

The Little Things

Sometimes the tiny things can say volumes about us! Body parts and body language are things that are obvious to us day to day—we are always, in fact, “reading” others by these larger physical indicators. But small things matter as well, and they are easy to overlook or not pay attention to. The two most common of these are moles and itches.


In days gone by, people considered that the position of a mole on the body suggested certain characteristics and a certain type of destiny for that person. When looking at moles, you should take note of its size, color, and shape because, while a collection of pale freckles won't mean anything, an isolated and obvious mole will. The larger the mole, the more important it is. If a mole is round, its effects will be beneficial; an oblong one is fairly lucky, but an angular one is considered bad. A dark mole has a stronger effect than a pale one, and a very hairy one is considered a very bad omen indeed, but a couple of hairs on a mole bring prosperity.

I hardly need to add that if a mole becomes itchy, crusty, changes shape, gets darker or begins to spread, you must ask your doctor to look at it.

Location of moles

  1. A mole on the right side of the forehead shows that the person is going places in his career.
  2. On the right eyebrow, the subject will marry when young and his or her partner will be very pleasant to live with.


    Location of moles

  3. On the left of either the forehead or the eyebrow, unexpected disappointment.
  4. A mole on the outside corner of either eye denotes that the subject is steady, sober and reliable, but may be liable to suffer a traumatic experience.
  5. A mole on either cheek means that the subject will never be rich, but won't be particularly poor either.
  6. A mole on the nose suggests success in all undertakings.
  7. A mole on the lip suggests that the subject is stylish and fastidious. They are also lucky in love and they find it easy to study and to learn easily.
  8. One on the chin shows luck and success with the career and business matters. This person will reach a position of status.
  9. A mole on the neck means that the subject will narrowly avoid being suffocated! After this event, the subject will receive a large unexpected legacy and rise to a position of great status!
  10. A mole on the throat brings wealth through marriage.
  11. A mole on the right side of the chest or back denotes a fall in status and income. This mole also means that most of the individual's children will be girls.
  12. On the left side of the chest or back brings success in business and a strong sex drive. Most of this subject's children will be boys.
  13. A mole on any part of the back means that the person is a hard worker, with a responsible attitude to life.
  14. A woman with a mole on the breast will have a mediocre life with no great losses or gains.
  15. In a man, a mole on the left side of the chest over the heart denotes a kindly person who likes to ramble on. He is often slightly discontented, as he tends to chew things over too much in his mind.
  16. In a woman, a mole under the left breast suggests that she will carry and give birth to children without difficulty.
  17. Amole low down on the right side of the ribs suggests a slow thinker who is best left to do things at his own pace.
  18. A mole on the belly belongs to a selfish, greedy, gluttonous and lazy person. This subject is also slovenly and dirty.
  19. A mole on the hip indicates many children who will be patient, hardworking and a credit to the subject.
  20. Amole on the right thigh brings riches plus a happy and lucky marriage.
  21. A mole on the left thigh means poverty and a lack of friends. This person is also on the receiving end of hatred and injustice from others.
  22. A mole on the right knee denotes an easy life and a good marriage.
  23. A mole on the left knee belongs to someone who has a temper that can result in rash acts, but under normal circumstances, this person is cool, honest and decent.
  24. A mole on either calf symbolizes a lazy, thoughtless person who lives for today and doesn't think ahead.
  25. A mole on either ankle suggests that a male will be somewhat feminine or even effeminate in his manner, while a female will be courageous, active and a handful.


We are all familiar with the idea that when one of our ears is burning, someone is talking about us, or that when one of our palms itches, we are about to come into some money, but we may not be familiar with all the other itchy beliefs, so here is the full list:

  1. If the crown of your head itches, promotion and an increase in salary are on the way.
  2. If your right eyebrow itches, you will soon meet an old friend or you will be reunited with a previous lover.
  3. If your left eyebrow itches, you will soon meet a friend who is ill, or you will see your old lover with someone else.
  4. A ringing in your right ear means that you will soon hear some good news. An itch here means that someone is saying nice things about you.
  5. A ringing in your left ear means that you will soon hear some unpleasant news. And, an itch here means that someone is saying nasty things about you.
  6. A violent itching of the nose means trouble and worry is on the way (or an allergy like hay fever is about to act up).
  7. Itchy lips suggest that someone is running you down behind your back.
  8. An itch on the back of the neck means that someone close to you is about to suffer a violent trauma.
  9. An itchy right shoulder means that you will soon receive a large legacy.
  10. An itchy left shoulder means that you will soon be weighed down with troubles. It may also possibly be linked to some form of heart disease.


    Location of itches

  11. If your right elbow itches, good news is on the way.
  12. If your left elbow itches, you will suffer a disappointment, or soon share your bed with a stranger or a strange person.
  13. If your right palm is itchy, money is on the way to you.
  14. If your left palm itches, you will have to pay someone else's debts.
  15. An itchy spine means that heavy burdens are on the way.
  16. An itch in the genital region means that you can shortly expect an addition to your family, or that you will soon be married.
  17. If your tummy itches, you will soon be eating a sumptuous meal.
  18. If either or both your thighs itch, you will soon be sleeping elsewhere.
  19. If your right knee itches, your life will change for the better and you will also become interested in religion.
  20. If your left knee itches, you will have a setback in life.
  21. Itchy shins mean you may have a long, painful illness.
  22. If your ankle joints itch, you will be united or reunited with a loved one. If you are already happily settled, your life will become even happier.
  23. If the sole of your right foot itches, you will soon be on a pleasant journey.
  24. If the sole of your left foot itches, you will soon be on a journey of a sad or unpleasant nature.

Legend has it that, if your left ear itches—meaning that someone is running you down—you should bite the fingers of both hands, and the person will soon get their comeuppance!