Keeping in Balance
Theme: God provides stability in a changing world.
Bible Verse: I have set the LORD always before me; because He is at my right hand I shall not be moved. (Psalm 16:8)
Materials Needed:
• Yardstick or broom
• Long pencils or rulers for participants
Bible Lesson
Psalm 16 describes the confidence David experienced in his life. He faced many severe problems, yet he still wrote this wonderful testimony. With the Lord at his side, David could not be moved or shaken. This means there was not the slightest danger of losing his position in Christ. Nor could he ever be disappointed with his decision to follow the Lord. David had tied his life to a secure refuge that would not fail. In this turbulent world we too can enjoy confidence in the Lord as David did. The promise of our key verse is repeated by Peter in Acts 2:25.
Science Activity
Demonstrate a technique for balancing objects in an unusual manner by holding the broom or yardstick horizontally for all to see. Rest it upon your two index fingers. Begin with the fingers widely separated for easy support of the stick. Now comes the interesting part: slowly slide your fingers inward toward each other. It is okay if one finger slides more than the other. When the fingers meet, the stick should remain horizontal and perfectly balanced. This balance point will be at the center of the yardstick and somewhat off center for the broom. Your fingers will automatically seek this position, also known as the object’s center of gravity.
Participants can easily repeat this balancing act with pencils or rulers. Have them support the item on their index fingers. The initial position of the fingers is not important. Then have them slide their fingers inward—the balance point is automatically found.
Now lock in the lesson idea. Emphasize that the Lord can keep our lives in balance. We all face daily pressures, temptations, and disappointments. These things can quickly throw us off balance and interfere with our Christian walk. But here is the good news: Christ can bring our lives back into balance. His power helped David and is still available today. Confidence in the Lord automatically provides us with a balance point in our lives.
A stick of any length has a balance point, located by moving both fingers inward until they touch.
Science Explanation
Every object has a center of gravity. This activity locates the balance point by sliding one’s fingers inward while supporting the object. With a broom or ruler, the finger closer to the balance point supports most of the weight. This results in more friction and less ability to slide; the other finger slides instead. When the fingers are supporting equal weight, either they will both slide or they will alternate in motion. It is always the finger with less friction that slides. The differences are automatically sorted out by friction until the fingers meet at the balance point.