image INDEX image

Abdi-Hepa, 52

Abu Hawam, 74

Abu Simbel, 80

Abydos, 80

Achaea, 128

Achaeans, 8, 4041

Achilles, 38, 4041, 43

Adad-nirari I, 13, 9697, 177

Aegean, xv, xvi, 1, 3, 910, 1415, 1718, 21, 2326, 40, 4251, 5960, 71, 7374, 79, 84, 8687, 89, 93, 9799, 1015, 107, 114, 119, 128, 13339, 14143, 14849, 155, 15869, 17174

Aegean List, 4446, 4851, 71

Aegean-style pottery, 158

Afghanistan, xvi, 77

Agamemnon, 38, 41, 85

Ahhiyawa, 12, 35, 37, 40, 67, 71, 84, 96, 9899, 107

Ahmose (queen), 26, 177

Ahmose I, 13, 17, 17778

Ai, 94

Akhenaten, 13, 22, 5254, 5658, 6062, 65, 67, 69, 77, 84, 90, 103, 173, 177, 17980

Akhetaten, 5152, 62

Akkadian, 18, 32, 3940, 53, 68, 79, 82, 8889, 103, 1056, 124

Akkadians, 175

Akko, 114, 141, 145, 157

Akko Valley, 157

Alaca Höyük, 126

Alalakh, 14, 60, 67, 124. See also Tell Atchana

Alashiya, 2, 3, 12, 28, 60, 88, 99100, 1056, 108, 133, 155

Albright, William F., 121

Alexander the Great, 155

Alishar, 126

Allenby, Sir Edmund, 30

Amarna, 22, 5153, 5557, 60, 62, 75, 8990, 94, 96, 103, 173. See also Tell el-Amarna

Amarna Letters, 52, 5557, 60, 94

Amarna Revolution, 52

ambassador(s), 48, 54

Amenhotep III, xvii, 13, 23, 27, 31, 4345, 4753, 5557, 6061, 6566, 68, 71, 84, 90, 103, 173, 17780

Ammistamru I, 13, 103, 177

Ammistamru II, 13, 79, 80, 105, 106, 108, 177, 179

Ammurapi, 13, 103, 1079, 144, 155, 177

Amnisos, 47

Amurru, 3, 13, 54, 81, 9697, 1034, 113

Anatolia, 1, 3, 20, 25, 28, 3133, 3638, 4042, 5556, 59, 6567, 71, 74, 80, 8385, 8889, 98100, 107, 124, 12627, 141, 14344, 15558, 160, 165, 167, 173, 175

