The speaker opens his mouth.
The lovers lie down together.
The boy is sent to the war.
The last train leaves the city.
The sky clouds over with ruin.
The animals step back into shadow.
The speaker opens his mouth.
The fields are trampled by horses.
Children crouch in the ashes.
Survivors wait at the frontier.
Two armies meet in a forest.
The lovers take off their clothes.
The speaker opens his mouth.
An earthquake topples the belltower.
The boy lies down in a cornfield.
Soldiers patrol all the streets.
The grocer has run out of flour.
The girl dreams of a wheatfield.
The ship enters the harbour.
The girl waves her red scarf.
The lovers cry out in their love.
And at last it is still.
And the speaker says I shall begin.
The children are all asleep.