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ABC News
interview with Dieter Mengele
Acerbo, Luis
Adenauer, Konrad
Aftermath: Martin Bormann and the Fourth Reich (Farago)
Aharoni, Zvi
Aktion Feuerland
Alexander, Vera
Allied High Command, Paris
Alsina, Ezequiel Gonzalez
Altmann, Klaus
Alves, Joao
Amato, Alfonse d’
Amit, Meir
Anderson, Jack
Andrade Mendonca, Jaime Edson
Angel, Lawrence
Arambary, General
Arens, Richard
Arganas, Luis Maria
Mengele sought in
(See also Mengele, Josef: Argentina)
Associated Press
allied failure to bomb
pilgrimage to
trial of SS personnel from
(See also Mengele, Josef: Auschwitz)
Avengers, The (Bar-Zohar)
Bach, Johann Sebastian
Bacteriological warfare experiments
Balzac, Honoré de: Le Diamant
Banco Aleman Transatlantico
Banco Germanico
Banco Tourquist
Barbie, Klaus
Bar-Zohar, Michael
Bauer, Fritz
Bauer, Yehuda
Bauermeister, Herbert
Beckham, Mike
Begin, Menachem
Beletatti, Ferdinando
Ben-Gurion, David
Benitez, Venceslao
Bennett, Douglas J.
Bensch, Peter
Berchtold, Thomas
Berkowitz, Marc
Bernhardt, Walter
Bild Zeitung
Bindong, Karl
Birkenau (see Mengele, Josef: Auschwitz)
Bismarck, Otto von
Biss, Otto
Blumenthal, Ralph
Bo, Simon
Bormann, Martin
Bossert, Andreas
Bossert, Liselotte
Bossert, Sabine
Bossert, Wolfram
Boys from Brazil, The
Brack, Victor
Braden, Spruille
Branaa, Señor
Branchero Rossi, Luis
Brandt, Karl
Mengele sought in
(See also Mengele, Josef: Brazil)
Briest, Eckart
Brocher, Tobias
BSD Farm Corporation
Bucher, Ewald
Bunte (magazine)
Busse, Wilfried
Byhan, Inge
Caballero de Costa, Silvia
Caffetti Co.
Caldwell, Peggy C.
Camben, Juan Vessey
Canilha, Osnelho
Capesius, Victor
Cardoso, Elias
Carita, Gino
Carranza, Juan Vilka
Carter, President Jimmy; Carter administration
Centeno, Raul
Central Intelligence Agency (see CIA)
Central Office for Race and Resettlement
Central Registry of War Criminals and Security Suspects (CROWCASS)
Cespiva, Johann
Chichizola, Santos
Chief Counsel’s Office for War Crimes
Chile, Zaire
Churchill, Winston S.
on Mengele
Cicero, Adolfo
Clauberg, Carl
Cohen, Chaim
Congress of Reich Physicians
Cranston, Alan
CROWCASS (see Central Registry of War Criminals and Security Suspects)
Cukurs, Herbert
Czekanowski, Jan
Dani, Shalom
Danielski, Mordka
Darwinism, social
Davis, Arthur, and Mrs.
Dehabich, Juan Languasco
Diercks, Alfonse
Deisenhofer, Georg
Delaney, Willy
Department of the Army
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (German Research Council)
Deutsche Reichspartei
Dias Romao, Expeditio
Dickopf, Paul
Diesbach, Julius
Doctors Trial
Dorge, Heinrich
Drug Enforcement Administration
Duarte, Eva
Dumler, Harry Lyons
Eban, Abba
Eckstein, Alejandro von
Efrat, Ada
Efrat, Binyamin
Eichmann, Adolf; Eichmann kidnapping and trial
“Ricardo Klement”
Eichmann, Horst
Eichmann, Nicholas (Klaus)
Eisenlauer, Andreas
Eitan, Rafi
Eldad, Norit
Eliaz, Ruth
Engemann, Winfried
Ensmann, Wilhelm
Ensmann, Wolf
Epefenger, Hans
Erdstein, Erich
Esquerra, Professor
Eytan, Walter
Fadro Farm company
Farago, Ladislas
Farina, Roberto
tip on Mengele
Federal Republic of Germany:
Mengele extradition proceedings
and search in Paraguay (see Paraguay: search for Mengele in)
and prosecution of war criminals
Ferencz, Benjamin B.