Ankara, 3, 32

Ankhsenamen, 35, 65, 6970, 177

Aper-El, 90

Apophis, 13, 16, 177

Arab Spring, xvi

Aramaeans, 176

Argolid, 100, 128, 13132

arid environments, 146

Ark of the Covenant, 90

Armageddon, 5, 29, 115

Artzy, Michal, 153

Arzawa, 23, 13, 56, 66, 156

Ashdod, 122, 141, 15759

Ashkelon, 92, 122, 15759

Asiatic, 15

Assur-uballit I, xvii, 13, 6061, 9697, 177

Assuwa(n), 1213, 28, 3132, 3537, 4041, 85

Assuwa Rebellion, 3132, 3536, 4041

Assyria, xvii, 31, 53, 55, 6061, 71, 84, 9698, 104, 106

Assyrian(s), 3031, 42, 44, 52, 61, 70, 9698, 104, 106, 16162, 164, 171, 175

Åström, Paul, 135

Aten, 52, 78

Athens, 20, 129, 149

Attica, 128

Avaris, 8, 1415, 17. See also Tell ed-Dab‘a

Ay, 13, 61, 70, 177

Ayios Stephanos, 128

Baal, 103, 107

Babylon, 19, 35, 5354, 5657, 61, 66, 71, 9697, 12324

Babylonian(s), 13, 42, 44, 48, 52, 57, 58, 61, 67, 70, 97, 123, 164, 171, 175

Bass, George, 7374, 7677, 101

Battle of Megiddo, 28

Battle of Qadesh, 80, 8384, 125

Beirut, 89, 104, 106, 152

Bell, Carol, xvi, 149, 153, 166, 168

Bellerophon, 41

Beni Hasan, 15

Ben-Tor, Amnon, 94

Berbati, 128

Bethel, 94

Beth Shan, 114

Bey, 109

Bible, 4, 6, 9, 19, 3334, 8994, 122

Bietak, Manfred, 14, 42

Biridiya, 52

Bittel, Kurt, 34

Blegen, Carl, 3839, 86, 12729

Boeotia, 47, 128

Borchardt, Ludwig, 61

Braudel, Fernand, xvii

Brauron, 128

Breasted, James Henry, 5, 30

British Empire, 34

British Museum, 53

bronze, xvi, 1, 54, 7475, 77, 88, 99, 104, 113, 116, 118, 12021, 135, 149, 151, 163

Bronze Age, xv, xvii, xviii, 3, 8, 1011, 28, 3233, 36, 3840, 42, 53, 71, 7374, 84, 86, 103, 1067, 113, 122, 132, 135, 139, 143, 146, 14950, 152, 154, 16264, 16774, 176

Burna-Buriash II, 13, 54, 57, 61, 178

Byblos, 137

Cairo Column, 7

Canaan, xv, 1, 7, 12, 1415, 17, 22, 25, 28, 3334, 48, 50, 59, 74, 77, 80, 8992, 95, 114, 118, 12223, 148, 15860, 17475

Canaanite, 19, 29, 31, 52, 71, 7475, 77, 79, 8788, 9394, 96, 101, 103, 11516, 118, 12122, 148, 15960, 175

Cape Gelidonya, 7374, 100101

Caphtor, 12, 19

Carchemish, 23, 31, 83, 1046, 151

Carmel Coast, 157

Carnarvon, Earl of, 6365

Carpenter, Rhys, 143

Carter, Howard, 6365

Catastrophe, 139, 164

Caubet, Annie, 138, 157

Champollion, Jean-François, 4, 91

Christie, Agatha, xvii

Cilicia, 99, 15556

Cleopatra, 27

collapse, xvi, xix, 1, 139, 148, 160, 164, 170

Colossi of Memnon, 43, 45

complexity, 164, 166

complexity science, 166

complexity theory, 166, 16870

Corinthia, 128

Crete, 4, 12, 14, 1723, 25, 3839, 42, 4648, 5051, 71, 74, 7980, 82, 104, 134

Crusades, 10

Cycladic islands, 25, 71

Cyclopean, 87

cylinder seal(s), 22, 77

Cypriot(s), 2, 42, 52, 6061, 7071, 77, 8788, 101, 105, 13235, 146, 155, 162, 164, 166, 171

Cypro-Minoan, 88, 105

Cyprus, 1, 3, 910, 12, 22, 25, 28, 50, 55, 6061, 71, 74, 7677, 8688, 99100, 1046, 109, 119, 13235, 13738, 141, 146, 151, 158, 160, 165, 171

Dab‘a. See Tell ed-Dab‘a

Danaans, 3

Danube, 160

Danuna, 1, 3, 6, 8, 157

Dardanelles, 36, 155

Dark, Ken, 168

Dark Age, xv, 16061, 175. See also Greek Dark Age(s)

David, King, 33, 115, 118, 145, 163

Davis, Jack, 129, 173

Dead Sea, 147

decentralization, 152, 154

Deeds of Suppiluliuma, 6768

Deir ‘Alla, 114

Deir el-Bahari, 2627, 136

Dever, William, 175

Diamond, Jared, xvi, 161, 167

Diodorus Siculus, 91

diplomatic embassies. See embassy (-ies); trade embassy

Dorian Invasion, 149

Dorians, 149

Dörpfeld, Wilhelm, 86

Dothan, Trude, 122

Drake, Brandon, 146, 163

Drews, Robert, 139, 161, 164

drought(s), xvi, 11, 99, 126, 135, 14243, 14547, 152, 160, 162, 165, 167, 174, 176

