Quinn moved back to his mother’s place so Sylvia could have the Sparkville house. Their old double-wide was full of boxes and furniture from his mother’s remodel, so he set up in the little travel trailer. He picked Evan up from school twice a week and brought him to eat and watch TV with his grandmother before they bunked down in the trailer.
All the other nights, Quinn came to her. With no fanfare, a life together began. Almost a life. An offhand life. She couldn’t look directly at it, for fear it would dissolve. She certainly couldn’t speak of it, for fear that Quinn, hearing his actions turned into words, might recoil and repudiate them and her. Still, he showed up midafternoons, often with groceries. They cooked together, or they went out to bars and restaurants. They held on to each other on the hard bed and slept the whole night clasped.
In the morning, he left the house when she went for her walk, or before. He was opening his mother’s kitchen and living room into a great room. Sometimes he helped Caleb on an addition in Sawyer. He rented hours at a wood shop to build cabinets for both jobs and began building furniture on spec. When Cress worked late, she met him afterward for a drink, or they caught Donna’s last set at the Sawyer Inn.
He was never at her house when she was not. “Why would I want to be here without you?” he said.
She couldn’t say, Because you live here. He didn’t.
They drove up to the Hapsaw Lodge to have dinner with Don Dare and Elise, whose crisp, cool managerial manner wasn’t easy to warm to. But she climbed rocks, and had plans for Don and the life they’d spend together. Dalia and Judge Crochet invited them for steaks at the Murdock Grill, and another time to see Chariots of Fire, followed by drinks at the Coach ’n’ 4.
Quinn discovered that the small barn at Cress’s house had a mechanic’s bay, a concrete trough, three feet wide, ten feet long, where a person could stand up and work under a car. Quinn changed his truck’s oil there, then showed Cress how to change the Saab’s. He made her do each step. It took her forever to get the plug out. If she ever went into business, he said, she’d have to call it Poky Lube. Or All Day Oil Change.
* * *
A small coal of happiness lodged behind Cress’s heart. She was working on the diss again, slowly getting back into it, a couple of hours every day. Better get that degree, she thought, or he’d be choosing between two waitresses.
If Quinn ever spoke to Sylvia or met with her, he didn’t say. Cress didn’t ask. She knew better than to force an outcome. He had to be with her of his own free will.
* * *
“Had a long talk with my mom yesterday,” he said. “She wants to meet you.”
They arranged for the next day, after Cress fed her lady golfers.
Running for lemon slices, cups of ice, and tiny pitchers of skim milk, Cress felt more tenderly toward the Hackettes; she saw them as practice for the mother.
“At the Staghorn?” said Dalia. “That’s weird.”
“You go to the Staghorn.”
“Not to meet my future mother-in-law.”
“We’re just meeting there,” Cress said. “Probably we’ll go out after. For steaks or something.” But she was ad-libbing.
In Beech Creek’s ladies’ room, she pulled on clean jeans and her fuzzy blue sweater. She shook her fine hair down over her shoulders, brushed it vigorously. Lipstick. Oh, but she had a flat, wide, ordinary face. Quinn didn’t love her for her looks, that much was certain.
Men in work clothes lined the Staghorn bar. At the far end Quinn and his mother already grasped drinks. His mother was no beauty, either. Nor did she remotely resemble the golf ladies with their brightly colored golf skirts, lacquered coifs, and paste-pearl chokers. The mother had Caleb’s long jowls and a smoker’s leathery skin. Her straight, chin-length bob was a yellowed white.
“I’m so glad to meet you, Mrs. Morrow,” Cress said.
“Elinor Morrow,” the mother said simultaneously.
Her clear pink glasses were too wide for her narrow face. A man’s gold-ocher cardigan sagged off her shoulders, the sleeves rolled into thick doughnuts at her wrists. She was fifty-eight years old, but she seemed elderly, dried out. Well beyond any possibility of love. Cress took the stool beside her. Clacking open a brass lighter, the mother lit a long, skinny cigarette.
“Quinn says you were a librarian,” said Cress.
Elinor shifted toward Cress, exhaled smoke sideways. Her voice was low like Quinn’s, and croupy.
“Pardon me?” said Cress, even as she understood.
