Appendix D

Abbreviations for Diagnostic and Laboratory Tests


AAT Alpha1-antitrypsin
ABEP Auditory brainstem evoked potential
ABGs Arterial blood gases
ACE Angiotensin-converting enzyme
ACT Activated clotting time
ACTH Adrenocorticotropic hormone
ADH Antidiuretic hormone
AFB Acid-fast bacilli
AFP Alpha-fetoprotein
A/G ratio Albumin/globulin ratio
AIT Agglutination inhibition test
ALA Aminolevulinic acid
ALP Alkaline phosphatase
ALT Alanine aminotransferase
AMA Antimitochondrial antibody
ANA Antinuclear antibody
ANC Absolute neutrophil count
ANCA Antineutrophil cytoplasmic antibody
ANP Atrial natriuretic peptide
APCA Anti–parietal cell antibody
APTT Activated partial thromboplastin time
ASMA Anti–smooth muscle antibody
ASO Antistreptolysin O titer
AST Aspartate aminotransferase


B2M Beta2 microglobulin
BE Barium enema
BMC Bone mineral count
BMD Bone mineral density
BPP Biophysical profile
BRCA Breast cancer
BTA Bladder tumor antigen
BSAP Bone specific alkaline phosphatase
BNP Brain natriuretic peptide
BUN Blood urea nitrogen


Ca Calcium
CAT Computerized axial tomography
CBC Complete blood cell count
CrCl Creatinine clearance
CEA Carcinoembryonic antigen
CK Creatine kinase
Cl Chloride
CLO Campylobacter-like organism
CMG Cystometrogram
CMV Cytomegalovirus
CNP C-type natriuretic peptide
CO Carbon monoxide
CO2 Carbon dioxide
COHb Carboxyhemoglobin test
CP, CPK Creatine phosphokinase
CRP C-reactive protein
C&S Culture and sensitivity
CSF Cerebrospinal fluid
CST Contraction stress test
CT Computed tomography
cTnI Cardiac troponin I
cTnT Cardiac troponin T
CVB Chorionic villi biopsy
CVS Chorionic villi sampling
CXR Chest x-ray


D&C Dilation and curettage
DEXA Dual-energy x-ray absorptiometry
DHEA Dehydroepiandrosterone
DIC Disseminated intravascular coagulation
DSMA Disodium monomethane arsonate renal scan
DPA Dual-photon absorptiometry
DSA Digital subtraction angiography
DST Dexamethasone suppression test


EBV Epstein-Barr virus
ECG, EKG Electrocardiogram
ECHO Echocardiography
EEG Electroencephalogram
EFS Esophageal function studies
EGD Esophagogastroduodenoscopy
EIA Enzyme immunoassay
ELISA Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay
EMA Endomysial antibody
EMG Electromyography
ENG Electroneurography
EP Evoked potential
EPO Erythropoietin
EPS Electrophysiologic study
ER Estrogen receptor
ERCP Endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography
ESR Erythrocyte sedimentation rate
EUG Excretory urography


FBS Fasting blood sugar
FDPs Fibrin degradation products
Fe Iron
fFN Fetal fibronectin
FIT Fecal immunochemical test
%FPSA Percent free prostate-specific antigen
FSH Follicle-stimulating hormone
FSPs Fibrin split products
FTA-ABS Fluorescent treponemal antibody absorption test
FTI Free thyroxine index
FUT Fibrinogen uptake test
FVL Factor V-Leiden


G-6-PD Glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase
GAD ab Glutamic acid decarboxylase antibody
GB series Gallbladder series
GE reflux Gastroesophageal reflux
GER scan Gastroesophageal reflux scan
GGT γ-Glutamyl transferase
GGTP γ-Glutamyl transpeptidase
GH Growth hormone
GHb, GHB Glycosylated hemoglobin
GI series Gastrointestinal series
GTT Glucose tolerance test


HAA Hepatitis-associated antigen
HAI Hemagglutination inhibition
HAV Hepatitis A virus
Hb, Hgb Hemoglobin
HBcAb Hepatitis B core antibody
HBcAg Hepatitis B core antigen
HBV Hepatitis B virus
HCG Human chorionic gonadotropin
HCO3 Bicarbonate
HCS Human chorionic somatomammotropin
Hct Hematocrit
Hcy Homocysteine
HDL High-density lipoprotein
5-HIAA 5-Hydroxyindoleacetic acid
HIDA Hepatic iminodiacetic acid
HIV Human immunodeficiency virus
HLA Human lymphocyte antigen
HPL Human placental lactogen
HPV Human papillomavirus
HSV-2 Herpes simplex virus, type 2
HTLV Human T-cell lymphotrophic virus


