A map is not the territory it represents.
Alfred Korzybski
Getting lost was not a matter of geography so much as identity, a passionate desire, even an urgent need, to become no one and anyone, to shake off the shackles that remind you who you are, who others think you are.
Rebecca Solnit, A Field Guide to Getting Lost
Most people are familiar with the idea of maps as representations of geographical information, but map making can tell our personal stories and assist us to understand the world around us and our place within it.
• Are you a planner?
• What do you gain from looking ahead?
• What do you gain from looking back?
• Can you think of a time where being lost turned out to be a positive thing?
‘Map yourself’
Make a map that is not for directions but is a work of art and inspired imagination. Use writing, photography and/or collage, and use memory and emotional landmarks to reveal a journey, past or present.