Fernandez, Anibal
Ferretaria Alemania
Fiederkiewicz, Alfred
Final Solution
(See also Auschwitz)
Fischer, Alois
Fischer farm
Fischer, Fritz
Fischer, Georg
Fischer, Maria
Fitzpatrick, John
Förster, Bernhard
430th detachment, Counter Intelligence Corps
Frankfurt, trial of Auschwitz SS personnel
Fredrichi, Albert
Fredrichi, Endentran
Freedom of Information Act
Freiburg court
Freitas, Laerte de
Freude, Ludwig
Friedman, Tuvia
Frondizi, Arturo
Fuks, Arie
Gacher, Konrad
Gatica, Victor
Gebhardt, Karl
Geneticism, Nazi
(See also Mengele, Josef: geneticist)
Genocide (see Hitler)
Gerhard, Adolf
Gerhard, Ruth
Gerhard, Wolfgang
German Action Group
German Orthopedic Society
German Research Council (Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft)
Gimenez Benitez, Clotildo
Glasenapp, Horst von
Glawe, Ernesto
Glawe, Norberto
Glucks, Richard
Gorby, Benjamin J.
Graf Spee (battleship)
Granada Television
Grawitz, Ernst
Grebe, Hans
Gross Rosen
Grossdeutscher Jugendbund
Guerrico, Jorge H.
Guido, José Maria
Günzburg, Bavaria
“Gustav M.”
Haase, Frederico
Hackenjos, Alfons
Hackenjos, Jens
Hackenjos, Sabine
Haifa Nazi Crimes Documentation Center
Hameli, Ali
Handel, Maximo
Hartheim Euthanasia Institute
Hausner, Gideon
Haverich, Elsa
Heinemann, Gustav
Helms, Jesse
Hermann, Lothar
Hess, Rudolph
Heydrich, Reinhard
Hillgruber, Andreas
Himmler, Heinrich
race resettlement program
Hioche, Alfred
Hitler, Adolf
genocide policy
Mengele’s opinions of
sterilization laws
Hitler Youth Movement
Hoess, Rudolph
House on Garibaldi Street, The (Harel)
Hoy (magazine)
Huber, Marianne
Hygiene Institute of the Military SS
Idar Oberstein camp
I. G. Farben
Inside the Fourth Reich (Erdstein)
Inside the Third Reich (Speer)
International Red Cross
Investigating Commission on Anti-Argentine Activities
mock trial of Mengele
search for Mengele (see Mossad)
Jancu, Vexler
Jenckels, the
Jewish Floridian
Jewish World Congress
John, Herbert
Jones, Simon
Jung, Margaret
Jung, Werner
Junkers, Werner
Jurmann, Bergilda
Justice Department:
Office of Special Investigations (OSI)
search for Mengele
Kahler, Hans Otto
Kaiser Wilhelm Institute for Anthropology, Human Heredity Teaching and Genetics
Kaltenbrunner, Ernst
Katz, Ottmar
Kaufmann, Dr.
Keitel, Wilhelm
Kelly, Petra
Kempthorne, Walter
Kennedy, John F.
Kerley, Ellis R.
Khrushchev, Nikita
Klarsfeld, Beate
Klarsfeld, Serge
Klaubert, Professor
Klein, Fritz
Klein, Hans Ebhard
Kleinmann, witness at Eichmann trial
KMN International Farm Equipment, Inc.
König, Hans
Kor, Eva
Korherr, Richard
Kremer, Johann
Kriegel, Vera
Krier, Hubert
Krona, Bernard
Krug, Alban
Krug, Ewald
Krug farm
Krug, Oscar
Kuegler, Hans
Lambertz, Kurt
Lando, Barry
Laternser, Hans
Lavi, Meir
Law for the Protection of Hereditary Health
Lengyel, Olga
Leute, Ricardo von
Levine, Lowell
Life magazine
Lifton, Robert Jay
Lingens, Ella
Lissmann, Erich
Locator and Apprehension Branch, Nuremberg
London Agreement
London Daily Express
London Sunday Dispatch
London Sunday Times
London Times
Lopez Escobar, Mario
Louwage, Folorent F.
Luk, Gert
Lukash, Leslie
Luque, Jorge
Luz, Luiz Carlos
Lyons, Harry
McColl, Ian
Maddonni, Alberto A.
