Quotations at the beginning of each chapter that come from various forms of German propaganda were, by and large, translated by Randall L. Bytwerk, a historian at Calvin University who maintains a Nazi Propaganda database hosted at https://research.calvin.edu/german
Chapter 1: Language used to reference the badges that Jews were made to wear in Nazi Germany beginning in 1939 and in German-occupied territories beginning in 1941 and 1942 (see https://www.holocaustcenter.org/visit/library-archive/holocaust-badges/).
Chapter 2: Adolf Hitler, Program of the German Workers’ Party, read to two thousand Germans in Munich on February 24, 1920. Artifact available at United States Holocaust Memorial Museum, courtesy of Patrick Gleason.
Chapter 3: “Das Ende der jüdischen Wanderung” (“The end of Jewish migration”), Nationalsozialistische Monatshefte (The National Socialist Monthly), May 1933, 229–31.
Chapter 4: Text appearing on a propaganda slide, United States Holocaust Memorial Museum, photograph number 49821, courtesy of Marion Davy.
Chapter 5: “Die Lösung der Judenfrage” (“Solving the Jewish question”), Nationalsozialistische Monatshefte (The National Socialist Monthly), May 1933, 195–97.
Chapter 6: “Wann ist die jüdische Gefahr beseitigt?” (“When will the Jewish danger be over?”), Der Stürmer, no. 19, 1942.
Chapter 7: This headline appeared on the front page of a special edition of the anti-Semetic tabloid Der Stürmer, published by editor Julius Streicher (see Randall L. Bytwerk, Julius Streicher: Nazi Editor of the Notorious Anti-Semitic Newspaper Der Stürmer [New York: Cooper Square Press, 2001], 89, 208–10).
Chapter 8: “Der Kampf gegen den Teufel: Alljuda offenbart seinen Vernichtungsplan” (“The battle with the devil: Pan-Jewry reveals its destructive plan”), Der Stürmer, no. 37, 1941, 1–2.
Chapter 9: “Bolschewismus und Synogoge” (“Bolshevism and synagogue”), Der Stürmer, no. 36, 1941.
Chapter 10: “Der heilige Haß” (“The holy hate”), Der Stürmer, no. 18, 1943.
Chapter 11: Die jüdische Weltpest [The Jewish World Plague] (Munich: Zentralverlag der NSDAP, 1939), 8.
Chapter 12: From a four-page flyer explaining and justifying the mandatory wearing of the yellow star, “Wenn Du dieses Zeichen siehst . . . Jude” (“When you see this symbol . . . Jew”), November 1941, 4.
Chapter 13: This quote comes from a 1944 issue of the Sprechabenddienst, a publication that Nazi party members used to guide discussions at an evening meeting—called a Sprechabend—where party members discussed the Nazi approach to various ideas and events. See “Parole 21: Den Juden kennen heißt den Sinn des Krieges verstehen!” (“To know the Jews is to understand the meaning of war!”) Sprechabenddienst, Sept./Oct. 1944.
Chapter 14: G. G. Otto, Der Jude als Weltparasit [The Jew as world parasite] (Munich: Eher Verlag, 1943), 4.
Chapter 15: A verse from the anti-Semitic children’s book Trau keinem Fuchs auf grüner Heid und keinem Jud bei seinem Eid [Trust no fox in the green meadow and no Jew on his oath] (Nuremberg: Stürmer Verlag, 1936), 5.
Chapter 16: “Die Geheimpläne gegen Deutschland enthüllt” (“Secret plans against Germany revealed”), Der Stürmer, no. 27, 1933.
Chapter 17: “Der Weg zur Tat” (“The way to action”), Der Stürmer, no. 5, 1943.
Chapter 18: Ernst Hiemer, Der Giftpilz [The Toadstool] (Nuremberg, Stürmerverlag, 1938).
Chapter 19: Hitler, Adolph. Mein Kampf. Pg 319. https://archive.org/details
Chapter 20: “Der heilige Haß” (“The holy hate”), Der Stürmer, no. 18, 1943.
Chapter 21: Ernst Hiemer, Der Pudelmopsdackelpinscher [The Poodle-Pug-Dachshund-Pinscher] (Nuremberg: Der Stürmer-Buchverlag, 1940). Each chapter in this children’s book compares Jews to a specific animal. This particular quote comes from the chapter comparing Jews to drones—stingless male bees.
Chapter 22: Ernst Hiemer, Der Pudelmopsdackelpinscher [The Poodle-Pug-Dachshund-Pinscher] (Nuremberg: Der Stürmer-Buchverlag, 1940). Each chapter in this children’s book compares Jews to a specific animal. This particular quote comes from the chapter comparing Jews to poisonous serpents.
Chapter 23: Ernst Hiemer, Der Pudelmopsdackelpinscher [The Poodle-Pug-Dachshund-Pinscher] (Nuremberg: Der Stürmer-Buchverlag, 1940). Each chapter in this children’s book compares Jews to a specific animal. This particular quote comes from the chapter comparing Jews to tapeworms.
Chapter 24: Führerinnendienst des Bundes Deutscher Mädel in der Hitler-Jugend, Gebiet Mainfranken 39, February 1944.
Chapter 25: This line from Adolf Hitler was quoted in a newsletter distributed to leaders of the Hitler Youth in the Franconia region of Germany (see Führerinnendienst des Bundes Deutscher Mädel in der Hitler-Jugend, Gebiet Mainfranken 39, February 1944).
Afterword: Winston Churchill, “Never Give In.” October 29, 1941. https://winstonchurchill.org/resources/speeches/1941-1945-war-leader/never
Author’s Note: Author’s personal conversation with Professor Shaul Harel.