
I finally convince Danika to leave the hotel room around noon. Since she admits she hasn’t been a tourist in forever, I’m eager to show her what I’ve planned for the evening. I must admit I had a bit of help from Harlow with the reservations, but that’s only because I’d been prepping for this week’s game, and she volunteered once I mentioned going to Seattle.

Instead of driving, we walk to Pike Place Market. Though I’ll admit I haven’t been here since I started working for the Rainier Renegades, I’ve always loved this place. Where else can you go to watch fish be thrown, see the oldest Starbucks, and the infamous Seattle Gum Wall. Let’s not forget the Pike Place Chowder. That stuff has me coming back for more every time I visit the vicinity.

As we walk through the market, Dani lights up when she sees trinkets and handmade jewelry. She insists we stop to look at it. She’s not really what I’d call high maintenance, as she wears little makeup or accessories. But I do notice the styles she picks. They’re sleek, simple but still hold your attention. I can’t help but grin when I notice they’re just like her.

Dani picks up a necklace and inspects it before replacing it. “Did you know that you can’t sell in this market unless it’s your first place of business?”

“What do you mean?” I ask. I’ve never given it much thought, but now I’m curious.

“While researching, I found many famous businesses started here, then branched out. But famous businesses can’t be in the market if they didn’t start here. For one of my books, I did some research on local markets as a job for one of my main characters. I came across that tidbit and thought it was odd. Apparently, they want you to get your start from here, not have commercialized vendors. It keeps things local.”

“I’ll bet you’ve come across some interesting information when you research,” I say as I pick up a necklace that’s caught my eye. It has the same shade of stone as Dani’s eyes. It has a simple silver chain and is the shape of a tear drop. The gem’s held in place by a smooth loop-like setting. When it catches Dani’s attention, she gasps.

“That’s beautiful.” She reaches out and strokes the stone and my decision is made.

I motion to the man standing behind the table. “We’ll take this.”

The look of pure shock on Dani’s face is evident. “What… You don’t have to do that.”

“It doesn’t seem fair to leave it here.” The words come out of my mouth before I give it any thought. When did I become the guy who buys jewelry? I don’t think I’ve ever bought it for anyone except my mom. But there’s just something about it that won’t let me walk away. Maybe it reminds me so much of her. Fuck, I have no idea. But I’m not questioning it now. I’m usually a “go with your gut” type of guy. And my gut is speaking loud and clear. This is meant for Dani.

“Did you see the matching bracelet here?” The clerk does his job with due diligence, that’s for sure. It’s the same color of stone, replicated in smaller portions set in the same sleek silver setting.

I look to Dani, whose eyes have gone wide. I’m not sure if it’s from shock or annoyance. But once again, I go with my gut. They’re a perfect match. “We’ll take it.”

“Luke,” Dani admonishes. “What. Are. You. Doing?” in a low tone, trying not to draw attention from the crowd around us.

I simply shrug and show her a devilish grin. “What does it look like?”

“Seriously, I don’t need this,” she protests.

“No, you don’t need this. But I think you’d look even more stunning wearing it.”

Dani lets out a sigh in defeat, and I can’t help but roll my eyes. “What do you have against me buying this for you?”

“It’s nothing… really. I’m just not used to anyone doing that sort of thing. You don’t need to spend money on me.”

True to form, she wants nothing from me but my time. God, I love that about her. It’s so refreshing to just be liked for me and not my status or money. “Danika.” I quirk an eyebrow in her direction until I have her full attention. “It’s not a big deal. I’d like you to have something to remember this weekend by. That’s all.”

Her cheeks blush that beautiful shade of pink, and I can tell her mind immediately went to somewhere it shouldn’t. “Oh, I have plenty to remember this trip already. I have a memory like a steel vault. I think there’ll be plenty I reminisce about after we get home.” Her eyes darken, and my body heats. But since we’re in public, I quickly plant a chaste kiss on her lips then turn to the vendor.

I hand the man my card and give him my full attention. He nods in appreciation and runs it in an instant. When he notices my name, I catch his eyes widen as he stares at me critically. I’m wearing jeans, a black hoodie, and a baseball cap to blend in. His eyes narrow as he hands me back the card. “Thank you, Mr. Leighton. Hope you have a great afternoon.” He places my purchases in a black velvet pouch and hands them to me. “Let’s keep up that winning streak,” he says in a much quieter tone, to keep from gaining attraction of the crowd.

“Thanks, we will.” I quickly grab the purchase and guide Danika through the crowd to get lost from his view.

“Does that happen often?” Dani asks when we’re out of earshot.

“Do I buy beautiful girls jewelry?” I tease.

This earns me an exaggerated sigh and a brush of her hands on my arm. “No… do you get recognized often?”

“Um…” I take in her question and give it some thought. Sure, I get recognized and unless I’m near the football team, people usually don’t make a big deal about it. “I wouldn’t say it happens a lot, but in the past few months, since I’ve taken over as head coach, it’s definitely happened more often. But I’m just the coach. No one’s interested in the likes of me.”

“I’m not sure how I’d handle that,” Dani responds still in thought. She bites her bottom lip and has a far-off look in her eyes.