Malbranc, Gerard
Manana, La
Marathon Man
Margolis, Gerald
Martin, John
Marum, Jorge Miguel
Massagrande, Ellio
“Medical research,” Nazi
(See also Mengele, Josef: Auschwitz)
Melchin, Inez
Mello, Jose Antonio de
Mendelsohn, Martin
Mendonca, Jaime Edson Andrade
Mengele, Almuth
Mengele, Aloisn
Mengele business
Mengele, Dieter
interviewed by ABC News
Mengele family
Mengele, Irene Schoenbein
divorces Mengele
refuses to leave Germany
Mengele, Irmi
Mengele, Josef (1911–1979):
academic career
anger, attacks of
anthropology, doctorate in
character of the country
early troubles
legend about Mengele
medical license investigated
Nazism in
passport under correct name
preferred sanctuary
removal to Paraguay
sought in (see Argentina)
trip to Europe
arrest warrant for
in Arztebund (NS)
(See also Federal Republic of Germany)
cruel methods of execution
flight from
medical experiments
(See also Mengele, Josef: twins)
medical records, research notes
pathology laboratory
sick-bay selections
typhus epidemic
violence and cruelty
bones exhumed and studied
depression, loneliness
farm work
identity card
obsession with security
visit from Rolf
and his brothers
and the Brownshirts
capture and arrest
character and personality
on concentration camps
cultural interests
controlled leak about
secrecy on
degrees revoked
“Dr. Engwald”
“Dr. Fritz Fischer”
“Dr. Nadich”
and early Nazi movement
joins party
electrical experiments
escape from Allies
farm work
evolution, interest in
extradition proceedings (see Federal Republic of Germany)
eye-pigmentation experiments
and his father
Fiat Lux (essay)
“Fritz Hollmann”
funeral and burial
view of Jewish giftedness (See also Mengele, Josef: twins)
”Helmut Gregor”
on Hitler
identified as a principal war criminal
Israel’s search for (see Mossad)
Jerusalem “trial” of
“Juan Lechin”
Langbein’s dossier on
medical studies
and his mother
business contacts
and Nazi party in
sought in (see Paraguay)
Peru, rumor of presence in
“Peter Fast”
“Peter Hochbichler”
plastic surgery on
reputation for formidability
and his son Rolf
sought in Peru
sought in Uruguay
sought in U.S.A.
U.S. search for
to South America
on Speer
SS, joining
Waffen SS
sterilization experiments
supposed sightings of
“Travels to Lichtenstein” (play)
twins, genetic interest in
Verbum Compositum (essay)
and the war (combat)
women, experiments on
Mengele, Karl
Mengele, Karl Heinz
Mengele, Karl, Jr.
Mengele, Martha
Mengele, Monika
Mengele, Rolf
and his father’s character and views
first meeting with his father
learns about his father
meetings with his father in South America
public statement on his father
settling his father’s affairs
Mengele, Ruth
Mengele, Ute
Mengele, Walburga
Menninger Foundation
Messina, Jorge
Michel, Ernest
Miller, Albert and Mrs.
Miltos, Luis Martínez
Mollinson, T.
Montonaro, Sabino
Moon, Sun Myung
Morgado, Hector Rodriguez
Moskowitz, Elizabeth and Perla
Mossad, the
search for Mengele
Müller-Hill, Benno
Müller, Robert
Münch, Hans
Murderers Among Us, The (Wiesenthal)
Murdoch, Rupert
Mussolini, Benito
Nasser, Gamal Abdel
National Institute of Aeronautics (Argentina)
National Security Agency
Nazis and Nazi Collaborators Law of 1950 (Israel)
Nepote, Jean
Neto, Amoroso
New York Post
New York Herald Tribune (Paris)
Niebuhr, Ernesto
Niemayer and Sons
970th detachment, Counter Intelligence Corps
Nissim, Moshe
North King (ship)
“Nuckert, Rolf”
Nueva Bavaria
Nuremberg military tribunal
Nuremberg Race Law
Nuremberg trials
for medical crimes
Nyiszli, Miklos
Oberheuser, Herta
Office of Special Investigations (OSI), Justice Department
Oliveira, Elsa de
Oliveira, Enercio de
Operation Eichmann (see Eichmann, Adolf)
Operation Mengele (see Mossad: search for Mengele)
Orbello, William
Ordine Nuovo
Orlando, Gaetano
OSI (see Office of Special Investigations)
Ovid: Epistulae ex Ponto; Tristia
character of the country
Nazi sentiment in
search for Mengele in
(See also Mengele, Josef: Paraguay)
Paralta, Aldofino
Paris Match
Pastor, Raul Sapena
Patir, Dan
Peace Corps
Penjerek, Merta
Penn, David Livingstone
Perez Dominguez, Antonio
Perl, Gisella
Perón, Eva
Perón, Juan Domingo
Mengele sought in
Pet’ko, Annani Silovich
Pineyro, Carlos
Pinochet, Augusto
Pokorny, Adolf
Polish Supreme National Tribunal
Polish War Crimes Commission
Posner, Gerald
Puccini, Giacomo
Puzyna, Martina
Raeynarts, Armondo
Rattan, Kim
Rauff, Walter
Reich Central Security Office
Reich Main Security Office
Reichenberg, Ephraim
Reichsbrief, Der (Brazil)
Renno, Dr.
