
Tim and I remet, unsurprisingly, in the Grayston gym, where both he and I were ‘working out’ in a rather desperate attempt to retain some semblance of our youthful bodies. After reading through Fitness for Old Farts, I realise that the onset of old-fartness is all too prevalent. But it needn’t be a life sentence.

As you will see for yourself, Tim discusses the necessity of regular excercise and a healthy diet as important factors in avoiding an early death. Both he and I know, that while this is true, it is actually our male vanity and stubborn pride that drives us to face a sweaty 90 minutes of excercise three to four times a week in the frantic hope, King Canute-like, of delaying the ravages of Father Time! Recognising a fellow foolish Old Fart in his 50s, Tim asked me to write this foreword.

My rugby coaching career all around the world, has fortunately allowed me plenty of time to visit gyms. I have found a pretty good system that works for me. Three to four times a week I follow this regime:

  1. 20 minutes on the X-trainer at 20 effort level, keeping my heart rate between 120 and 140 bpm (my resting heart rate is 48). I work at between 65 and 80% of my maximum (165 bpm).
  2. Gym circuit (15 minutes), working chest, arms, shoulders, back and abs.
  3. 20 minutes on the X-trainer (heartbeat 120–140).
  4. Gym circuit (15 minutes), as above.
  5. 20 minutes on the X-trainer (heartbeat 120–140).

This 90-minute workout, while crushingly boring, works! I defy any adipose to adhere to a body part (in men, the gut!) if you are disciplined enough to stick to this or any of Tim’s far more professionally produced fitness programmes and healthy diets. After living in France and Italy for 15 years, the only thing I am not prepared to do without is wine. I feel that this book will be of tremendous assistance to anyone wanting to maintain a healthy weight if you, like me, enjoy a bottle of wine a day during weekdays and a minimum of two bottles a day on Saturdays and Sundays.

Good luck with the workouts and healthy diets, my fellow Old Farts!