I’ve witnessed it before but still don’t know how to respond, so I ask for clarification. “Don’t people recognize you as an author?”

“Yes, but only at book conventions. And even then, it’s by my pen name. I’d never get called by my real name by a complete stranger. Anonymity has its perks. I can go out in public looking like a scrub and never be thought of twice. I sit in coffee shops and other places where inspiration hits and write for hours on end and never get a second glance.” She shakes her head and sighs dramatically once again. “It’s crazy enough at book signings. Charlotte Ann gets enough attention at those.”

“I can relate. When I was initially drafted, I had a bit of a following from college, but it died down once I was no longer playing. I’d much rather just keep my head down and do my job without having a random stranger spectate on my latest decision for the team. I never had this much attention as a coach before I took this position. Everyone blamed or applauded Ray if they had an opinion about the team. It’s much different being in the hot seat this season.”

“That must be a lot of pressure to always perform,” Dani surmises.

“It’s not that, necessarily. I’m just not used to random strangers inserting their opinions so much.”

Dani bumps my hip as she takes my hand to walk through the shops downstairs in the marketplace. “Well, you aren’t a sore sight for the eyes, that’s for sure. I must admit, I may have watched you more than the game yesterday. You’re sexy as hell when you’re focused.”

Did she really just say that? She can’t be serious. I quickly dismiss it by muttering “Whatever you say, Dani.” Letting her know I think she’s being utterly absurd.

One of my fondest memories of the day will be when I doubled over in laughter as she bends down to hug Rachel the Pig, the mascot of Pike Place, like it isn’t a big deal. I have my phone out and quickly capture the moment. The pure joy radiating from Dani is infectious. Of course, she takes it upon herself to fill me in on Rachel’s backstory, which prompts me to pull out my wallet and fill the famous pig with cash. Who can deny contributing to such a good cause? But this prompts more impromptu photoshoots for each of us as we enjoy our adventure.

When we finish up with Pike Place Market, Dani and I make our way to the Seattle Center. We share many laughs as she picks out ridiculous things I should try on, or stops to pose for a selfie at one of the tourist attractions.

When we get to the base of the Space Needle, I casually walk Dani toward the line. “Wanna take a ride?”

“Don’t we need tickets?”

I tap my phone. “Already taken care of. Come on. Let’s go.”

The wait is short and as Dani and I step into the elevator, we pick a spot where our view won’t be obstructed as we ascend the Needle. I step closely behind Dani and can feel her body tremble slightly. “You okay?” I whisper so only she can hear.

“Yeah… Not really a huge fan of heights, but I’ve always wanted to come up to see the view. Especially since it’s been remodeled.”

Fuck. I hadn’t even thought she might be afraid of heights. I’m such a dumb fuck. It’s too late now, since we’re already soaring high above the skyline of Seattle. I lean in and wrap my arms around her from behind. Doing my best to distract her, I whisper, “Fun fact. I think you’re one of the most incredible people I know. Those butterflies you’re feeling right now? Well, they have nothing on how I feel when you walk in the room.”

Her gasp is audible as her arms clamp down around mine, causing me to hold her tighter. I don’t give her a chance to say anything before I continue, “I’m completely falling for you.”

She quickly turns to face me, her eyes wide and searching mine. “Are you serious?”

“Absolutely.” I keep my eyes locked on hers to leave zero doubts. The elevator stops, and I quickly pull her through the door to a place away from the vast windows to have a bit more privacy, if you can call it that. “I probably should’ve found a different way to tell you, but I didn’t want to go another moment without you knowing. Feeling you tremble and knowing I’d put you in this position…”

Dani reaches up to my face and runs her palm along my cheek and interrupts my ramble, “Oh, Luke…” she sighs. For a moment, we stare into each other’s eyes. My feelings are reflected like a mirror. Words don’t have to be expressed, to know she clearly feels the same. Relief washes over me in an instant. Not being one to put myself out there often, I’m not even sure what came over me.

She guides my neck to bring my face closer to hers as she steps onto her tiptoes to close the distance between us. The moment our lips meet, I want to lose all control. I want to sweep her into my arms and take her to a place with more privacy. But when I hear a loud man grumbling about getting a room, I slow my pace and level of intensity.

I reluctantly pull back and reach for Dani’s hand. “Come on, let’s get something to eat and enjoy the view from the restaurant.”

It takes about an hour for the room to rotate and see the entire view from below. I’m relieved to know Dani isn’t as nervous being further away from the window. With each passing minute, she noticeably relaxes. Not having planned a date like this in forever, I’m glad I didn’t fuck up completely. I know she’s adventurous, but heights never came up before now.

As we finish our meal, Dani shocks me when she suddenly stands and says, “Let’s go to the observation deck.”

Even as she reaches for my hand, I can’t help but ask, “Are you sure?”

With her head held high and the confidence of a champion, she dons the sexiest smile and simply states, “I’m not giving up this experience with you by being scared.”

If I wasn’t already falling for her, she would’ve had me right there. I eagerly stand, ready to follow her anywhere.