Books are always a bit of an adventure, and I would like to thank the following people for reading this: Zoe Johnson, D Franklin, Likhain, Lynn E. O’Connacht, Alicia Fourie, Yan Baltazar, Juliet Kemp, and Fran Wilde. I would also like to thank my friends for their never-ending support during the writing and publishing of this: Samit Basu, Elizabeth Bear and Scott Lynch, Liz Bourke, Stephanie Burgis, Zen Cho, Vida Cruz, Kate Elliott, Stella Evans, Stevie Finegan, Alessa Hinlo, Inkantadora, Inksea, Vic James, Ghislaine Lai, Hana Lee, Ken Liu, Likhain and her partner, Rachel Monte, Laura J Mixon, Sarah Mueller, Emma Newman, Jeannette Ng, Natasha Ngan and Fab, Nina Niskanen, Nene Ornes, Sheila Perry, Victor R Fernando Ocampo, Cindy Pon, Gareth L Powell, Justina Robson, Tricia Sullivan and Tade Thompson.
Many thanks to Patrick Disselhorst, Lisa Rodgers and Joshua Bilmes for putting this book together; to Ravven for the cover art; to Juliet Kemp for the proofreading; and to John Berlyne for coordinating everything.
And finally, to my family, my parents and my sister and my children: thank you for being my rock.