
The week with my brothers has flown by. I managed to finish another round of edits and make some headway on my latest work in progress. This was cause to celebrate and spend time with my brothers in true Fallon family fashion. We kayaked, binge-watched some of our favorite shows, and just spent time hanging out around our cabin. My older brother Derek and my parents made it out for a long weekend and will return home tomorrow morning, while my younger brothers will stay through next weekend.

Admittedly, a steady stream of texts and phone calls from Luke have also made my week memorable. They were thought provoking, flirty, and kept a smile on my face for hours. Don’t even get me started on the scenes he inspired.

Unfortunately, my brothers completely noticed. They harassed me in their best brotherly brutality. Sometimes I swear they’re still teenagers and can’t let the fact I was talking with a guy go.

As my phone buzzes in my pocket, my heart races as I peek at the incoming text.

Luke: Busy?

Me: Not at all. Have you made it home?

Luke: Yeah. Just arrived.

Me: Do you have to work today?

Luke: Playing hooky.

Me: Everyone needs to sometime. Lol

Before he replies, there’s a knock at my door. Knowing everyone in my family is already here and would never knock, I can’t help but wonder about our unannounced visitor. It’s not like the island has many solicitors. I pull open the door to greet our unexpected guest, and my jaw drops to the floor.

The most penetrating deep-blue eyes darken with delight as a sexy lopsided smile spreads across Luke’s face. Holy shit, he’s here. It takes a moment for my body to catch up with my brain as I register he’s really standing before me.

His hand reaches out to run a finger along my cheek, sending an electric pulse soaring through my veins. “Dani,” he says, almost guttural. I can’t help myself. I launch myself into his arms.

Thank God, he catches me with ease. As I wrap my arms around him fiercely, I draw in a deep breath because he smells amazing. Clean citrus mixed with a scent that’s entirely Luke. As I inhale a second time, because the first wasn’t enough, I reach my hand to his face and pull him to me. It’s as if I can’t get close enough to him.

The second my lips touch his, it’s as if all is right with the world. I hadn’t realized just how much I missed him until this very moment. Hell. I write about these moments in books and could’ve sworn they were simply fiction. This never happens in real life. At least not to me.

I might have started this kiss, but Luke quickly takes control. As I wrap my legs around his waist, he takes one hand and guides me through a searing kiss that leaves me breathless. After all too short of time, I regretfully pull away to catch my breath. Holy Hell. This man can kiss.

“What… are you… doing… here?” I ask in ragged pants. I still can’t believe he’s here, in my living room.

He kisses me swiftly once more before answering my question, “Had to see you.”

A throat is cleared from behind, and I hear Damien chuckle. Shit. I’d forgotten he’d been watching television with me. Everyone else was out back on the deck. “Don’t mind me. I’ll just leave you two alone. Apparently… you know this guy, right, Dani?”

Mortification doesn’t even begin to describe my feelings. How could I forget I wasn’t alone? I’ve never launched myself at any man… Shit! My brother just witnessed everything. And the bastard thinks it’s appropriate to comment. Gah. He has some nerve. I quickly unhook my legs from Luke’s waist as Luke helps settle me on the floor.

Before I can respond, Luke’s body shakes with silent laughter. When I make my eyes meet his, I see pure, unadulterated joy radiating from him. He smirks and says, “God, I sure hope she doesn’t greet everyone like this.” He waggles an eyebrow and waits for my response.

“What?” I stammer in disbelief. How could he think such a thing?

“Relax, Dani,” Luke says as he tames a curl that has fallen in front of my face. “You have to admit. It is one hell of a way to be greeted. I don’t think I’ve ever had anyone so eager to see me.” Though his words would seem cocky coming out of anyone else’s mouth, they feel almost humble from Luke.

I stare at him to see if my gut reaction is correct. When I realize his sincerity, I reach out for his hand and pull him into the living room so he can properly meet my brother.

“Damien, I’d like you to meet…”

But I don’t get any further because Damien shouts, “Holy shit… Luke Leighton is kissing… you? When did you crawl out from the rock you live under and meet a guy like him?”

I see the tips of Luke’s ears redden, and an unreadable expression fills his face. Fearing he’s offended Luke, I’m about to lay into my brother for being such an ass when what he said sinks in. What the fuck? How does Dame know Luke’s name? I haven’t even introduced them.