Early Bronze Age, 49, 145

Early Iron Age, 146, 173

earthquake(s), xvi, 11, 20, 39, 43, 86, 109, 121, 127, 13032, 13435, 14042, 147, 149, 160, 16263, 165, 167, 169, 174, 176

East Asia, xvi

Eastern Mediterranean, 1, 4, 1011, 15, 18, 50, 53, 5960, 73, 75, 79, 8688, 97, 99, 1013, 114, 124, 132, 13639, 14143, 14546, 14850, 152, 158, 16069, 17174, 176

ebony, 54, 77, 107, 149

Egypt, 1, 39, 1112, 1418, 2025, 2731, 35, 39, 4244, 4653, 5657, 5960, 6265, 6871, 7475, 7778, 80, 8283, 8687, 8992, 95, 98, 1039, 11213, 119, 136, 14345, 161, 164, 17173

Egyptian(s), 1, 34, 6, 811, 1325, 2731, 33, 35, 3940, 42, 44, 4647, 5053, 55, 5758, 6062, 6571, 75, 7778, 8084, 8791, 9394, 97, 1035, 1089, 114, 116, 118, 12022, 13538, 143, 15559, 162, 164, 166, 17172, 174

Egyptologist, 11, 46, 63, 90

Egyptomania, 63

Eighteenth Dynasty, 15, 17, 26, 42

Ekron, 122, 157, 159

El, 103, 145

Elam, 13, 123

Elamite(s), 97, 12324

Emar, 106, 108, 112, 144

embargo (-oes), xvi, 7172, 98, 163

embassy (-ies), xvi, 20, 23, 51, 7172, 143

England, 34, 53, 6364

Enkomi, 13234, 141

Enlightenment, xviii

Epic Cycle, 85

Epic of Gilgamesh, 59

Eqwesh, 78

Eritrea, 27

Eshuwara, 151, 154

Ethiopia, 27

Etruscans, 8

Euphrates, 18, 3031, 108

Europe, xvi, 53, 142

Eutresis, 128

Evans, Sir Arthur, 2022, 39

Exodus, 83, 8993, 9596

famine(s), 126, 14247, 152, 156, 160, 165, 167, 176

Ferdinand, Archduke, 70

Finkelstein, Israel, 147, 158

Fourth Dynasty, 15

French, Elizabeth, 130

Gallipoli, 36

Gath, 4, 122

Gaugamela, 155

Gaza, 122, 157

Geiseric, 172

Gelidonya. See Cape Gelidonya

Gezer, 92

Gibala, 113, 145, 156

Gibbon, Edward, xvi

Giza, 15

glass, 48, 74, 7778, 149

gold, 19, 22, 31, 38, 54, 5758, 61, 6465, 77, 83, 88, 99, 104, 129, 149, 151

Golden Age, 42, 176

Gonia, 128

governor of Alashiya, 154

grain, 6, 22, 79, 99, 14345

Granicus River, 155

Great Green, 14

Great Syrian War, 67

Greece, xv, 9, 11, 19, 25, 3641, 4649, 51, 59, 71, 75, 77, 8587, 97, 100, 13132, 141, 143, 14647, 149, 153, 155, 162, 165, 17173, 17576

Greek Dark Age(s), 147

Hala Sultan Tekke, 135, 146

Halikarnassus, 88

Hammurabi, 13, 19, 35, 124, 178, 180

Hanigalbat, 30, 61

Hanutti, 67

Harem Conspiracy, 136

Hatshepsut, 13, 17, 20, 2324, 2628, 42, 46, 48, 62, 136, 171, 178, 180

Hatti, 54, 66, 8083, 92, 106, 143

Hattusa, xvi, 3132, 34, 3637, 40, 68, 82, 84, 89, 96, 99, 12526, 141, 155, 161, 173

Hattusili I, 13, 3435

Hattusili III, 13, 8284, 98, 178

Hazor, 92, 9495, 118, 121, 148

Hebrews, 33, 8990, 92, 95

Hector, 41

Helen, 41, 70, 85

Heliopolis, 7

Heracles, 41

Heraklion, 21

Herodotus, 149

Hesiod, 59

Hisarlik, 37, 86

Hittite(s), 2, 3, 13, 25, 3037, 3942, 44, 48, 5253, 55, 59, 61, 63, 6568, 7071, 8088, 96100, 1034, 1068, 12526, 13233, 135, 14344, 15051, 15556, 16162, 164, 166, 168, 171, 174, 175

