

I’m talking to you, Pat Edgar and the ladies of First United Church of Christ in Sugarcreek, Ohio. You women don’t know this, but if it weren’t for you, it’s doubtful this book would have ever come about. Years ago you invited me and Jennifer Davis, the founder of Beaded Hope, to come talk to your group about the nonprofit and my novel Beaded Hope. We also got to be a part of your church’s Christmas sale that December, organized to benefit others. And the fact is, at the end of our time that weekend, neither Jennifer nor I wanted to leave. You made us feel that welcome, warmed by your hospitality and instant friendship —enchanted by you and your town. As we reluctantly got into our car to head back to Cincinnati, I mentioned to Jennifer that I wanted to write a book set in Sugarcreek someday just so I could come back to visit you again. Well, here that book is. In the meantime, over the years you have continued to inspire me with news of the countless charitable things you ladies bond together to do for your town and even abroad. I feel privileged to have met you, and I really do hope to see you again very soon!

I not only want to thank the ladies of Sugarcreek and the charming town itself for inspiring The Sisters of Sugarcreek, but I’m also most grateful to the group of people who have brought this book to life. Thank you, Karen Solem, for being the best kind of agent for me —for always believing but never posturing; for always being honest but also incredibly encouraging. My only wish is that you lived closer so we could do more girl-days-out at the art museum (or any other place in town you’d like to visit!).

Once again, I feel so blessed to have the good fortune to work with the special people at Tyndale House Publishers. Jan Stob, a very heartfelt thank-you to you for giving this book a chance and for your insights and kind support as it took its time falling into place. Sarah Rische, how I appreciate your eagle eye, your sense of timing, and your ideas on deepening characters! It has been such a great pleasure to work with you; thank you so much. Thank you, too, to Kathy Olson and Shaina Turner for your time and input. And to all the others at Tyndale whose names I don’t know but who have made huge contributions to this book in the areas of art design, copyediting, marketing, and sales —I appreciate your efforts very much.

I also want to thank my real-life sisters (and brother), my extended-family sisters, my writing sisters, my sisters at work, my ladies’ Bible study sisters, and my sisterhood of friends for encouraging me and helping me through this writing process —and even more importantly through life. I shy away from listing all of your names for fear this will get far too long.

But as I type this, please know I smile (hugely!) as each of your faces cross my mind and sweet thoughts of you bless my heart.

To my children, Kelly, Michael, and now son-in-law Matt, you are the absolute joys of my life, and I love watching you strive toward your dreams. It amuses me, too, how the tides have turned. Whenever I’m writing, you’re the ones asking me if I’ve gotten my work done yet! Thanks, guys, for keeping me on track.

Mark, if there was ever a reason to believe in God’s timing, you are certainly it. After all the decades together, I never stop being grateful for the day He brought you into my heart to walk beside me all these years. That was the very luckiest day of this girl’s life!

And finally, dear Father in heaven, I praise You and thank You from the depths of my heart for all the dear and special people I’ve mentioned here. I am also humbly grateful for the glorious, ever-constant gifts of Your greatness, Your grace, Your caring, and Your love, which hard as I try, I can never quite put into words.