Song: Lou Reed, ‘Perfect Day’
• What’s your idea of a perfect day?
• Is there such a thing as perfection? Is perfection even possible?
• What influences your idea of perfection? (Peers? Art? Media? Family?)
• Perfection is a myth promoted by the media.
• What are your flaws? How do you live with them?
• Perfection is boring. Flaws are what make people interesting.
• Beauty is subjective.
In your journal, reflect on what your perfect day would be. Write an itinerary. Who would you be with? What would you be doing?
Patrons of the St Hilda’s Winter Fair were terrorised by an unidentifiable fleshy mass. It came out of the water and remains at large. Heh heh.
diddywah: Some like ’em lardy.
K-bomb: That’s the most DISGUSTING thing I’ve ever seen. My EYES!!!
Ericsonic: Krispy Kreme.
Wylderworld: How about you Bizjiz? Up for jabba-action?
Bizjiz: Ha! My dick’d get lost in there.
StHildasSuffragette: Bizjiz – your dick’s so teeny-weeny you wouldn’t be able to find it in the first place. K-bomb – you’re the disgusting one. The fuck is wrong with you guys?
Ericsonic: Anyone harpooned that??? rate and review fresh meat for Rate the Boarders
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