
This book has had a long gestation period, culled as it is from the diaries I kept since arriving in South Africa in 1966. Throughout this long period I have incurred many debts to friends both in Grahamstown and England, to the many Black Sashers who inspired and nurtured me, and to the mainly Eastern Cape people whom I met through my work who showed me a depth of humanity I did not know existed.

There are too many people to name and thank individually but as in my dedication I must name a few. Firstly I thank Colleen Higgs and Mojadji Books who had faith enough to publish the book. Secondly Karen Robertson who was the editor and made all the editing sessions interesting and fun! Without these two people the book would never have seen the light of day. William Barnes in London was a meticulous and kind encourager of early drafts. Sadly, he died shortly before the book was published. And to Lynette Paterson, who put in swathes of time prodding, pushing and suggesting, my debt is enormous.

Finally, the love and encouragement of my husband Malvern and children Matthew, Anna, Charlotte and Lucy has sustained me throughout and I am deeply grateful to them.
