and shaking, cat cries,

boots kicking in the alleys

and all night I swear someone

calling from far off please

to come in. I dreamed

nothing, I dreamed I was asleep

with the eyes of my enemy


The sun, skimming the mist off the marshes,

trees breaking through

like junked ships. At the tips of three sticks

of the wintered elm

three crows, like three

black flames.

That describes it. On the sea

a quick slap of sunlight, the day

set loose.

              In the street

early risers with flasks

and lunchbuckets set out

for the port. There is

nothing to tell you, the city

coming awake, everyone

pulls on the ropes, from a lifted window

a man shouts down his hands

such good little citizens.

Hard to say where I’ve been. One place

was a thin skirling music,

its own sound, rain

gusted through rocks,

Arab music the way they hear it.

They played, each his own song

with others, a joyful lament.

A girl danced, dark, skinny-legged.

Others stood to one side listening.

In a doorway a drunk

was taking a leak

and falling. When he sat up

he was spitting his teeth out,

a gob of whiteness.