
This was a fun one! Thank you so much for going along for the ride with me. That you chose my book in which to spend your time is my honor.

More than anything this book is about new dreams, reimagining, and daring to journey down new paths. I’m so fortunate to be able to venture down the path of writing for a living, thanks to my husband, Daniel Heintzelman, who has allowed me to leap because he’s my net, supporting me.

I have a ton of shout-outs to give because it took a lot of amazing people to help me get this fun story to market. Thank you to my Las Vegas Romance Writers family and especially my Thursday Night Therves. You are my fellow introverts uniting in dark corners and cozy nooks. You help me breathe life into my books and characters. Thanks for your invaluable, crazy, fun, and hashtaggable critique sessions.

To my editor, Faith Freewoman, I’m indebted to your polishing skills. You make my work shine. Thank you for your clear eyes and encouraging feedback.

A huge thank you to the librarians, bloggers, bookstagrammers, and reviewers. You are the unspoken heroes who spread the word like wildfire about stories, which feed the mind and nourish the soul.

Big hugs and smoochie kisses to my family and friends. You are the petals on my flowering tree and the frame holding up my house. You understand and support me even though I’m always with my nose stuck in a book or with my fingers glued to a keyboard spinning tales.

Mommy and Daddy I love that I’m equally both parts of your (semi-) social butterfly (okay, sometimes, anti-) and bookworm because you’ve given me a hungry mind and wings to soar.

My sister, Melissa DeGrazia, we’re basically the same person in two bodies fighting with our reflections, but who better to have in my corner to support and uplift me? Thank you. Cheers to leaping in faith!

Finally, to my two daughters and my nieces and nephews, I hope my daring pursuit of greatness is inspiration and wind beneath your wings.