“I said, I just wanted to see for myself what kind of a woman tries to take a man away from his family.”
Cress checked to see if Quinn had heard. But he’d canted away to allow them room and she could not catch his eye. She was on her own here. The mother gazed straight ahead, fingering her lighter and inhaling the smoke released from her mouth back up into her nose. Sweater, skin, and hair: the mother was a yellowed old thing.
So this is how she wants to play it, Cress thought.
“What kind of man wants to leave his family?” Cress addressed the gold-ocher sleeve and vein-rumpled hand with its trembling cigarette. “A man who’s happy at home? Who’s getting his needs met?”
“A sad man,” said Elinor. “An angry man. A man who’s grieving, and seeking comfort from the wrong people.”
“Is that what you think?”
“I know my son,” Elinor said.
This time, when Cress checked, Quinn met her eye with a merry look and raised an eyebrow, as if to say, Going pretty well?
Cress frowned and gave a quick shake of her head: Hell, no!
“Mrs. Morrow,” she said, leaning in, “I would entice Quinn away if I could. But he has a mind of his own, as you know. So it’s really up to him.”
The older woman snorted with a backward jerk, which set off a coughing fit, the coughs deep, rasping, alarming. She fumbled in her purse for a wad of tissue and wiped her mouth. She lifted her wineglass to drink, then paused. “Sylvia’s like a daughter to me. Since she was fifteen.”
“That wouldn’t have to change,” said Cress.
“Of course it would. After she took half of what’s ours?”
Cress had only glimpsed the family compound from above, the sloped acres, the small white house; trailers large and small. The barn. When Quinn refinanced, he must have put the property in his own name. Or something. “Is that what would happen? She’d get half?”
“With California community property laws? You bet!”
“I don’t know anything about that.”
Out came another long cigarette. The lighter clacked again. The bartender brought them each a new drink—Quinn must have signaled.
“I heard you were an economist. Knew all about money.”
“I studied economic theory, not household finance.”
“Well then: What about supply side?” Elinor barked. “And trickle down? What’s your opinion on that?”
Cress wanted to laugh loud, or whoop like a crazy person. “Well, it’s never been shown that tax breaks for the rich actually result in more private sector jobs,” she said. “Or that wealth trickles anywhere.”
Elinor elbowed Quinn. “She and I agree on something.” She gulped down the glass of wine, picked up her lighter and purse, and stood. “I’m ready, son.”
* * *
“You should have warned me.”
He’d come in laughing and sheepish later that night. “I had no idea. The other day, she was so anxious to know you. Maybe she was drunk.”
“When you were driving down to meet me—she didn’t say anything?”
“Not that I recall.”
“What did you talk about?”
“I don’t know. Flooring for her bathroom.”
“What did she mean that Sylvia would take ‘half of what’s ours’?”
“I’m not sure,” said Quinn.
“Would Sylvia get half the Noah Mountain property if you divorced? How did your names get on the deed?”
“That’s not your concern.”
“Of course it is. Would you really have to divide or sell off Noah Mountain in a divorce?”
“Let’s worry about that when the time comes.”
“That’s not why you went back to her before, is it?” said Cress. “To keep Noah Mountain intact?”
“I went back because I owed it to her to try one more time.”
“And so you did.”
“For a minute. A week. Till you came back to town.”
* * *
Tillie phoned Cress one afternoon. “I had lunch with the arts editor today and he wants a money piece on the local art market—how a gallery owner decides on prices, how prices work in today’s crazy market, what percentage goes to the artist, all that. I said I knew just the person to write it.”
“All my research was in Chicago. I know nothing about L.A.”
“Yes, but you know how the market works. You’d talk to a couple of galleries here. Add your theories.”
“Do I have theories? I’ve never written journalism.”
“You can do it—you just make research entertaining. You have a good ear. Get some good quotes, then write a short, snappy piece about what drives prices in an up market. At least talk to the arts editor. His name is Silas. Will you call him?”
Cress wrote down Silas’s number. “I wouldn’t know how to make it snappy,” she said. “Or remotely entertaining.”
“We do,” said Tillie.