Hittite Empire, 32, 3435, 80, 86, 100, 126, 143

Hittite viceroy of Carchemish, 150

Hiyawa, 12, 40, 107

Hoffner, Harry, Jr., 125

Holy Land, 10

Homer, 3, 8, 33, 40, 43, 59, 78, 8586, 127, 162

House of Rapanu, 105, 151. See also Rapanu

House of Urtenu, 106, 108, 109, 144, 155. See also Urtenu

House of Yabninu, 105. See also Yabninu

Hurri, 30

Hurrian, 30, 88, 103

Hurru, 92

Hyksos, 8, 1317, 21, 39, 42, 90

Hymn of Victory, 28

Iakovidis, Spyros, 130

Ibnadushu, 155

Idadda, 67, 178

Iliad, 4041, 43, 59, 127

Ilios, 36, 41

Indo-European, 30, 34

Industrial Revolution, xviii

Indus Valley, 161

Institute of Nautical Archaeology, 73

internal rebellion, 11, 95, 130, 14749, 165, 167. See also rebellion

invasion, 15, 99100, 113, 13031, 14849, 156, 160, 163, 167, 172, 174

Iran, xv, 5, 97, 123

Iraq, xv, xvi, 3, 19, 22, 78

Iria, 128

Iron Age, 116, 143, 146, 149, 15253, 157, 159, 166, 169, 17172, 175

Islands in the Midst of the Sea, 23

Israel, 1, 57, 1415, 17, 22, 33, 60, 74, 92, 11415, 118, 141, 14647, 15758

Israelites, 7, 3334, 9096, 118, 121, 148, 17576

Israel Stele, 92

Issus, 155

Isy, 12, 28, 31

Italy, xv, 1, 8, 77, 114, 142, 172

ivory (-ies), 22, 28, 75, 7778, 88, 11618, 131, 149

Japan, xvi

Jerusalem, 52, 91, 116, 118, 122, 148

Jezreel Valley, 29, 115

Johnson, Neil, 166

Jordan, xv, 15, 22, 33, 114

Jubilee, 23

Jung, Reinhard, 114

Kabri. See Tel Kabri

Kadashman-Enlil I, 13, 56, 178

Kalavasos-Ayios Dhimitrios, 132

Kamose, 14, 1617, 178

Kaniewski, David, 145, 163

Kantor, Helene, 41

Kaptaru, 12, 19

Karageorghis, Vassos, 13234

Karaoglan, 126

Karnak, 7, 25, 29, 80, 82

Kashka, 34, 12526, 161

Kashtiliashu IV, 13, 97, 178

Kassite(s), 35, 42, 48, 54, 5657, 61, 70, 97, 12324, 162

Katsamba, 21

Katsingri, 128

Keftiu, 12, 19, 2225, 28, 44, 4647

Kelu-Hepa, 5355

Kephala Hill, 20

Khatte, 23, 9, 125

Khyan, 13, 21, 178

Kikkuli, 31

Kilian, Klaus, 131, 153

Kitchen, Kenneth, 46

Kition, 13233

Kizzuwadna, 3

Knapp, A. Bernard, 134

Knidus, 88

Knossos, 2022, 3839, 44, 47, 51, 74, 8889

Kom el-Hetan, 43, 46, 71

Kommos, 74

Korakou, 128, 141

Korfmann, Manfred, 86, 127

Krisa, 128

Kukkuli, 13, 36, 178

Kula Ring, 58

Kultepe Kanesh, 34

Kurigalzu I, 13, 56, 123, 178

Kurigalzu II, 13, 61, 178

Kushmeshusha, 106, 178

KV 11, 136

KV 20, 28

KV 60, 28

Kydonia, 44, 47

Kynos, 128, 141

Kyrenia, 76

Kythera, 44, 47

Lachish, 94, 11415, 11821, 165

Lake Voulkaria, 146

Lakonia, 128

Land of Palistin, 157

Lang, Mabel, 128

Langgut, Dafna, 147

lapis lazuli, 19, 22, 28, 61, 77, 97

large-scale wildfire, 176

Larnaca Salt Lake Complex, 146

Larnaka, 135

Late Bronze Age, xvxvii, 9, 1113, 20, 22, 25, 35, 40, 42, 5961, 63, 74, 86, 8990, 94, 9698, 102, 113, 12123, 134, 13843, 14550, 152, 154, 156, 15876

