(after Dashiell Hammett)
This is genuine coin of the realm.
A dollar of this buys ten of talk.
The cheaper the crook the gaudier the patter.
I’ll see you at the inquest maybe.
I’m a reasonable man. I don’t mind
a reasonable amount of trouble.
All I’ve got to do is stand still
More than idle curiosity prompts my question:
how’d you like to turn my chops over?
Yes. I’m tired of lying, tired of lies,
of not knowing what the truth is.
So listen carefully here’s the plot:
the grieving widow walks on, grieves,
walks off again still grieving.
You want to hang around you’ll be polite.
You get loose teeth talking like that.
You’re taking the fall, precious.
If you’re a good girl they’ll give you life.
If they hang you I’ll always remember you.
The shortest farewell’s best: adieu.
Here’s to plain speaking and clear understanding.
I distrust a close-mouthed man. I’m a man
who likes talking to a man who likes to talk.