Appendix B
Summary Statistics
Variables Definition Obs. Mean Std. Dev.
Crop production Natural logged value of crops production, expressed in thousand RMB and in 1970 prices 2,307 10.27 0.91
Crop production per rural capita Natural logged value of crops production per rural capita, expressed in RMB and in 1970 prices 2,307 4.39 0.58
Total agricultural outputs Natural logged value of agricultural outputs, expressed in thousand RMB and in 1970 prices 2,533 10.57 0.85
Total agricultural outputs per rural capita Natural logged value of agricultural outputs per rural capita, expressed in RMB and in 1970 prices 2,533 4.71 0.51
Commune relative size Natural logged average number of brigades per commune 2,473 2.99 0.46
Team size Natural logged average number of households per production team 2,528 3.55 0.34
Land Natural logged area of planted land (for grains and oil) in hectares 2,560 11.07 0.87
Machine power Natural logged machine horse power 2,410 9.37 1.67
Labor Natural logged average share of labor in rural population 2,529 −0.95 0.14
Fertilizer Natural logged tons of fertilizers per hectare of planted land 2,574 −2.2 1.78
Rural population Natural logged rural population in thousands 2,562 5.86 0.74
Estimation Using Alternative Dependent Variables
  Total output Total output per rural capita
Institutional structure    
MC commune relative size −0.030 −0.040
  (0.025) (0.027)
MC team size −0.032 −0.024
  (0.036) (0.036)
MC commune relative size × MC team size 0.096*** 0.103**
  (0.035) (0.041)
Conventional inputs    
Land 0.175** 0.190**
  (0.082) (0.082)
Machine power 0.029 0.033*
  (0.018) (0.018)
Labor 0.433** 0.414**
  (0.174) (0.171)
Fertilizer 0.019** 0.020***
  (0.007) (0.007)
Rural population 0.179 −0.578***
  (0.212) (0.189)
Year fixed effect Y Y
County fixed effect Y Y
Observations 2,184 2,184
R-squared (R2) 0.795 0.615
Number of counties 117 117
Note: Dependent and independent variables are logged; constant is included in the model but not reported here; robust standard errors in parentheses are clustered at county level; *** p<0.01, ** p<0.05, * p<0.1.
Estimated Contribution to Agricultural Production of Various Organizational Structures
  Commune relative size Team size Contribution to agriculture output p-value 2.50% 97.50%
Organizational structures (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
Small commune with small teams −1.16 −0.64 0.14 0.01 0.04 0.24
Medium commune with small teams 0.06 −0.64 0.00 0.92 −0.07 0.06
Large commune with small teams 0.94 −0.64 −0.11 0.08 −0.22 0.01
Small commune with medium teams −1.16 0.02 0.05 0.10 −0.01 0.11
Medium commune with medium teams 0.06 0.02 0.00 0.17 −0.01 0.00
Large commune with medium teams 0.94 0.02 −0.04 0.11 −0.09 0.01
Small commune with large teams 1.16 0.83 −0.05 0.15 −0.13 0.02
Medium commune with large teams 0.06 0.83 0.00 0.95 −0.08 0.08
Large commune with large teams 0.94 0.83 0.04 0.61 −0.10 0.17
Note: The contribution of commune organization structure to agricultural production is calculated based on the mean centered commune relative size (column 1) and mean centered team size (column 2), their interaction, and regression coefficients of the three variables reported in table C.1, column 4; small, medium, and large communes refer to the commune relative size variable taking values of −1.16 (1st percentile), 0.06 (median), and 0.94 (99th percentile), respectively; small, medium, and large teams refer to the team size variable taking value of −0.64 (1st percentile), 0.02 (median), and 0.83 (99th percentile), respectively; p-value (column 4) refers to the p-value of the estimated contribution in column 3; and columns 5 and 6 report the 95% confidence interval of the contribution estimate.