
I want to thank my colleagues across Microsoft for their support on this book, and our technical editor Matt Hinson for his commitment and great work. Thanks to the contributor authors, Nickolaj Andersen, Cliff Hobbs, and Alessandro Cesarini, for sharing some of their knowledge and experience with the readers.

To my coauthors, Brett Bennett and Peter Daalmans, thanks for staying on the project and giving the best of yourselves; I know the readers will enjoy learning from both of you.

Thanks to my friends for their support on the book and for providing a great elevator pitch to your customers.

Finally, I want to thank all the Configuration Manager and Enterprise Mobility + Security community, which has always been so passionate about the technology and willing to help us improve our writing. Let’s keep the conversation going.

—Santos Martinez

Special thanks to my family and friends. I had to balance my time with you with my commitment to writing this book. I couldn’t have done this without you guys!

I also want to thank Wiley/Sybex for giving me the opportunity to write this second book. It was again a great pleasure to work with the Wiley team; I’m looking forward to any new project! Also many thanks to the writing and editorial teams, you all rock!

Furthermore, many thanks to the Configuration Manager product team, who created this great product, and Cathy Moya especially, our great and dedicated MVP lead from within the product team. They all give us the opportunity to learn as much as we want about Configuration Manager and the Enterprise Mobility + Security products.

Also special thanks to my employer and colleagues at IT-Concern, for giving me the space to speak at conferences and to be of value for the community.

Finally, many thanks to the Configuration Manager and Enterprise Mobility communities and in particular all my fellow Enterprise Mobility MVPs; thanks for your support.

—Peter Daalmans

I would like to thank my wife Rosalie, and my children Brittany, Jamie, and Justin for the support they have provided me in my career. I would also like to thank Microsoft, both as my employer for the past 10 years and also for the amazing products they develop that have kept me gainfully employed for the past 30 years. I would also like to thank the coauthors Santos and Peter, the reviewers, and the entire team at Sybex/Wiley who helped put this book together.

—Brett Bennett