Late Helladic, 39

Lattakia, 113

Lebanon, 1, 15, 24, 27, 33, 84, 137, 144, 158

Lefkandi, 128, 141

Levant, 34, 74, 113, 134, 138, 141, 147, 152, 155, 16566, 173, 176

Libya, xvxvi, 7, 8

Libyan, 9

Linear A, 21

Linear B, 21, 39, 88, 89, 129, 159

Lion Gate, 38, 87

Litt, Thomas, 147

Liverani, Mario, 16263

Louvre, 53, 124, 138

Lower Egypt, 14, 16, 23

Lukka, 79, 106, 167

Luxor, 7, 43, 80, 92

Lycia, 8, 41, 107, 167

Lydia, 88

Maa-Palaeokastro, 132, 134

Macedonians, 175

Mackenzie, Duncan, 21

mainland Greece, 12

Malinowski, B., 5859

Man E, 137

Manatt, James, 38

Manetho, 15, 178

Maran, Joseph, 131, 173

Mari, 13, 1820, 53, 104

Maroni, 132

Marsa Matruh, 25

Martin, Steve, 62

Maryannu, 30

Masat Höyük, 126

Maspero, Gaston, 11

Maya, xvi, 161

Medinet Habu, 26

Mediterranean, xv, 4, 911, 14, 19, 22, 42, 49, 71, 7476, 78, 86, 96, 101, 11314, 132, 137, 14247, 156, 15960, 162, 171, 17375

Megiddo, 5, 2930, 52, 91, 94, 11418, 12021, 141

Memnon, 43

Menelaion, 128, 141

Menelaus, 85

Menkheperreseneb, 25

merchant(s), 15, 19, 23, 4748, 50, 54, 5859, 75, 7880, 98, 1035, 108, 15254, 163, 167, 179

Merneptah, 68, 13, 92, 104, 107, 114, 133, 136, 14344, 154, 171, 174, 178

Mesopotamia, xvxvi, 9, 1819, 22, 35, 42, 49, 66, 77, 86, 89, 96, 104, 12324, 145, 172, 174

Mesopotamian, 19

Messenia, 47, 128

Middle Ages, 10

Middle Bronze Age, 122

Middle East, xvi, 33, 165

Middle Kingdom, 15, 27

Middleton, Guy, 128, 143

Midea, 128, 131, 141

Milawata Letter, 99

Miletus, 84, 88, 99

Minet el-Beida, 1024

Minoan(s), 1415, 1723, 25, 39, 42, 4748, 5051, 61, 71, 78, 87, 162, 164, 166, 171

Minoan Thalassocracy, 22

Minos, King, 21

Misraim, 12

Mitanni, xvii, 13, 3031, 5357, 6162, 67, 84, 97

Mitannian(s), 30, 31, 42, 61, 70, 96, 162, 171

Mongols, xvi, 175

Monroe, Christopher, 150, 163, 175

Moses, 33, 90

Mountjoy, Penelope, 127

Mount Sinai, 90

Muhly, James, 125, 154

Mursili I, 13, 35, 178

Mursili II, 13, 6668, 70, 179

Musmus Pass, 29. See also Nahal Iron; Wadi Ara

Muwattalli II, 13, 80, 82, 84, 179

Mycenae, 3739, 44, 4749, 71, 74, 78, 8587, 100, 116, 128, 13032, 14142, 149, 159, 169

Mycenaean(s), 2, 8, 2021, 3642, 4748, 51, 61, 7071, 75, 7879, 8389, 97, 99100, 104, 107, 114, 116, 122, 12728, 132, 134, 13738, 143, 14749, 153, 157, 159, 162, 16466, 168, 171, 173