The reporting—as Tillie had promised—consisted of a few phone calls. The writing took three weeks. At one point Cress had three thousand words, academic and turgid. She went at it with highlighters and a pencil, got it down by half, then whittled, compressed, sacrificed whole ideas. Tillie had her read it over the phone and unknotted her sentences. It was amazing, finally, how the whole thrust of her dissertation fit into eight hundred words. “Now I see,” Cress said. “You leap over the boring parts, attribute nothing to anybody, quote a few experts, showcase the most sensationalistic facts, and voila! A magazine article.” Two days before it was due, Cress mailed three typed, double-spaced pages at the Sawyer post office and went for a glazed doughnut to celebrate.
Caleb and his little boys sat at the counter by the register where she had to order and pay. Caleb! She hadn’t seen him in a year. He looked just the same, jowly and droll, his shiny bald spot sunburned pink—just adorable! She turned slightly, preparing to greet him warmly, but he never once looked her way.
* * *
Lisette brought news. A friend of hers had seen Sylvia Morrow in City Park, by the duck pond, and not alone. That dentist whose wife died—who owned that big Spanish house out on the Lindsay Road? You know, who played the guitar? Anyway, that’s who Sylvia was with! And it was more than friendly. Definitely. Smoocherama—that’s how the friend described it. “You know him, Cress. You pointed him out when he was here with the Kiwanis.”
Felton the Extractor! Lisette’s friend knew him from church. He’d been dating like mad since his wife died, starting less than a month afterward. He’d already gone through all the single women at his church. But with three young kids on his hands, who could blame him for being desperate?
“Good. I’m glad they found each other.” To tell the truth, Cress was disappointed in Sylvia’s choice. Felton the Extractor wasn’t very good-looking, and also, he was a little pathetic. Serenading Donna as he had. Bawling her name in the wee hours. At least he earned a dentist’s salary. So maybe Sylvia wouldn’t want half the family compound.
* * *
“I know I didn’t make such a great impression on your mom, but maybe we should have her over for dinner.”
Quinn diced onions by the sink as Cress melted butter in cast iron.
“It’s not that she didn’t like you. But Sylvia’s like a daughter to her.”
“Do you guys pass around the same phrase book? You say the exact same things.”
“That’s just how it is,” said Quinn. “She’s been a mother to Sylvia for more’n twenty years. That’s not a tie easily broke.”
“What if Sylvia met someone else?”
“That’s not going to happen.”
“She’s not the kind to move from one man to the next. She’d never impose some stranger on her kids. Ready for these?” He lifted the cutting board.
“Oh please, Quinn.” Cress stood back as he scraped onions into the skillet. “Give Sylvia a little credit. She’s not going to pine away for you for the rest of her life. I bet she gets married before we do.”
“Don’t count on it. I’m it for her. That’s how she’s made. Too devoted for her own good. She’s stuck with me all these years and I’ve never been good for her. I’m too critical, always wanting her to be someone she’s not. I’m too hard to please,” Quinn said. “You’ll find that too.”
“You don’t scare me,” Cress said, thrilled by the future inferred.
Quinn, she decided, would not hear about Felton the Extractor from her. Let him shoot some other messenger—ideally, Sylvia herself.
* * *
Brian and Franny bustled into Cress’s small kitchen with hydrangeas and sacks of groceries: cheeses, baguettes, two bottles of burgundy. Cress had always considered hydrangeas an old lady’s flower, but these were dense hummocks of dark ivory blossoms blushing green and violet: How did Franny get that they were beautiful? And since when did Franny eat Gorgonzola and triple-cream Brie?
Brian was easing back to work at his investment firm; they’d just spent a week in his Encino apartment. He looked tanned, relaxed, and slimmer; his laugh had regained that old frat-boy cockiness Cress recalled from childhood. Franny had cut her hair short, with wisps at the neck; she looked sleek and wore thin, pointed black flats that were latticed over the toes so her red polish peeped out. And here was Cress, in lug-soled hiking boots.
“You guys are coming to the wedding,” Brian said, handing wine around in Cress’s pink water glasses.
“Donna’s singing,” said Franny.
“I’ll be there,” said Cress, and Quinn said something she didn’t quite hear.
* * *
He wanted, he said, to read something about economics, something that would serve as a basic introduction. She went out to the small barn where her book boxes were stored and dug out copies of The Worldly Philosophers and, because it was so novelistic, To the Finland Station. He read a chapter in each.
