I hope you enjoyed reading Candy and Jameson’s story as much as I enjoyed writing it. Their’s was a roller coaster ride but then they were always my favorites. If you did like it, can I ask you a favor? Please review it. A few stars and a couple of words could mean the difference between someone finding a book they love and them never finding it at all.
So about half way through the first scene with Axel I knew he had a story. You had to know that charmer was due for his own special kind of torture. Ooh he’s gonna be in so much trouble while he is on R&R. That book will give a peek into what Candy and Jameson’s happily ever after looks like too. I’m thinking the next one is called Protective Urge. What do you think? You can find out when it, and the rest of my books are coming out if you sign up for my newsletter. There is a free book or two from my Lovers and Other Strangers Series if you do. You can sign up at www.lcgiroux.com