The index that appeared in the print version of this title was intentionally removed from the eBook. Please use the search function on your eReading device to search for terms of interest. For your reference, the terms that appear in the print index are listed below.
- ankle taps
- barbell bench press (flat)
- barbell bench press (incline)
- bosu ball crunches
- carbohydrates, low-GI
- cardio training
- dead lifts
- diet, see also meal plan, 7-day
- high protein
- Show Boat
- Sunday
- donkey calf raises
- dumbbell flies
- elbow-to-knee twists
- exercise see also training schedules
- abs
- aerobic
- anaerobic
- back
- biceps
- breathing
- chest
- closed chain
- compound
- isolation
- legs
- open chain
- shoulders
- triceps
- weight-related
- EZ bar skull crushes
- fitness
- flexibility
- food
- food labels
- form
- front bridge
- front deltoid raises
- fruit
- gym programme
- before you begin one
- pre-
- theory
- gynie machine exercise
- hack squat (machine) exercise
- hamstring curls
- hanging dips
- hanging leg lift
- hyper-extension (lower back) exercise
- joints
- leg extensions
- leg press
- leg raises
- leg raises (ball)
- lower pec cable raises
- low row exercise
- low GI
- lunges
- mat crunches
- meal plan, 7-day
- meat
- meat eaters, rules for
- military press
- muscle mass
- one-arm cable pull-down
- one-arm dumbbell row
- pec deck machine exercise
- pelvic lifts
- preacher curl
- protein
- pre-gym programme see gym programme, pre-
- rear deltoid flies machine exercise
- scissors exercise
- seated alternate dumbbell curls
- seated dumbbell curl on knee
- seated dumbbell hammer curl
- seated cable flies
- seated cable press
- seated cable pull-down behind neck
- seated cable pull-down narrow grip
- seated cable pull-down wide grip
- seated cable shoulder press
- seated calf raises
- seated dumbbell rear deltoid flies
- seated dumbbell shoulder press
- seated leg press
- seated shoulder press (behind)
- seated shoulder press (in front)
- shoulder shrugs
- Show Boat diet, the
- side bends
- side bridge
- side deltoid raises
- sit-up bench
- squats
- standing barbell curl
- standing barbell row exercise
- standing barbell shoulder press (behind)
- standing barbell shoulder press (front)
- standing bicep curl with EZ bar
- standing cable curl
- standing cable press (H-frame)
- standing cable push-down
- standing calf raises
- standing H-frame cable curl
- starting weights
- training, cardio
- training schedules
- 2-day body programme (Mick’s)
- Day 1: bicep – shoulders – back
- Day 2: triceps – chest – legs
- 3-day programme (Paul’s)
- Day 1: back & biceps
- Day 2: shoulders & triceps
- Day 3: legs & chest
- 5-day body programme (block 1 – madness) (Tim’s)
- Day 1: back
- Day 2: shoulders
- Day 3: legs
- Day 4: chest
- Day 5: guns (arms)
- 5-day body programme (block 2 – insanity) (Tim’s)
- Day 1: back
- Day 2: shoulders
- Day 3: legs
- Day 4: chest
- Day 5: guns (arms)
- 5-day body programme (block 3 – understanding) (Tim’s)
- Day 1: back
- Day 2: shoulders
- Day 3: legs
- Day 4: chest
- Day 5: biceps & triceps (guns & poses)
- 5-day standard body programme (Jerry’s)
- Day 1: back
- Day 2: shoulders
- Day 3: legs
- Day 4: chest
- Day 5: biceps & triceps
- 6-day body programme (John’s)
- Day 1: back
- Day 2: shoulders
- Day 3: legs
- Day 4: chest
- Day 5: biceps
- Day 6: triceps
- example charts
- training, weights
- trapezius barbell chin-ups
- tricep dip machine exercise
- tricep kickback
- vegetables
- weights, starting
- weights training
- Avo à la Tim
- avo open sandwiches, pilchard &
- Baked beans on toast
- Baked fish fillets
- Basic salad, the
- bean salad, kidney
- bobotie, ostrich
- Bombay beans
- breyani, ostrich & lentil
- burgers, ostrich
- Cabbage rolls
- Cederberg citrus fish braai
- cheese & tomato, grilled, on low-GI bread
- Chicken & pea curry
- Chicken & sweet potato stir fry
- chicken & vegetables, herbed
- chicken, crumbed roast, with rice
- Chicken
- chicken & pea curry
- chicken & sweet potato stir fry
- chicken with curried couscous
- crumbed roast chicken with rice
- herbed chicken & vegetables
- sticky chicken wings with asparagus & sweet potatoes
- chicken wings, sticky, with asparagus & sweet potatoes
- Chicken with curried couscous
- couscous, curried, chicken with
- Cliffie’s baked salmon
- Cliffie’s fish curry
- Crumbed roast chicken with rice
- Curry
- chicken & pea curry
- Cliffie’s fish curry
- KZN Midlands vegetable dahl
- ostrich & lentil breyani
- ostrich bobotie
- dahl, KZN Midlands vegetable
- Egg salad open sandwiches
- Fish & seafood
- baked fish fillets
- Cederberg citrus fish braai
- Cliffie’s baked salmon
- Cliffie’s fish curry
- mussel & baby marrow spaghetti
- mustard-glazed baked salmon
- old faithful
- pilchard & avo open sandwiches
- prawn pasta
- fish braai, Cederberg citrus
- fish fillets, baked
- Game
- ostrich & lentil breyani
- ostrich bobotie
- ostrich burgers
- ostrich chilli
- ostrich spaghetti Bolognese
- venison potjie
- Grilled cheese & tomato on low-GI bread
- Herbed chicken & vegetables
- Kidney bean salad
- KZN Midlands vegetable dahl
- marrow spaghetti, baby, mussel &
- Mussel & baby marrow spaghetti
- Mustard-glazed baked salmon
- Old faithful
- Ostrich & lentil breyani
- Ostrich bobotie
- Ostrich burgers
- Ostrich chilli
- Ostrich spaghetti Bolognese
- Pasta
- mussel & baby marrow spaghetti
- ostrich spaghetti Bolognese
- prawn pasta
- Pilchard & avo open sandwiches
- Prawn pasta
- Salads
- kidney bean salad
- the basic salad
- Sandwiches
- avo à la Tim
- baked beans on toast
- Bombay beans
- egg salad open sandwiches
- grilled cheese & tomato on low-GI bread
- old faithful
- pilchard & avo open sandwiches
- salmon, Cliffie’s baked
- salmon, mustard-glazed baked
- Sticky chicken wings with asparagus & sweet potatoes
- stir fry, chicken & sweet potato
- Venison potjie