He kept no clothes at her house. He used her toothbrush and comb. He had yet to set foot in her shower.
* * *
The City and State editor—Silas—phoned with only a few edits. Where Cress had written “… the price of Pierce’s paintings rose 125 percent,” Silas inserted an adjective, so it read “… a startling 125 percent.”
Startling, then, was the snappy part.
What could she write about next? Silas asked. If her next piece was even half as good as the first, he’d give her a monthly column; they’d call it “Art Market.” Wasn’t there a law that gave artists a share of resale profits? How was that working out for the artists? Who tracked the sales? Who had actually collected any profits? She should write it up. He had many other ideas as well: she could profile an art consultant who bought art for entertainment industry execs who had no knowledge or taste. And there was a controversy up north, where redevelopment contractors had blithely bulldozed some public art: she might even get a full feature out of that.
The economy has turned, she thought. Without her even looking for it, work had come her way.
“They want me to write regularly for the magazine,” she told Quinn.
“You’re on your way!”
“I won’t quit my day job yet. But who knows?”
As they were falling asleep, he said, “You should clear out, Cress. Go live your big exciting life. This isn’t the place for you to shine.”
“I’ll go, but only if you come with me.”
“I’d just be in your way. But you got to get out there, have your day.”
“Let me write that second article before you get all valedictory,” she said.
In the dark early-morning hours, she woke up to his murmuring. His legs wound around hers, his lips moved against her ear. “You’re the great pleasure and comfort of my life. For the first time, I’ve known what it’s like to have real company, real attention. Before you, I was always alone. Since that first walk together, I haven’t wanted to go even a few hours without hearing your voice. I don’t mean anything against Sylvia. She’s a good person, an excellent mother. But she never knew me the way you do. She needs so much for herself just to get through every day. I was okay with giving her that for twenty-some years. But you showed up, and now I’ve gotten used to having something for myself. Your hand brushes my shoulder, my whole body surges toward it. You call up something deep. I’m not sure I can survive without you. When you come into the Staghorn, you look around the room—and the second you see me, your eyes change, they mass up with love, and humor. And sex. God. It kills me, every time. Who knew, but I’ve been waiting my whole life to be seen like that.”
She lay in his arms, eyes open in the shadowy dark, and, keeping as still as possible, held her breath.
* * *
At Beech Creek, wedding season was starting; already, in mid-May, receptions were back to back. Cress had put in for a weekend off—for a busman’s holiday: Franny and Brian’s nuptials.
“You don’t have to come,” she said to Quinn. “I don’t mind going alone.”
“I said I’d go, I’ll go.”
Yet his reluctance was like a brake. He insisted on driving the Saab, and they crossed the valley floor, the orange and almond groves, the oil fields, at a constant speed, with almost no conversation. When she reminded him to take the California Street exit in Bakersfield—weren’t they going to the Basque restaurant for lunch?—he shot her one of his darkest looks. She pretended not to notice and cheerfully directed him to the Woolgrowers, where old men in soiled long aprons thunked unlabeled bottles of red wine on the table, followed by iceberg salad, a plate of cold beef tongue, bowls of gamy lamb stew. Quinn wasn’t fond of wine, but he drank some and his mood improved. Beef tongue, he muttered, wasn’t half as tasty as elk tongue.
“Sorry,” Quinn said, back in the car. “Not feeling real festive about the whole wedding deal.”
Cress had made reservations at the Red Lion in Glendale and requested a room facing the San Gabriels, so he would see mountains and not city sprawl. They checked in, changed clothes, and drove to the Unitarian church in Burbank.
Quinn wore a vintage charcoal-gray pinstriped three-piece wool suit with a turquoise bolo tie and cowboy boots. She had forgotten about his sense of costume. The staginess—the corniness—of his outfit recalled how embarrassed she’d been for him when he’d arrived for Family Night at the Meadows all decked out in leather.
Her dress was ankle-length red rayon with tiny white flowers, worn with a lacy white shawl and white sandals, all thrift store finds.
