We would like to thank the many friends and professionals who contributed medical, yoga, and editorial advice to this book. Tova Ovadia, PT; Carole Lewis, PT, PhD; Caroline Konnoth, PT; Barry Pinchoff, MD; James Dillard, MD; and Donald Cohen, MD, have stimulated our thought and made invaluable suggestions.
Christine Saudek, MS, PT, and certified senior Iyengar yoga teacher, shared her expertise, reading our manuscript for accuracy during the final stages of writing and revision, asking difficult questions and attending to every detail.
Experts in yoga and alternative medicine have been generous with their time and ideas. Special thanks are due to Sally Hess, model par excellence, for her patience and tireless technical and editorial work. We are also grateful to Mary Dunn, Ellen Saltenstall, Joan White, Victor Oppenheimer, Leslie Kaminoff (the Breathing Project, New York City), Pamela Miles (Institute for the Advancement of Complementary Therapies), Eric Small, Sheldon Lewis, Paul Frediani (Sports Athletics), Ellen Peterman, Jon Keller, and Vidya Albrink.
For editorial help and general support without which this book would not have been possible, we would like to express our gratitude to Amy Hertz, Ellen Levine, Jill Bialosky, Jane Bernstein, Warren Sidall, Tom Murtha, Mark Rudman, Eileen Stukane, Sheila Weller, and John Cooney.