Loans are an advancement of monetary funds that will allow an individual make an investment of choice, where the initial loan amount plus interest calculated, will have to be paid back to the loan source over a set period of time.


Sounds simple enough but the problem usually arises when the individual is for one reason or another unable to pay off the agreed sum due to the loan taken. Failing to make such payments can cause a lot of problems and even be considered a criminal offence, which has a jail sentencing penalty.





Therefore before contemplating the idea of taking out a loan, the individual should first ensure the reason for the loan is a viable one and if the payment means is both secure and consistent.

Most adult earning individuals, go through much of their working life paying for car and housing loans which usually span a good part of their productive years, but are seen as good investments as these items are considered essential to the human comfort and existence.

Loans should be gotten from legal sources such as banks, government agencies, finance houses and such other legal establishments. The secured loan requires some form of collateral to be provided for by the borrower, which will be withdrawn by the lender, in the event that there is a default on the loan repayments.

The unsecured loan is given on the merits of the individual applying for the loan. Here no collateral is needed, but the same principal is applied where upon default of payment, the items acquired from the loan given out, such as property or vehicles then become the property of the lender.