Finishing any book is a challenge, but second books are special beasts. I’m lucky—a whole crowd of wonderful people supported me during A Rogue of One’s Own. A huge thank-you to:
Matt—my love.
Mum and Oma—so endlessly supportive.
Bernie—what badassery, to do a one-day round trip to NYC in a three-piece suit. From PA. In July.
All my friends who picked up a romance novel for the first time—special thanks to Anna, Rob, and Nils.
All my fantastic cousins, from Beirut to Niagara Falls. Merci.
My sensitivity readers.
Kate and Montse—what would I do without a daily dose of Lilac Wine?
A battalion of historical fiction and romance authors who took the time to support my work—in particular Renée Rosen, Chanel Cleeton, Gaelen Foley, Eva Leigh, Anna Campbell, Megan McCrane, Amy E. Reichert, and Stephanie Thornton. I wouldn’t be where I am without their endorsement and encouragement.
Jennifer Probst, Rachel Van Dyken, Lauren Layne—the Tree of Trust is a gem and I love being part of it.
A special thank-you to my marvelous agent, Kevan Lyon, who is always a step ahead of things, and to my formidably patient, eagle-eyed editor, Sarah Blumenstock. Working with you is pure joy.