“Wait…” I look between Luke and Damien. Damien seems to know Luke, but I can’t say the same for Luke. Luke’s expression is reserved and if I didn’t know better, a flicker of guilt mixed with something else crosses his face, but it’s quickly replaced when his eyes meet mine. “You know my brother?” I ask in disbelief. I know this is a small island, but seriously? How can my brother know him?

He shakes his head as he passes a glance at Damien. “I don’t think we’ve met,” he intercedes quietly.

Damien eyes me suspiciously as he crosses the room and reaches out his hand to greet Luke officially. “Sorry about that. It’s not every day I react that way. I’m Damien. It’s nice to meet you.”

What the hell? Why is Damien shaking his hand repeatedly as if he’s starstruck or something?

“Luke,” he says in return. Watching their interaction goes beyond strange. They act like strangers, but clearly Damien knows him.

“Would somebody tell me what the fuck is going on?” I pipe in when neither of them says anything.

“I should be asking you the same question,” Damien accuses. Then he darts an overprotective glance at Luke. Oh, geez. What the hell’s he doing now? I’m the older sister. I don’t need Dame going all alpha male, protective brother on me. I’m no longer in high school, and my virtue isn’t in danger here.

“What the hell is that supposed to mean?” I scoff. Why would he be asking me what’s going on. Obviously, I just greeted a guy I’m seeing. What’s weird is Damien calling him by both his first and last name.

Damien smirks in only the way a brother can. “Just how long have you been seeing each other?”

I gasp in horrified shock. “What business is it of yours?” I spit out like a petulant teenager, but my brother’s being a dick, and Luke doesn’t deserve it.

Luke places a hand on my shoulder and against my will, my body instantly calms. How the hell does he do that to me? “It’s okay, Dani.” He steps around me because somehow during all this, I wound up between the two of them.

Damien raises an expectant eyebrow. I roll my eyes. He has some nerve.

“It’s still new,” Luke offers to Damien. “I had the afternoon off and decided to surprise Dani with a visit. Sorry if I’ve interrupted anything.”

“You haven’t interrupted anything,” I blurt out. I love that he surprised me. I haven’t been able to stop thinking about him since he left. Obviously, my traitorous body feels the same. I can’t believe I attacked him in front of my brother though. I’ll never hear the end of this.

“Nah, man. We’re just hanging out. I have to admit, I’m a little surprised to see you myself. I had no idea you knew Dani. Shouldn’t you be busy gearing up for the season though?”

“Like I told Dani, I just have the afternoon off. I’ll be back at it tomorrow,” Luke explains.

This is so strange. Why is Damien concerned about Luke’s job? Is that where they know each other? I know Damien was doing an internship for part of the summer, but I didn’t think it was in Tacoma. Before I can question it, the room fills with the rest of my family. Derek and Davis are in mid-conversation as they come in from the back deck, followed by my parents who are laughing about something.

When they spot Luke, everyone goes silent. My brothers and dad stare in disbelief. Fuck, it’s not like I’ve never brought a guy home with me. What the hell’s wrong with my family? Can they not act like I’m the hermit that never ventures out of her writing cave?

Thankfully, my mom’s oblivious to their odd reactions, and she’s her normal self. “Oh, I didn’t realize we had company.” When she gets to Luke, she reaches out her hand. “I’m Daisy.”

“I’m Luke.” Luke’s lips turn into a sexy smile, and my heart races. I can tell my mom isn’t immune to him, either. The way her eyes light up at his greeting.

Davis and Derek exchange shocked expressions. Holy shit. Can they act normal? For fuck’s sake, this is beyond ridiculous. It’s like we’ve never had company before. Each of their eyes pivot to Luke, and their jaws drop as their eyes continue to bulge.

I’m about to introduce them to Luke when Derek finally finds actual words to come out of his mouth. Maybe there’s hope for some form of normalcy yet. But sadly. I’m mistaken.

“Holy shit. What’s Luke Leighton doing here?”

“What the hell?” I chastise, but suddenly it seems like I’m the only one who doesn’t know Luke. I look to him, and he sheepishly glances at the floor for a split second before locking eyes with me. Oh, shit. What isn’t he telling me?

“Wh… Why does everyone in my family seem to know you?” I whisper.

Suddenly, Luke’s eyes tighten, and his posture stiffens. Luke’s voice is filled with concern and a hint of regret. “Dani… I…”

“Who wouldn’t recognize the youngest head coach in the league? You’d have to be living under a rock not to know Luke Leighton’s going to lead the Rainier Renegades to victory this season. He’s making league history,” Derek announces to the room. “The bigger question is what’s he doing in our living room?”