AB Analecta Bollandiana (Brussels)
ACO Acta conciliorum oecumenicorum, ed. E. Schwartz. (Berlin 1914–26)
Casiniensis Collectio Casiniensis = ACO I.3–4
CCG Corpus Christianorum series Graeca (Turnhout)
CCL Corpus Christianorum series Latina (Turnhout)
CPG Clavis patrum Graecorum. 5 vols. ed. M. Geerard (Turnhout,1974–1996)
CPL Clavis patrum Latinorum. ed. E. Dekkers and E. Gaar (Turnhout, 1995)
CSCO SS Corpus scriptorum Christianorum Orientalium, scriptores Syri (Louvain)
CSEL Corpus scriptorum ecclesiasticorum Latinorum (Vindobona)
CVatGr 1431  Codex Vaticanus gr. 1431. ed. E. Schwartz (Munich, 1927)
FC Fontes Christiani (Rome)
Flemming Akten der ephesinischen Synod vom Jahre 449, Syrisch. ed. J.Flemming (Berlin, 1917)
Fonti Joannou, P. P., ed., Fonti, Discipline générale antique (Rome, 1962–63)
GCS Die griechischen christlichen Schriftsteller der ersten drei Jahrhunderte (New series)
JECS Journal of Early Christian Studies
JLA Journal of Late Antiquity
JTS Journal of Theological Studies
LCL Loeb Classical Library (Cambridge, MA)
LRE Jones, A. H. M. The Later Roman Empire: A Social, Economic and Administrative Survey. 2 vols. (Baltimore, 1986)
NPNFI A Select Library of Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers of the Christian Church, First Series (Grand Rapids, MI)
NPNFII A Select Library of Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers of the Christian Church, Second Series (Grand Rapids, MI)
NRSV New Revised Standard Version Bible (New York, 1989)
Overbeck S. Ephraemi Syri, Rabulae episcopi Edesseni Balaei aliorumque opera selecta, ed. J. Overbeck (Oxford, 1865)
Perry The Second Synod of Ephesus, English Version. tr. S. G. F. Perry (Dartford, 1881)
PG Patrologiae cursus completus, series Graeca. ed. J. Migne(Paris, 1857–)
PL Patrologiae cursus completus, series Latina. ed. J. Migne (Paris, 1844–)
PO Patrologia Orientalis (Rome)
PLRE II Prosopography of the Later Roman Empire, vol. 2, 395–527. ed. J. R. Martindale (Cambridge, 1980)
SC Sources chrétiennes (Paris)
ST Studi e testi (Rome)
TU Texte und Untersuchungen zur Geschichte der altchristliche Literatur

For additional clarity, references to Theodoret's letters use this new shorthand:

P = Collectio Patmensis (SC 40, formerly numbered inconsistently by

Roman numerals) S = Collectio Sirmondiana (SC 98, 111, formerly numbered by simple Arabic numerals)

C = Collectio conciliaris (SC 429, formerly numbered according to several systems) titled and numbered in this book according to CPG

References to Libanius's letters follow R. Foerster's numbering (= F). References to Synesius of Cyrene's letters follow A. Garzya's numbering. References to Ambrose of Milan's letters follow M. Zelzer's numbering (CSEL).

References to Firmus of Caesarea's letters follow M. Calvet-Sebasti's numbering (SC).

References to John Chrysostom's letters follow the numbering in PG 52.

References to all other letters and conciliar documents use titles and numbers from CPG and CPL.

Sessions at the Council of Chalcedon are numbered according to the Greek acta. (Note that Price and Gaddis, Acts of Chalcedon, number according to the Latin acta).

Except where otherwise indicated, all translations of source passages are my own.