Ig Immunoglobulin
IAA Insulin autoantibody
ICA Islet cell antibody
IFE Immunofixation electrophoresis
IGF Insulin-like growth factor
INR International normalization ratio
ITT Insulin tolerance test
IVC Intravenous cholangiography
IV-GTT Intravenous glucose tolerance test
IVP Intravenous pyelography
IVU, IUG Intravenous urography


K Potassium
KS Ketosteroid
KUB Kidney, ureter, and bladder x-ray study


LAP Leucine aminopeptidase
LATS Long-acting thyroid-stimulator
LDH Lactic dehydrogenase
LDL Low-density lipoprotein
LE Lupus erythematosus
LES Lower esophageal sphincter
LFTs Liver function tests
LH Luteinizing hormone
LP Lumbar puncture
Lp(a) Lp(a) lipoprotein
L/S ratio Lecithin/sphingomyelin ratio
LS spine Lumbosacral spine


MCH Mean corpuscular hemoglobin
MCHC Mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration
MCV Mean corpuscular volume
M/E ratio Myeloid/erythroid ratio
Mg Magnesium
MPG Mean plasma glucose
MPV Mean platelet volume
MRA Magnetic resonance angiography
MRI Magnetic resonance imaging
MUGA Multigated acquisition cardiac scan


Na Sodium
NMR Nuclear magnetic resonance
NMP22 Nuclear matrix protein 22
NST Nonstress test
NTx N-Telopeptide


OB Occult blood
OCT Oxytocin challenge test
OGTT Oral glucose tolerance test
17-OHCS 17-Hydroxycorticosteroids
O&P Ova and parasites
OPG Oculoplethysmography


P Phosphorus
PAB Prealbumin
PAI-1 Plasminogen activator inhibitor-1
PAP Prostatic acid phosphatase
PAPP Pregnancy-associated plasma protein
Pb Lead
PCO2 Partial pressure of carbon dioxide
PET Positron-emission tomography
PFTs Pulmonary function tests
pH Hydrogen ion concentration
PKU Phenylketonuria
PMN Polymorphonuclear (type of WBC)
PNH Paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria
Po2 Partial pressure of oxygen
PO4 Phosphate
PPBS Postprandial blood sugar
PPD Purified protein derivative
PPG Postprandial glucose
PR Progesterone receptor
PRA Plasma renin assay
PSA Prostate-specific antigen
PSG Polysomnography
PT Prothrombin time
PTH Parathormone, parathyroid hormone
PTC, PTCH Percutaneous transhepatic cholangiography
PTT Partial thromboplastin time
PYD Pyridium


RAIU Radioactive iodine uptake
RAST Radioallergosorbent test
RBC Red blood cell
RDW Red cell distribution width
RF Rheumatoid factor
RIA Radioimmunoassay
RPR Rapid plasma reagin test
RRA Radioreceptor assay


S&A Sugar and acetone
SACE Serum angiotensin-converting enzyme
SARS Severe acute respiratory syndrome
SBF Small bowel follow-through
SER Somatosensory evoked responses
SGOT Serum glutamic oxaloacetic transaminase
SGPT Serum glutamic pyruvic transaminase
SLE Systemic lupus erythematosus
SPECT Single-photon emission computed tomography
STS Serologic test for syphilis


T3 Triiodothyronine
T4 Thyroxine
TBG Thyroxine-binding globulin
TBII Thyroid binding inhibitory immunoglobulin
TBPA Thyroxine-binding prealbumin
TDM Therapeutic drug monitoring
TEE Transesophageal echocardiography
TGs Triglycerides
TIBC Total iron-binding capacity
TPI Treponema pallidum immobilization
TRAP Tartrate-resistant acid phosphatase
TRF Thyrotropin releasing factor
TRH Thyrotropin releasing hormone
T&S Type and screen
TSH Thyroid-stimulating hormone
TSI Thyroid-stimulating immunoglobulin
TTE Transthoracic echocardiography


UA Urinalysis
UGI series Upper gastrointestinal series
UPP Urethral pressure profile
US Ultrasound


VDRL Venereal Disease Research Laboratory
VER Visual evoked response
VLDL Very-low-density lipoprotein
VMA Vanillylmandelic acid
VPS Ventilation/perfusion scanning


WBC White blood cell
WNL Within normal limits