In some instances ongoing court hearings, legal appeals and similar events have been crunched together to stop the reader dying of boredom. Similarly, time between chapters and within chapters jumps around a bit to keep thematically similar events together, but hopefully this is still flagged for those keen to follow the chronology. Where I felt I had to choose between forensic and potboiler I opted for potboiler.
On dates of birth and spelling of names, multiple variations on official documents have meant I have had to go with best guess. Based on Tony’s age on Sajih’s death certificate I have gone with the 1965 birth date, despite reports by his lawyer saying he turned sixteen on the day his father died, not fifteen (and other different birth dates given on Tony’s company records). Names are spelt differently between Sajih’s tombstone and his death certificate. Tony’s mother’s name is variously referred to as Lora, Lord, Laura and Lorde on documents. His dad is recorded in various places as Sagit, Sajih and even more distant variations.
Relatives saying Tony was born in Kuwait have been chosen over Tony putting Achache and Tripoli on company documents as his place of birth. The words ‘amphetamines’ and ‘methamphetamines’ are used interchangeably here although experts tell me there is very little if any of the former in Australia.
Other disclaimers: Please don’t try anything contained herein at home. No animals were hurt during the writing of this book although James Campbell did try to eat three chickens.