following explanation should help you to understand what it is you are absorbing into your aura or projecting out from it by habitually choosing a particular color.
White symbolizes innocence and freshness. This is symbolic of someone who is setting out on a journey in life, and starting something completely new. It's like a clean canvas waiting for an artist's inspired brush. We tend to associate white with doctors and dentists, and therefore, with cleanliness and professional competence.
Red is the color of physical energy—the positive kind that allows one to get things done, or the negative kind that expresses force, anger and aggression. It's stressful, but also strong. Red is also associated with sexual energy.
This is a mixture of red and white, and it expresses femininity and the gentler side of sexuality associated with love, tenderness and feeling.
This is a mixture of red and yellow, and it's extremely forceful because it combines the physical energy of red and the mental force of yellow. This combination is great for achievement and learning, but can be a bit too strong, dynamic and dogmatic for some.
Yellow is the color of mental energy and it's associated with intellectual pursuits. It's a helpful color to those who need to be able to think and concentrate, but it can be a bit too dogmatic or dictatorial for some. For some reason, yellow has become associated with cowardice, but it has also become linked to loyalty and to waiting for a loved one to return from service away from home.
Green is a combination of yellow and blue, but it's also the color of nature. It's associated with growth and regeneration and is therefore a good color for those who work with living things or who wish to help or heal others. It's also worth wearing green if you are ill, as it will help the body to renew itself, and green is a good color in which to rest and relax. Green is popularly associated with jealousy. At one time, green was considered an unlucky color, and I can remember people who wouldn't use green in their homes. Interestingly, there was something behind the evil reputation of the color, because green colored household paint used to contain arsenic. Many children lick or nibble paintwork, so before people made the link between the contents of the paint and the sickness and even death that green paint caused, they believed it to be unlucky.
Blue is the color of exploration and of mystery. The depths of the sea and the vastness of the sky are blue, therefore it's a good color to choose when you go on a mental or real journey. A purplish blue would be even more spiritual, while turquoise suggests personal growth resulting from the development of personal awareness. Popular songs describe feeling blue as being sad.
These colors represent spiritual growth and the understanding of that which is hidden, so psychic ability or specialized knowledge is represented by these colors.
Some see black as sophisticated, while others like to wear it for its slimming effect, but it can also be linked to unhappiness, mourning and fear.
This is associated with the earth and all its bounty, so it suggests the security of money. Brown is associated with nurturing, regeneration and creation of future prospects. Wear brown when you want to make some money!
Mixed colors such as cream, tan, turquoise, aquamarine and so forth can be interpreted by reading each of the component colors. For example, cream is white with a dash of brown.