Have we missed anyone?. . .
1. Bec Houghton
2. Sav Mueller
3. Jessie Ong
4. Calypso Steadman
5. Helen Pringle
6. Antonia Tucci
7. Meg Riley
8. Issy Spillane
9. Georgia Lucas
10. Maddie Vincent
hungryjackoff: srsly only chicks could be this stupid
Feminightmare: Hey, guess what, you idiot – eating disorders are not gender specific. Publishing this list is creepy, slanderous, dangerous
hungryjackoff: don’t get yr panties in a not
Feminightmare: Let’s see what state your panties are in when you dickheads get busted for publishing shit like this
b@rnieboy: fat sluts are hotter any day. skinny chix got no titz
sufferingsuffragette: Dear PSST, nobody cares about your tragic lists except other losers like you. PrivateSchoolSecretsTrackr is run by PatheticSadSexlessTools
Feminightmare: Anyone who needs help with eating disorders, call the Eating Disorders Helpline 1300 550 236 for confidential support and information. Real people know this is a serious condition and not a joke; we’re there for you.
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