Mycenaean IIIC1b, 137

Mykenai, 38

Myth of Kumarbi, 59

Nahal Iron, 29. See also Musmus Pass; Wadi Ara

Naharin, 30

Naharina, 30

Nauplion, 44, 47

Near East, xv, 56, 9, 11, 13, 15, 1821, 26, 28, 30, 32, 35, 3940, 42, 44, 47, 5051, 55, 5961, 7475, 77, 84, 8789, 91, 9697, 101, 118, 155, 158, 162, 164, 166, 171, 173, 175

Nefertiti, 27, 62, 69, 77, 78, 179

Neo-Assyrians, 17475

Neo-Babylonians, 175

Neo-Hittites, 34, 175

Nesha, 34

Neshians, 34

Neshites, 34

network(s), 23, 15051, 163, 16869, 17374

Neve, Peter, 34

New Kingdom, 89, 1718, 23, 25, 35, 42, 44, 137

Nichoria, 128

Nile, 43, 92

Nile delta, 1, 8, 14, 15, 25, 172

Nimrud, 78

Nineteenth Dynasty, 17, 109

Niqmaddu II, 13, 103, 179

Niqmaddu III, 13, 105, 107, 179

Niqmepa, 13, 7980, 179

North Sinai, 92

North Syria, 108

Nubia, 8, 23, 57, 77

Odoacer, 172

Odyssey, 43, 59

oil(s), xvi, 54, 71, 7779, 88, 1045, 149. See also olive oil

old-growth forest, 176

Old Kingdom, 15, 35, 161

olive oil, 71, 79, 88, 104

Onomasticon of Amenemope, 157

Orchomenos, 128

Oriental Institute, 4, 116

Ostragoths, 172

Ottomans, 175

Ozymandias, 91

Pa-ka-na-na, 12, 17

Palace of Nestor, 139, 173

Palistin. See Land of Palistin

Paris, 53, 85, 124

Passover, 90

Pausanias, 149

Peleset, 1, 34, 6, 157

Pendlebury, John Devitt Stringfellow, 22

Pentapolis, 122

perfume(s), 22, 54, 75, 78, 149

Pernicka, Ernst, 86

Persian(s), 175

Peru-nefer, 14, 17

Petrie, Sir William Matthew Flinders, 92

Philistine(s), 4, 95, 122, 123, 15760, 175

Phoenicia, 27, 158

Phoenician(s), 89, 96, 1034, 17576

Phokis, 128

Pithom, 90, 92

Piyamaradu, 84

Plague Prayers, 66, 68, 70

Poetic Stele, 28

Point Iria, 100

Poirot, Hercule, xvii

Priam, 41, 8586

Prosymna, 128

Pulak, Cemal, 77

Punt, 23, 27

Pyla-Kokkinokremos, 13334

Pylos, 39, 7475, 78, 88, 12829, 13941, 149, 173

Pyrrhic victory, 9

Qadesh, 25, 8082

Qatna, 14, 60, 67. See also Tell Mishrife

Qode, 2, 3

Rameses (city), 90, 92

Ramesseum, 80, 82, 91

Ramses II, 13, 8083, 9092, 143, 17879

Ramses III, 1, 4, 89, 13, 65, 109, 11213, 11618, 12022, 125, 127, 133, 13637, 154, 158, 172, 179

Ramses VI, 64, 116, 118, 158

Ramses XI, 137

Rapanu, 1056, 108, 152. See also House of Rapanu

Ras Bassit, 112, 138

Ras Ibn Hani, 112, 138, 157

Ras Shamra, 102. See also Ugarit

rebellion, 11, 29, 3132, 3536, 40, 85, 95, 130, 14749, 165, 167. See also Assuwa Rebellion; internal rebellion