Rhode, Werner
Ribbentrop, Joachim von
Ricciardi, Vincente
Roder, Manfred
Rodrigues, Luis
Rogner, Adolf
Rojas, Isaac
Rommel, Erwin
Roosevelt, Franklin D.
Rosenheimer Anzeiger
Rossi, Luis Banchero
Rudel, Hans Ulrich
Rudin, Ernst
Russek, Menachem
Ryan, Allan
Sanabria, Caesar Augusto
Sandford, Jerry
Santana, Arnaldo
Santos, Jaime de
Sapena Pastor, Raul
Sassen, Willem Antonius Maria
Schacht, Hjalmar
Schattmann, Werner
Schmidt, Francisco
Schneider, Judge
Schoenbein, Irene (see Mengele, Irene Schoenbein)
Schowingen, Freiherr von
Schubius, Werner
“Schuller, Solomon”
Schumacher, Yosselle
Schumann, Horst
Schwarz, Richard
Schweigert, Hermann
Schwend, Frederick
“Search for Vengeance, The” (TV)
Sedlmeier, Hans
channel for Mengele’s letters
house searched
Sedlmeier, Renate
Senadom, Alfred
Sessareyo de Smith, Eugenia
Sher, Neal
Shielanski, Dor
Shtarkes, Nahum
Shultz, George
Siloto, José Osmar
Simon Wiesenthal Center
Siri, Nicholas
Sirota, Graciella
Six Day War
Sixty Minutes
Slotkin, Irene and René
Smith, William French
Smithsonian Institution
Snow, Clyde Collins
Somoza, Anastasio
Sonnenberg, Detlev
Sosna, Peter
Souza, Francisco de
Speer, Albert
Spiegel, Der
Spinne, Die
Stahlhelm organization
Stalin, Josef
Stammer, Geza
Stammer, Gitta
Stammer, Miki
Stammer, Roberto
Staudt, Ricardo
Steinacker, Fritz
Steiner, Adolf
Steiner, Franz
Stenzburg, Saul
Sterilization experiments, research and policy
Stern magazine
Stone, Norman
Strauss, Johann
Strickner, Jakob
Stroessner, Alfredo
Stroher, José
Supreme National Tribunal, Kraków (see Polish Supreme National Tribunal)
Tauber, Sonia
Taylor, Telford
Thilo, Doctor
Third Reich Institute for Heredity, Biology and Racial Purity
Thoms, Albert
Thursby, Geoffrey
Time magazine
Timmermann, Ernesto
Tito, Marshal
Trevor-Roper, Hugh
Trott, Stephen
Truppel, Heinz
Tuma, Romeu
Twins, genetic research on (See also Mengele, Josef: twins)
Ulmann, Fritz
UN Security Council
United Nations War Crimes Commission
U.S. Judge Advocate General’s Office
U.S. Marshal’s Service
Varon, Benjamin Weiser
Vega, Ezequiel Niceto
Verdi, Giuseppe
Verschuer, Otmar Freiherr von
Vessey Camben, Juan
Viera de Castro, Maria
Vilka Carranza, Juan
Wagner, Gustav
Wagner, Richard
War Crimes Branch, Civil Affairs Division, Washington
Ware, John
Warren Commission
Washington Times
Welt, Die
West German Prosecutor’s Office
White, Peter
Wiedwald, Erich Karl
Wiesenthal, Simon
Wiesenthal Center
Wirths, Eduard
Wladeger, Anton and Edeltraud
Wollman, Henrique
World in Action (TV), special program on Mengele
World Health Organization
World Jewish Congress
“Worthless life” concept
Ynsfran, Edgar
Zamir, Zvi
Zinn, August