Illinois, Iowa

Dead grass & maize stalks

Miles, miles, 4½ thousand

Timeshift 7 hours

2 continents, 1 ocean

Travelling, 4 days

1 good time, much being quiet

200 cigarettes, 1 bottle brandy

1 arrival in Iowa City

March 25th 1969, 6.00 pm

$3.38 in my pocket

1 cab-ride into the clapboard wilderness

1 return on foot carrying 2 bags

9 phone calls, 2 wrong numbers, 1 reply

Waiting, waiting

Hunger, loneliness, weariness, silence

1 poem written quickly holding things down

The durations of wind, cold, grainfields

Endless helpfulness, cheerfulness, on the nail

The bland faces, America America

And silence. And night

And wind blowing, right through the heart