Rekhmire, 23, 25

Renfrew, Colin, 161

Report of Wenamun, 135, 157

Retenu, 12, 17

Rhodes, 25, 48, 71

Rockefeller, John D., Jr., 5

Roman Empire, xvi, xviii, 172, 174

Romans, xvi, 175

Rome, 162, 172

Rutter, Jeremy, 128

Sandars, Nancy, 139, 160, 162

Santayana, George, 30

Santorini, 93

Sarajevo, 70

Sardinia, 1, 4, 8, 142, 159

Saushtatar, 13, 31, 61, 179

Sayce, A. H., 33

Schaeffer, Claude, 102, 142

Schliemann, Heinrich, 21, 3738, 8586, 131

Sea of Galilee, 147

Sea People(s), 14, 611, 86, 95, 97, 99, 105, 11214, 11827, 129, 13233, 13536, 13839, 142, 144, 14950, 15260, 162, 17072

Sed (festival), 23

Seeher, Jürgen, 34, 126

Seknenre, 13, 16, 179

Semites, 15

Senenmut, 23, 27

Seti I, 90

Seti II, 114, 136, 180

Seventeenth Dynasty, 16

Shaft Graves, 39

Shardana, 1, 34, 68, 157

Shattiwaza, 13, 67, 179

Shaushgamuwa, 13, 9798, 179

Shekelesh, 1, 34, 78, 15455, 157

Shelley, Percy Bysshe, 91

Shelton, Kim, 49

Sherden, 78

Sherratt, Susan, xvii, 152

Shikila, 15455

Shishak, 9. See also Shoshenq

Shoshenq, 9. See also Shishak

Shutruk-Nahhunte, 13, 12324, 179

Shuttarna II, 13, 56, 61, 179

Sicily, 1, 34, 8, 142, 159

Sidon, 104, 106, 108

silver, 25, 31, 35, 40, 54, 57, 61, 8283, 99, 104

Silver Treaty, 8283

Sinaranu, 7980, 82, 104, 179

Sinda, 13233

Singer, Itamar, 144, 150, 155, 178

Siptah, 109

Solomon, 33, 91

Soreq Cave, 146

Sourouzian, Hourig, 46

South Pacific, 59

Southeast Europe, 160

Southern Archive, 109, 150

Sparta, 85

spices, 22, 74, 77, 88

Stadelmann, Rainer, 46

Stager, Larry, 123

Steel, Louise, 134

Sudan, 27

Suppiluliuma I, 13, 35, 52, 63, 65, 6671, 80, 96, 100, 17879

Suppiluliuma II, 13, 96, 99100, 104, 107, 133, 144, 155, 179

Susa, 124

Syria, xv, xvi, 1, 3, 9, 1415, 1720, 2223, 25, 30, 3334, 40, 5354, 60, 6667, 70, 74, 7981, 97, 99, 102, 106, 108, 112, 114, 14446, 149, 151, 15657, 17375

Tadu-Hepa, 56

Tanaja, 12, 25, 40, 44, 46, 47

Tarhuntassa, 125, 156

Tarkhundaradu, 13, 56, 180

Taruisa, 36

Tawagalawa Letter, 84

Taylor, Lord William, 49

Tehenu, 78, 92

Teikhos Dymaion, 128

Tel Dan, 157

Tel Dor, 157

Tel Kabri, 14, 60

Tell al-Fakhariyeh, 30

Tell Atchana, 124. See also Alalakh

Tell ed-Dab‘a, 14, 42, 60

Tell el-Amarna, 51. See also Amarna

Tell el-Borg, 92

Tell es-Safi, 4

Tell Kazel, 11314

Tell Mishrife, 67. See also Qatna

Tell Ta’yinat, 157

Tell Tweini, 113, 145, 15657

Tel Miqne, 122, 158

Temple of Amun, 25, 29

Teresh, 78

Texas A&M University, 73

textile(s), 19, 22, 71, 107

Thebes (Boeotia), 39, 47, 97, 128, 141

Thebes (Egypt), xvii, 17, 49

Theogony, 59

Thucydides, 21, 149

Thutmose I, 13, 26, 30, 177, 180

Thutmose II, 13, 26, 27, 180

Thutmose III, 1315, 17, 2021, 2331, 4142, 46, 48, 62, 9192, 178, 180

Tigris, 18

Tiryns, 3839, 41, 8688, 105, 128, 13132, 14142, 149, 153

Tiyi, 4849, 180

Tjekker, 1, 3, 6, 157

trade, xvi, 1819, 2627, 4243, 57, 7072, 74, 7879, 8788, 97, 100102, 1046, 108, 131, 14850, 15253, 156, 163, 17172

