Looking in the mirror and rubbing along the top of his scalp, the man smiled and thought. ‘That looks fine.’
He turned off his electric razor and looked at the activity through the internal window as his soldiers placed explosives in the now deserted factory.
Putting on a thick fleece jacket, he took documents off his desk and, as he was about to put them into a large briefcase, his phone rang.
The man sat down and spoke with Caleb.
“Are they all dead?” he asked.
Caleb sounded nervous, and the man heard a quiver in his voice as he said. “No sir, the Thai Tinju stopped the assassin at the Sanctuary. He’s still alive and at the Imperial Palace in Bangkok.”
The man frowned, put his phone on the desk, and sifted through the folders. Finding the one he wanted, he opened it and took out the documents inside.
While Caleb waited anxiously for a reply, the man studied the details on the papers and then took his laptop computer from its case, set it up, and typed in instructions.
Fifteen minutes later, he picked up the phone and said. “We need to sort out this problem Caleb.”
“But the ones we sent to the Sanctuaries knew nothing sir,” said Caleb sounding nervous.
“No,” said the man, “but if he is at the Imperial Palace in Bangkok and not in the middle of nowhere like the others, who knows what technology the Thai’s have. We need to find out what they know before dealing with this loose end.”
The man’s eyes flitted around his office and he tapped his fingers on the desk as he thought and then said. “No matter, we can use them to our advantage Caleb. Keep me informed of what is happening in Thailand and I will be with you soon.”
“Yes sir,” said Caleb with a tremble in his voice, and the man hung up.
‘This won’t be too much of a problem, but I need to change the plan,’ thought the man who smiled, dialled a number, and when a gruff voice answered, he said. “You know what to do; kill him now!”