This book has had a long gestation period, and there are many people to whom I owe my thanks and appreciation.
To Gaby Naher at Left Bank Literary, the very best agent. You have believed in this novel from the start and I am continually thankful our paths crossed all those years ago.
Alex Craig. I am so grateful for the wonderful synchronicities that brought this manuscript to your table. Your deep understanding, guidance and vision for ‘the hum’ has been such a gift and it has been a great joy and privilege to work with you.
To James Kellow, Robert Watkins, Brigid Mullane and everyone at Ultimo Press. I thank my lucky stars that I have had the chance to be a part of your exciting vision for Australian publishing. Thank you for giving me this amazing opportunity.
Thank you to all at Hardie Grant, especially Sandy Grant, Julie Pinkham and Julia Kumschick and the entire Hardie Grant sales team.
To Ali Lavau for your insightful edits and comments.
To Alissa Dinallo for the stunning cover.
I have had wonderful mentors that have empowered me as a writer. From the very beginning, Mary Lacey Vittachi – in my youth you incited in me a deep passion for storytelling. Anna Maria Dell’oso, you believed in me, and gave me confidence to write. It goes without saying that same applies for Xu Xi, Amanda Hampson, those at The Faber Academy, in particular Kathryn Heyman and the Australian Writers Mentoring Program. Kathryn, I am especially grateful for the way you allowed me a safe space to find my voice.
To those at UTS, especially Delia Falconer and Debra Adelaide. The Australian Society of Authors and the Ray Koppe Young Writers Award, Varuna Writers’ House. The Sydney Writers’ Room for providing a wonderful sanctuary to write.
There have been so many individuals who have generously given me their time, shared valued expertise and were instrumental in my research and learning. First and foremost I would like to thank Robert Blackburn and the school of Biological Sciences at the University of Sydney. I have loved every minute learning about bugs and butterflies. Rob, watching you work in the lab has been one of the highlights of this writing process for me and I am forever grateful for your patience and time. Thanks to the Society for Insect Studies.
To all the medical professionals who have given me their time and extensive knowledge: Professor David Celermajer, Dr David Stirling, Professor Jeremy Chapman, Professor Liza Thomas, Dr Shravan Varanasi and most of all Dr Matthew Puliyel. You have been beyond generous with your time and knowledge. I have enjoyed pestering you with my many questions and learning so much from your feedback.
To Marge Lo, Fay Wong, Helen Chen, Catherine Platt, everyone at District-15, especially Li Xu and Venkatraman for your time, translation and knowledge.
Last but never least, to my friends and family who have at different stages supported me and my work. To dearest Ana Vanovac. All these years I have been writing, we have been talking. Our conversations about love, life and grief have deepened me, nourished me and have forever changed me.
Simon Westcott for your support and guidance. Anjali Nihalchaand. Witnessing your resilience, grace and wisdom have over the years changed me as a woman and a writer.
Ileana, there is so much I could say. You and I both know how your guidance has deepened me and helped me find my home again and again.
To my fellow talented writers, especially Zoe Knowles for your continual encouragement, support and passion, Jack Stanton-Cameron, Jonas Kubitscheck and Harry Goddard. Thank you all for journeying with me as Harper and Marlowe came to life and supporting me in this very long birthing process.
Jeneffa Soldatic and my fellow actors in particular: Sian Ewers and Daniel Monks for being a large part of my exploration of both Marlowe and Harper.
And to my family: Mathew and Shoba, for always encouraging me. Alisha for enthusiastically reading my work, supporting me and for always talking about books, books and more books. You are the best sister-in-law a girl could have.
Amy Gaspar for your fierce and loyal tiger heart.
To Fulvia and Edward Bent, for your support, advice and knowledge on all things botanical and horticultural.
Leigh Tong, for all your introductions and support.
Alexander. You have been a constant source of strength that has kept me going. You know in a way that few others will, what this journey with Camilla has been like and I’m so lucky to have you as my brother and friend.
To my mother, Marjory Bent. The way you read and write inspires me. Your intelligence, strength and grace has fuelled me. You have always given me every opportunity in the world to blossom.
To my father, John Bent. Your enchantment has been contagious. The magic I found while in nature with you all those years ago, holding tightly to your steady hand, has found its place in my work and will remain in my heart.
To my darling Nihal. Your unwavering faith in me has been my protection, strength and sustenance. As Harper and Louis might say: You are all of my sunrises and all of my sunsets. I find such joy in our love.
Camilla. The pulse of your gentle soul is behind every word on these pages. Without you, ‘the hum’ would never have found its way into these words and given my life such meaning and grace. You are my muse and one of my greatest loves.