Aftershock: The Next Economy and America’s Future
A brilliant account of the economic crisis—as a product of the ever-diminishing prominence and power of the American middle class—and an impassioned plea for the middle class’s return to a central, stable, and revitalized place in our nation.
Supercapitalism: The Transformation of Business, Democracy, and Everyday Life
A critical examination of the transformation of mid-twentieth-century capitalism into global capitalism, and global capitalism into supercapitalism. As supercapitalism enlarges the economic pie, democracy is becoming less and less effective under its influence.
I’ll Be Short
The Future of Success
Locked in the Cabinet
The Work of Nations
The Resurgent Liberal
Tales of a New America
The Next American Frontier
As Editor
The Power of Public Ideas
As Coauthor, with John D. Donahue
New Deals: The Chrysler Revival and the American System
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