
In my early forties, I had a dream in which a man leads me into a room where my parents, brothers and others close to me have gathered. He tells them, ‘I know Melinda’s life may not have turned out as you might have thought. But that’s okay because her life had to be this way for the dreams.’ The man who appeared in the dream has also written the foreword to this book. That makes sense because the psychotherapy centre he set up in the 1980s has provided a ‘home’ for dreams and dreamwork both for me and for many others. For this, my profound thanks to Nigel Hamilton.

In my twenties. I decided to let my dreams guide my waking life. I thank my dreams for leading me to this present moment in which I look through my study window at a cluster of yellow roses that remind me of my dear mother. She has long since passed from this life, but her presence in my dreams has been a continuing source of encouragement. I also wish to remember and thank my father for instilling in me from childhood both soul stamina and a deep love for the wonders of Nature – the coastlines, canyonlands, deserts and mountains of my homeland.

Such natural beauty features in the photographs by Chris Nassef. Thank you, Chris!

Next, my thanks to the many people who have walked the paths of my life and dreams with me. You know who you are and when you read these words, you will know they are for you. In particular, I thank Sajada Taylor, my dream guide, whose wise counsel has led me through many dreams. I would also like to thank Dave Billington, my colleague at the Dream Research Institute, London, for his hands-on help in bringing dreams into reality.

To the many people referred to in these pages, whose thoughts and experiences form part of an ongoing conversation about life and dreams, I thank each one of you.

To the readers of this book, as I share with you my thoughts and dreams, I express my gratitude for your interest and openness. May your dreams, likewise, lead to your heart’s innermost treasure.

And to my editor, Oliver Holden-Rea of Bonnier Books, who commissioned this work, and to his team, my warmest thanks.

Here, my thoughts turn with loving thanks to my husband, Andrew, whose steady hand, warm heart and lucid mind move tenderly through my life, dreams and the revisions of this book.

With humble thanks, I offer these pages to the spirit that moves through dreams and rustles among the treetops.

In my life, dreams have shone like living Presences of light against the backdrop of the dark, sacred night. Like bright stars, dreams have guided and filled me with a deep sense of gratitude and awareness of grace. The stars shine for all of us. The earth beneath our feet, the wind upon our cheeks, the touch of a loved one – these entwine with the light of our dreams, enriching life. For all this, I give heartfelt thanks.