About sixty people sat in the small sanctuary. Franny, tiny as a nine-year-old girl, stood perfectly still, with a serious, attentive look on her face. Her white sheath was short, simple, perfect. She clutched a spray of pink rosebuds in one hand, while Brian, red-faced in a dark suit, kneaded the fingers of her other.
A plump, flushed Donna sang “Some Enchanted Evening.” She was five months pregnant and single. (Young Scott had flown the coop; she’d already filed a paternity suit.)
Quinn held Cress’s left hand, but he had pulled in deep. It was like sitting next to quicksand. During the vows, those nets of tenderness and promise, her eyes filled with tears, and she glanced at him.
“I shouldn’t of come,” he whispered.
* * *
After Franny and Brian walked back down the aisle to applause and the trays of champagne circulated, Cress went in search of a bathroom.
“Over here,” Quinn said when she came out. He’d found a small side room with cribs in it and plastic toys in a box. Hangers and clothes were heaped about—here was where the bride had dressed. Quinn closed and locked both doors. A high transom allowed in a weak gray light, the distant hubbub and string quartet. “I can’t force it, Cress,” he said, and drew her down to the floor. “But we got what we got, too.” He pushed her dress up, pulled off her panties.
“Nobody’s forcing you, Quinn,” she said gently.
His face was dark, his gaze inward. He took off only his coat and pulled his pants down just to his thighs; the coarse wool abraded the skin inside her legs, and his belt buckle tore her knee; the carpet burned her arms and backside. He held her forearms pressed against the floor, as if she were struggling. Maybe he wanted her to struggle. His shirt smelled musty, like old wool. His roughness neither frightened nor particularly excited her. She went along with him and didn’t protest or resist, because he clearly had something to work out, and maybe he’d feel better once he had.
He collapsed finally, with all his hot itchy weight on top of her, and breathed hoarsely into her ear. Absently, she patted his shoulder.
The wedding party had moved into the shady, Spanish-style courtyard, where tables had been set up around a gurgling fountain. Cress wore her shawl over her chafed and burning upper arms. She found their name cards at a table with Don Dare and Elise, River Bob and Freddy, where the talk was all about how Rick Garsh was being sued by the Streeters; apparently he exceeded his estimate for their kitchen remodel by more than 100 percent. The wedding supper was salmon on soft herbed lettuces, with steamed asparagus and roasted potatoes. Crème brûlée, then cake. Cress’s banquet crew would have found nothing to mock.
At the hotel, she took a cool bath and sent Quinn out for antibiotic cream. He came back with Neosporin and a bottle of Wild Turkey. He made love to her again, in the same intense, punishing manner, and afterward he thrashed in his sleep and would not tell her his dreams, except to say that they were tangled up and disturbing. She had wanted to drive over to Braithway in the morning to visit Tillie, but his mood stayed dark and distant, and she didn’t suggest it. They drove home instead, stopping in Bakersfield for gas. He remained withdrawn, and after a few efforts to get him talking, she left him alone.
* * *
He carried in her bag and washed his hands at her sink. He refused coffee, beer, and whiskey. There were things he needed to do at his mom’s, he said, before the week started. He couldn’t stay the night. He kissed her lightly in the kitchen, touched the rug burn on her arm. She never clung to him when he left—he would’ve hated nothing more—but today she wanted to grab on, pull him from whatever rabbit hole he’d tumbled down. She walked him outside. She’d already turned back toward her house when his truck’s engine caught. A dark vein branched through her vision, like lightning, only black.
* * *
She drove to Sparkville for supplies on Monday, and was home by early afternoon. She cut up beef and browned it, added onions with cumin and chipotle peppers. The beef toughened and, after an hour, grew tender. The house smelled wonderfully of smoke and meat. He didn’t come. She wasn’t surprised. She ladled a bowl for herself but had to put it aside untouched.
She sat at her desk and read the notes for her second column. She started writing and worked until she needed to consult a book stored in a box in the barn. She went out with a flashlight, and when she shone the beam into the box, there was a papery rasp, a dark scurry: a small snake sprang out, a squiggle in midair, then disappeared, leaving its shadow. She recoiled, and understood: that shadow was skin. He’d jumped out of his skin.
She laughed at her shivering self, and wished that Quinn was there to see. Everything she saw, she stored for him.