trade delegation, 27

trade embargo. See embargo (-oes)

trade embassy, 143. See also diplomatic embassy; embassy (-ies)

trade goods, 23, 27, 70

trade network/connections, 150, 152, 177

trade partnership(s), 52, 5455

trade relations, 104

trade route(s), 22, 39, 47, 5051, 59, 87, 100, 108, 126, 14753, 16467

traders, 15, 19, 50, 154

Treasury of Atreus, 141

Troad, 12, 36, 85

Trobriand Islanders, 5859

Trojan(s), 38, 70, 85, 88

Trojan War, 33, 36, 38, 4041, 70, 83, 85, 89, 127, 162

Troy, 12, 21, 36, 38, 41, 43, 8586, 89, 125, 12729, 141, 156

Tsoungiza, 128

Tsountas, Christos, 38

Tudhaliya, xvii

Tudhaliya I/II, 13, 32, 3537, 65, 180

Tudhaliya IV, 13, 96100, 106, 108, 125, 133, 161, 180

Tudhaliya the Younger, 66

Tufnell, Olga, 121

Tukulti-Ninurta I, 13, 9697, 106, 161, 180

Tunisia, xvi

Turin Judicial Papyrus, 136

Turkey, xv, 3, 8, 14, 20, 28, 3334, 36, 60, 65, 71, 7374, 99, 101, 155, 157

Tushratta, xvii, 13, 5357, 67, 180

Tut, King, xiv, 35, 48, 62, 69

Tutankhamen, 13, 6162, 180

Tutankhaten, 62

Tweini. See Tell Tweini

Twentieth Dynasty, 109, 137, 190

Twosret, 114, 136, 180

Tyre, 89, 104, 106, 144, 145

Ugarit, 9, 13, 20, 40, 54, 66, 74, 7980, 82, 99, 1029, 11213, 116, 133, 138, 14041, 144, 14956, 165, 167, 169, 171, 173. See also Ras Shamra

Ugaritic, 79, 8889, 1036, 112, 14445, 150, 152, 154

Uluburun, 60, 7374, 76, 7880, 100101

United States, xvi, xviii, 53, 142, 169, 175

University of Chicago, 4, 53, 11516, 12425

Upper Egypt, 1617, 63

Ura, 99

Urtenu, 106, 108, 144, 15152. See also House of Urtenu

Ussishkin, David, 11516, 11821

Valley of the Kings, 2, 28, 43, 46, 6364, 80, 9192, 136

Van Campo, Elise, 145

Vandals, 172

Van De Mieroop, Marc, 174

Ventris, Michael, 39

Vikings, 10

Visigoths, 172

Wace, Alan, 38

Wadi Ara, 29. See also Musmus Pass; Nahal Iron

Wall Street, 175

Washukanni, 3031, 61, 67, 96

Weinstein, James, 121

Weiss, Harvey, 145

Wenamun, 137

Weshesh, 1, 3, 6

Wilusa, 12, 84

Wilusiya, 36

Winckler, Hugo, 34

wine, 18, 22, 71, 74, 88, 104

wood, 22, 2728, 71, 78, 94, 107, 125, 129, 149

Woolley, Sir Leonard, 3, 124

World War I, 3, 30, 36, 70

World War II, 39

Yabninu, 105. See also House of Yabninu

Yadin, Yigael, 9495, 114

Yanoam, 92

Yasur-Landau, Assaf, 123, 155, 159

Yazilikaya, 96

Yehem, xvi, 29

Yemen, 27

Yener, Aslihan, 124

Yon, Marguerite, 102, 109

Zannanza, 65, 6870, 180

Zimri-Lim, 13, 1819, 180

Zivie, Alain, 90

Zoellick, Robert B., 176

Zuckerman, Sharon, 95, 148

Zygouries, 128