MANY THANKS TO THE FOLLOWING: first reader, Rachel Vuillaume Narby; research assistant, Marie-Claire Chappuis; third base coach, Jon Christensen; unconditional support, Willy Randin/Nouvelle Planète; epistemology, Suren Erkman; anthropology, Jürg Gasché; metaphysics, Richard Chappuis; biology, Jean-Luc Renck, Véronique Servais; botany, Mathias Läubli, Michel Mettraux; medicine, Gilbert Guignard; professional guidance, Henri Weissenbach; argumentation, Jeremy P. Tarcher; French language consultant, Fabienne Radi Maitre; images, ric@act; original readers, Christophe Berdat, Philippe Randin, Yona Birker Chavanne, Patrick Lyndon, Claude Corboz, Laurent Grand, Jacques Falquet, Jean-Pierre Hurni, Jacques Mabit, Jacob Granatouroff; English manuscript readers, Michael Harner, Patrick Lyndon, Adrian Franklin, Rob La Frenais, Philip Colchin, Francis Huxley; literary agent, Barbara Moulton; my professors, Humphry Osmond, Sylvia Yanagisako, Renato Rosaldo, Shelton Davis, Stefano Varese, Albert Duruz; my colleagues, Alberto Chirif, Anna Tsing, John Beauclerk, Marcus Colchester, Pierrette Birraux-Ziegler, Oliviero Ratti, Laurent Demierre; nicotinic receptors, Marc Ballivet; dimethyltryptamine information, Olaf Anderson, Novartis; nicotine information, Brigitte Caretti, Switzerland’s Federal Office of Public Health; stereograms, Madeleine Siffert, Pascal Siffert; the term “DNA-TV,” Kit Miller; child care, Sandrine Arnold, Marianne Santos.
Books: The Cantonal and University Library of Fribourg, Switzerland; The Network of Swiss Libraries; Librophoros, Christophe Piller, Fribourg, Switzerland; Flashback Books, Michael Horowitz, 20 Sunny-side Avenue, Suite A195, Mill Valley, CA 94941.
In Peru: Sally Swenson, Victoria Mendoza, Abelardo Shingari, and the community of Quirishari.
Original fieldwork funded by National Science Foundation (No. BNS 8420651); Wenner-Gren Foundation (No. 4622); Stanford’s Center for Research in International Studies.
Specials thanks go to Carlos Perez Shuma, who made an anthropologist of me; the indigenous people of the world, who taught me the most important things I know, who have kept their ancient knowledge despite persecution, genocide and territorial confiscation, and whose ethical standard is an inspiration; my parents, grandparents, and ancestors for the DNA; the global network of life, with a special thought for the plant-teachers.